#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QEthereum.h" using namespace std; // types using eth::bytes; using eth::bytesConstRef; using eth::h160; using eth::h256; using eth::u160; using eth::u256; using eth::u256s; using eth::Address; using eth::BlockInfo; using eth::Client; using eth::Instruction; using eth::KeyPair; using eth::NodeMode; using eth::PeerInfo; using eth::RLP; using eth::Secret; using eth::Transaction; // functions using eth::toHex; using eth::disassemble; using eth::formatBalance; using eth::fromHex; using eth::right160; using eth::simpleDebugOut; using eth::toLog2; using eth::toString; using eth::units; // vars using eth::g_logPost; using eth::g_logVerbosity; using eth::c_instructionInfo; eth::bytes toBytes(QString const& _s) { if (_s.startsWith("0x")) // Hex return eth::fromHex(_s.mid(2).toStdString()); else if (!_s.contains(QRegExp("[^0-9]"))) // Decimal return eth::toCompactBigEndian(eth::bigint(_s.toStdString())); else // Binary return asBytes(_s); } QString padded(QString const& _s, unsigned _l, unsigned _r) { eth::bytes b = toBytes(_s); while (b.size() < _l) b.insert(b.begin(), 0); while (b.size() < _r) b.push_back(0); return asQString(eth::asBytes(eth::asString(b).substr(b.size() - max(_l, _r)))); } //"0xff".bin().unbin() QString padded(QString const& _s, unsigned _l) { if (_s.startsWith("0x") || !_s.contains(QRegExp("[^0-9]"))) // Numeric: pad to right return padded(_s, _l, _l); else // Text: pad to the left return padded(_s, 0, _l); } QString unpadded(QString _s) { while (_s.size() && _s.endsWith(QChar(0))) _s.chop(1); return _s; } QEthereum::QEthereum(QObject* _p, Client* _c, QList _accounts): QObject(_p), m_client(_c), m_accounts(_accounts) { // required to prevent crash on osx when performing addto/evaluatejavascript calls moveToThread(_p->thread()); } QEthereum::~QEthereum() { clearWatches(); } void QEthereum::clientDieing() { clearWatches(); m_client = nullptr; } void QEthereum::clearWatches() { if (m_client) for (auto i: m_watches) m_client->uninstallWatch(i); m_watches.clear(); } QString QEthereum::secretToAddress(QString _s) const { return toQJS(KeyPair(toSecret(_s)).address()); } Client* QEthereum::client() const { return m_client; } QString QEthereum::lll(QString _s) const { return asQString(eth::compileLLL(_s.toStdString())); } QString QEthereum::sha3(QString _s) const { return toQJS(eth::sha3(asBytes(_s))); } QString QEthereum::coinbase() const { return m_client ? toQJS(client()->address()) : ""; } QString QEthereum::number() const { return m_client ? QString::number(client()->blockChain().number() + 1) : ""; } QString QEthereum::account() const { if (m_accounts.empty()) return toQJS(Address()); return toQJS(m_accounts[0].address()); } QStringList QEthereum::accounts() const { QStringList ret; for (auto i: m_accounts) ret.push_back(toQJS(i.address())); return ret; } QString QEthereum::key() const { if (m_accounts.empty()) return toQJS(KeyPair().sec()); return toQJS(m_accounts[0].sec()); } QStringList QEthereum::keys() const { QStringList ret; for (auto i: m_accounts) ret.push_back(toQJS(i.sec())); return ret; } void QEthereum::setCoinbase(QString _a) { if (m_client && client()->address() != toAddress(_a)) { client()->setAddress(toAddress(_a)); coinbaseChanged(); } } void QEthereum::setDefault(int _block) { if (m_client) m_client->setDefault(_block); } int QEthereum::getDefault() const { return m_client ? m_client->getDefault() : 0; } QString QEthereum::balanceAt(QString _a) const { return m_client ? toQJS(client()->balanceAt(toAddress(_a))) : ""; } QString QEthereum::balanceAt(QString _a, int _block) const { return m_client ? toQJS(client()->balanceAt(toAddress(_a), _block)) : ""; } QString QEthereum::stateAt(QString _a, QString _p) const { return m_client ? toQJS(client()->stateAt(toAddress(_a), toU256(_p))) : ""; } QString QEthereum::stateAt(QString _a, QString _p, int _block) const { return m_client ? toQJS(client()->stateAt(toAddress(_a), toU256(_p), _block)) : ""; } QString QEthereum::codeAt(QString _a) const { return m_client ? ::fromBinary(client()->codeAt(toAddress(_a))) : ""; } QString QEthereum::codeAt(QString _a, int _block) const { return m_client ? ::fromBinary(client()->codeAt(toAddress(_a), _block)) : ""; } double QEthereum::countAt(QString _a) const { return m_client ? (double)(uint64_t)client()->countAt(toAddress(_a)) : 0; } double QEthereum::countAt(QString _a, int _block) const { return m_client ? (double)(uint64_t)client()->countAt(toAddress(_a), _block) : 0; } static eth::MessageFilter toMessageFilter(QString _json) { eth::MessageFilter filter; QJsonObject f = QJsonDocument::fromJson(_json.toUtf8()).object(); if (f.contains("earliest")) filter.withEarliest(f["earliest"].toInt()); if (f.contains("latest")) filter.withLatest(f["latest"].toInt()); if (f.contains("max")) filter.withMax(f["max"].toInt()); if (f.contains("skip")) filter.withSkip(f["skip"].toInt()); if (f.contains("from")) { if (f["from"].isArray()) for (auto i: f["from"].toArray()) filter.from(toAddress(i.toString())); else filter.from(toAddress(f["from"].toString())); } if (f.contains("to")) { if (f["to"].isArray()) for (auto i: f["to"].toArray()) filter.to(toAddress(i.toString())); else filter.to(toAddress(f["to"].toString())); } if (f.contains("altered")) { if (f["altered"].isArray()) for (auto i: f["altered"].toArray()) if (i.isObject()) filter.altered(toAddress(i.toObject()["id"].toString()), toU256(i.toObject()["at"].toString())); else filter.altered(toAddress(i.toString())); else if (f["altered"].isObject()) filter.altered(toAddress(f["altered"].toObject()["id"].toString()), toU256(f["altered"].toObject()["at"].toString())); else filter.altered(toAddress(f["altered"].toString())); } return filter; } static QString toJson(eth::PastMessages const& _pms) { QJsonArray jsonArray; for (eth::PastMessage const& t: _pms) { QJsonObject v; v["input"] = ::fromBinary(t.input); v["output"] = ::fromBinary(t.output); v["to"] = toQJS(t.to); v["from"] = toQJS(t.from); v["origin"] = toQJS(t.origin); v["timestamp"] = (int)t.timestamp; v["coinbase"] = toQJS(t.coinbase); v["block"] = toQJS(t.block); QJsonArray path; for (int i: t.path) path.append(i); v["path"] = path; v["number"] = (int)t.number; jsonArray.append(v); } return QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument(jsonArray).toJson()); } QString QEthereum::getMessages(QString _json) const { return m_client ? toJson(m_client->messages(toMessageFilter(_json))) : ""; } bool QEthereum::isMining() const { return m_client ? client()->isMining() : false; } bool QEthereum::isListening() const { return m_client ? client()->haveNetwork() : false; } void QEthereum::setMining(bool _l) { if (m_client) { if (_l) client()->startMining(); else client()->stopMining(); } } void QEthereum::setListening(bool _l) { if (!m_client) return; if (_l) client()->startNetwork(); else client()->stopNetwork(); } unsigned QEthereum::peerCount() const { return m_client ? (unsigned)client()->peerCount() : 0; } QString QEthereum::doCreate(QString _secret, QString _amount, QString _init, QString _gas, QString _gasPrice) { if (!m_client) return ""; auto ret = toQJS(client()->transact(toSecret(_secret), toU256(_amount), toBytes(_init), toU256(_gas), toU256(_gasPrice))); client()->flushTransactions(); return ret; } void QEthereum::doTransact(QString _secret, QString _amount, QString _dest, QString _data, QString _gas, QString _gasPrice) { if (!m_client) return; client()->transact(toSecret(_secret), toU256(_amount), toAddress(_dest), toBytes(_data), toU256(_gas), toU256(_gasPrice)); client()->flushTransactions(); } unsigned QEthereum::newWatch(QString _json) { if (!m_client) return (unsigned)-1; unsigned ret; if (_json == "chainChanged") ret = m_client->installWatch(eth::ChainChangedFilter); else if (_json == "pendingChanged") ret = m_client->installWatch(eth::PendingChangedFilter); else ret = m_client->installWatch(toMessageFilter(_json)); m_watches.push_back(ret); return ret; } QString QEthereum::watchMessages(unsigned _w) { if (!m_client) return ""; return toJson(m_client->messages(_w)); } void QEthereum::killWatch(unsigned _w) { if (!m_client) return; m_client->uninstallWatch(_w); std::remove(m_watches.begin(), m_watches.end(), _w); } void QEthereum::poll() { if (!m_client) return; for (auto w: m_watches) if (m_client->checkWatch(w)) emit watchChanged(w); } // extra bits needed to link on VS #ifdef _MSC_VER // include moc file, ofuscated to hide from automoc #include\ "moc_QEthereum.cpp" #endif