import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1 Item { id: codeEditorView property string currentDocumentId: "" signal documentEdit(string documentId) signal breakpointsChanged(string documentId) signal isCleanChanged(var isClean, string documentId) function getDocumentText(documentId) { for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) { if (editorListModel.get(i).documentId === documentId) { return editors.itemAt(i).item.getText(); } } return ""; } function isDocumentOpen(documentId) { for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) if (editorListModel.get(i).documentId === documentId && editors.itemAt(i).item) return true; return false; } function openDocument(document) { loadDocument(document); currentDocumentId = document.documentId; } function loadDocument(document) { for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) if (editorListModel.get(i).documentId === document.documentId) return; //already open editorListModel.append(document); } function doLoadDocument(editor, document) { var data = fileIo.readFile(document.path); editor.onEditorTextChanged.connect(function() { documentEdit(document.documentId); if (document.isContract) codeModel.registerCodeChange(document.documentId, editor.getText()); }); editor.onBreakpointsChanged.connect(function() { if (document.isContract) breakpointsChanged(document.documentId); }); editor.setText(data, document.syntaxMode); editor.onIsCleanChanged.connect(function() { isCleanChanged(editor.isClean, document.documentId); }); } function getEditor(documentId) { for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) { if (editorListModel.get(i).documentId === documentId) return editors.itemAt(i).item; } return null; } function highlightExecution(documentId, location) { var editor = getEditor(documentId); if (editor) { if (documentId !== location.sourceName) findAndHightlight(location.start, location.end, location.sourceName) else editor.highlightExecution(location); } } // Execution is not in the current document. Try: // Open targeted document and hightlight (TODO) or // Warn user that file is not available function findAndHightlight(start, end, sourceName) { var editor = getEditor(currentDocumentId); if (editor) editor.showWarning(qsTr("Currently debugging in " + sourceName + ". Source not available.")); } function editingContract() { for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) if (editorListModel.get(i).documentId === currentDocumentId) return editorListModel.get(i).isContract; return false; } function getBreakpoints() { var bpMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) { var documentId = editorListModel.get(i).documentId; var editor = editors.itemAt(i).item; if (editor) { bpMap[documentId] = editor.getBreakpoints(); } } return bpMap; } function toggleBreakpoint() { var editor = getEditor(currentDocumentId); if (editor) editor.toggleBreakpoint(); } function resetEditStatus(docId) { var editor = getEditor(docId); if (editor) editor.changeGeneration(); } Component.onCompleted: projectModel.codeEditor = codeEditorView; Connections { target: projectModel onDocumentOpened: { openDocument(document); } onProjectSaving: { for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) { var doc = editorListModel.get(i); var editor = editors.itemAt(i).item; if (editor) fileIo.writeFile(doc.path, editor.getText()); } } onProjectSaved: { if (projectModel.appIsClosing) return; for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) { var doc = editorListModel.get(i); resetEditStatus(doc.documentId); } } onProjectClosed: { for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) editors.itemAt(i).visible = false; editorListModel.clear(); currentDocumentId = ""; } onDocumentSaved: { resetEditStatus(documentId); } onContractSaved: { resetEditStatus(documentId); } onDocumentSaving: { for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) { var doc = editorListModel.get(i); if (doc.path === document.path) { fileIo.writeFile(document.path, editors.itemAt(i).item.getText()); break; } } } } MessageDialog { id: messageDialog title: qsTr("File Changed") text: qsTr("This file has been changed outside of the editor. Do you want to reload it?") standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No property variant item property variant doc onYes: { doLoadDocument(item, doc); resetEditStatus(doc.documentId); } } Repeater { id: editors model: editorListModel delegate: Loader { id: loader active: false asynchronous: true anchors.fill: parent source: "CodeEditor.qml" visible: (index >= 0 && index < editorListModel.count && currentDocumentId === editorListModel.get(index).documentId) property bool changed: false onVisibleChanged: { loadIfNotLoaded() if (visible && item) { loader.item.setFocus(); if (changed) { changed = false; messageDialog.item = loader.item; messageDialog.doc = editorListModel.get(index);; } } } Component.onCompleted: { loadIfNotLoaded() } onLoaded: { doLoadDocument(loader.item, editorListModel.get(index)) } Connections { target: projectModel onDocumentChanged: { if (!item) return; var current = editorListModel.get(index); if (documentId === current.documentId) { if (currentDocumentId === current.documentId) { messageDialog.item = loader.item; messageDialog.doc = editorListModel.get(index);; } else changed = true } } onDocumentUpdated: { var document = projectModel.getDocument(documentId); for (var i = 0; i < editorListModel.count; i++) if (editorListModel.get(i).documentId === documentId) { editorListModel.set(i, document); break; } } } function loadIfNotLoaded () { if (visible && !active) { active = true; } } } } ListModel { id: editorListModel } }