/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file EthereumPeer.cpp * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com> * @date 2014 */ #include "EthereumPeer.h" #include <chrono> #include <libdevcore/Common.h> #include <libethcore/Exceptions.h> #include <libp2p/Session.h> #include <libp2p/Host.h> #include "BlockChain.h" #include "EthereumHost.h" #include "TransactionQueue.h" #include "BlockQueue.h" #include "BlockChainSync.h" using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; using namespace p2p; string toString(Asking _a) { switch (_a) { case Asking::Blocks: return "Blocks"; case Asking::Hashes: return "Hashes"; case Asking::Nothing: return "Nothing"; case Asking::State: return "State"; } return "?"; } EthereumPeer::EthereumPeer(std::shared_ptr<Session> _s, HostCapabilityFace* _h, unsigned _i, CapDesc const& _cap): Capability(_s, _h, _i), m_sub(host()->downloadMan()), m_peerCapabilityVersion(_cap.second) { session()->addNote("manners", isRude() ? "RUDE" : "nice"); m_syncHashNumber = host()->chain().number() + 1; requestStatus(); } EthereumPeer::~EthereumPeer() { if (m_asking != Asking::Nothing) { cnote << "Peer aborting while being asked for " << ::toString(m_asking); setRude(); } abortSync(); } bool EthereumPeer::isRude() const { auto s = session(); if (s) return repMan().isRude(*s, name()); return false; } unsigned EthereumPeer::askOverride() const { std::string static const badGeth = "Geth/v0.9.27"; auto s = session(); if (!s) return c_maxBlocksAsk; if (s->info().clientVersion.substr(0, badGeth.size()) == badGeth) return 1; bytes const& d = repMan().data(*s, name()); return d.empty() ? c_maxBlocksAsk : RLP(d).toInt<unsigned>(RLP::LaissezFaire); } void EthereumPeer::setRude() { auto s = session(); if (!s) return; auto old = askOverride(); repMan().setData(*s, name(), rlp(askOverride() / 2 + 1)); cnote << "Rude behaviour; askOverride now" << askOverride() << ", was" << old; repMan().noteRude(*s, name()); session()->addNote("manners", "RUDE"); } void EthereumPeer::abortSync() { host()->onPeerAborting(); } EthereumHost* EthereumPeer::host() const { return static_cast<EthereumHost*>(Capability::hostCapability()); } /* * Possible asking/syncing states for two peers: */ void EthereumPeer::setIdle() { setAsking(Asking::Nothing); } void EthereumPeer::requestStatus() { assert(m_asking == Asking::Nothing); setAsking(Asking::State); m_requireTransactions = true; RLPStream s; bool latest = m_peerCapabilityVersion == host()->protocolVersion(); prep(s, StatusPacket, 5) << (latest ? host()->protocolVersion() : EthereumHost::c_oldProtocolVersion) << host()->networkId() << host()->chain().details().totalDifficulty << host()->chain().currentHash() << host()->chain().genesisHash(); sealAndSend(s); } void EthereumPeer::requestHashes(u256 _number, unsigned _count) { assert(m_asking == Asking::Nothing); assert(m_protocolVersion == host()->protocolVersion()); m_syncHashNumber = _number; m_syncHash = h256(); setAsking(Asking::Hashes); RLPStream s; prep(s, GetBlockHashesByNumberPacket, 2) << m_syncHashNumber << _count; clog(NetMessageDetail) << "Requesting block hashes for numbers " << m_syncHashNumber << "-" << m_syncHashNumber + c_maxHashesAsk - 1; sealAndSend(s); } void EthereumPeer::requestHashes(h256 const& _lastHash) { if (m_asking != Asking::Nothing) clog(NetWarn) << "Asking hashes while requesting " << (m_asking == Asking::Nothing ? "nothing" : m_asking == Asking::State ? "state" : m_asking == Asking::Hashes ? "hashes" : m_asking == Asking::Blocks ? "blocks" : "?"); assert(m_asking == Asking::Nothing); setAsking(Asking::Hashes); RLPStream s; prep(s, GetBlockHashesPacket, 2) << _lastHash << c_maxHashesAsk; clog(NetMessageDetail) << "Requesting block hashes staring from " << _lastHash; m_syncHash = _lastHash; m_syncHashNumber = 0; sealAndSend(s); } void EthereumPeer::requestBlocks(h256s const& _blocks) { setAsking(Asking::Blocks); if (_blocks.size()) { RLPStream s; prep(s, GetBlocksPacket, _blocks.size()); for (auto const& i: _blocks) s << i; sealAndSend(s); } else setIdle(); } void EthereumPeer::requestBlocks() { setAsking(Asking::Blocks); auto blocks = m_sub.nextFetch(askOverride()); if (blocks.size()) { RLPStream s; prep(s, GetBlocksPacket, blocks.size()); for (auto const& i: blocks) s << i; sealAndSend(s); } else setIdle(); } void EthereumPeer::setAsking(Asking _a) { m_asking = _a; m_lastAsk = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(chrono::system_clock::now()); auto s = session(); if (s) { s->addNote("ask", _a == Asking::Nothing ? "nothing" : _a == Asking::State ? "state" : _a == Asking::Hashes ? "hashes" : _a == Asking::Blocks ? "blocks" : "?"); s->addNote("sync", string(isCriticalSyncing() ? "ONGOING" : "holding") + (needsSyncing() ? " & needed" : "")); } } void EthereumPeer::tick() { auto s = session(); time_t now = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(chrono::system_clock::now()); if (s && (now - m_lastAsk > 10 && m_asking != Asking::Nothing)) // timeout s->disconnect(PingTimeout); } bool EthereumPeer::isConversing() const { return m_asking != Asking::Nothing; } bool EthereumPeer::isCriticalSyncing() const { return m_asking == Asking::Hashes || m_asking == Asking::State || (m_asking == Asking::Blocks && m_protocolVersion == 60); } bool EthereumPeer::interpret(unsigned _id, RLP const& _r) { m_lastAsk = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(chrono::system_clock::now()); try { switch (_id) { case StatusPacket: { m_protocolVersion = _r[0].toInt<unsigned>(); m_networkId = _r[1].toInt<u256>(); m_totalDifficulty = _r[2].toInt<u256>(); m_latestHash = _r[3].toHash<h256>(); m_genesisHash = _r[4].toHash<h256>(); if (m_peerCapabilityVersion == host()->protocolVersion()) m_protocolVersion = host()->protocolVersion(); clog(NetMessageSummary) << "Status:" << m_protocolVersion << "/" << m_networkId << "/" << m_genesisHash << ", TD:" << m_totalDifficulty << "=" << m_latestHash; setIdle(); host()->onPeerStatus(dynamic_pointer_cast<EthereumPeer>(dynamic_pointer_cast<EthereumPeer>(shared_from_this()))); break; } case TransactionsPacket: { host()->onPeerTransactions(dynamic_pointer_cast<EthereumPeer>(dynamic_pointer_cast<EthereumPeer>(shared_from_this())), _r); break; } case GetBlockHashesPacket: { h256 later = _r[0].toHash<h256>(); unsigned limit = _r[1].toInt<unsigned>(); clog(NetMessageSummary) << "GetBlockHashes (" << limit << "entries," << later << ")"; unsigned c = min<unsigned>(host()->chain().number(later), limit); RLPStream s; prep(s, BlockHashesPacket, c); h256 p = host()->chain().details(later).parent; for (unsigned i = 0; i < c && p; ++i, p = host()->chain().details(p).parent) s << p; sealAndSend(s); addRating(0); break; } case GetBlockHashesByNumberPacket: { u256 number256 = _r[0].toInt<u256>(); unsigned number = (unsigned) number256; unsigned limit = _r[1].toInt<unsigned>(); clog(NetMessageSummary) << "GetBlockHashesByNumber (" << number << "-" << number + limit - 1 << ")"; RLPStream s; if (number <= host()->chain().number()) { unsigned c = min<unsigned>(host()->chain().number() - number + 1, limit); prep(s, BlockHashesPacket, c); for (unsigned n = number; n < number + c; n++) { h256 p = host()->chain().numberHash(n); s << p; } } else prep(s, BlockHashesPacket, 0); sealAndSend(s); addRating(0); break; } case BlockHashesPacket: { unsigned itemCount = _r.itemCount(); clog(NetMessageSummary) << "BlockHashes (" << dec << itemCount << "entries)" << (itemCount ? "" : ": NoMoreHashes"); if (m_asking != Asking::Hashes) { clog(NetWarn) << "Peer giving us hashes when we didn't ask for them."; break; } setIdle(); h256s hashes(itemCount); for (unsigned i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) hashes[i] = _r[i].toHash<h256>(); host()->onPeerHashes(dynamic_pointer_cast<EthereumPeer>(shared_from_this()), hashes); break; } case GetBlocksPacket: { unsigned count = _r.itemCount(); clog(NetMessageSummary) << "GetBlocks (" << dec << count << "entries)"; if (!count) { clog(NetImpolite) << "Zero-entry GetBlocks: Not replying."; addRating(-10); break; } // return the requested blocks. bytes rlp; unsigned n = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < min(count, c_maxBlocks) && rlp.size() < c_maxPayload; ++i) { auto h = _r[i].toHash<h256>(); if (host()->chain().isKnown(h)) { rlp += host()->chain().block(_r[i].toHash<h256>()); ++n; } } if (count > 20 && n == 0) clog(NetWarn) << "all" << count << "unknown blocks requested; peer on different chain?"; else clog(NetMessageSummary) << n << "blocks known and returned;" << (min(count, c_maxBlocks) - n) << "blocks unknown;" << (count > c_maxBlocks ? count - c_maxBlocks : 0) << "blocks ignored"; addRating(0); RLPStream s; prep(s, BlocksPacket, n).appendRaw(rlp, n); sealAndSend(s); break; } case BlocksPacket: { if (m_asking != Asking::Blocks) clog(NetImpolite) << "Peer giving us blocks when we didn't ask for them."; else { setIdle(); host()->onPeerBlocks(dynamic_pointer_cast<EthereumPeer>(shared_from_this()), _r); } break; } case NewBlockPacket: { host()->onPeerNewBlock(dynamic_pointer_cast<EthereumPeer>(shared_from_this()), _r); break; } case NewBlockHashesPacket: { unsigned itemCount = _r.itemCount(); clog(NetMessageSummary) << "BlockHashes (" << dec << itemCount << "entries)" << (itemCount ? "" : ": NoMoreHashes"); h256s hashes(itemCount); for (unsigned i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) hashes[i] = _r[i].toHash<h256>(); host()->onPeerNewHashes(dynamic_pointer_cast<EthereumPeer>(shared_from_this()), hashes); break; } default: return false; } } catch (Exception const&) { clog(NetWarn) << "Peer causing an Exception:" << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() << _r; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { clog(NetWarn) << "Peer causing an exception:" << _e.what() << _r; } return true; }