This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see .
/** @file MainWin.h
* @author Gav Wood
* @date 2014
#pragma once
namespace Ui {
class Main;
namespace eth {
class Client;
class State;
class QQuickView;
struct WorldState
eth::u256 curPC;
eth::u256 gas;
eth::u256s stack;
eth::bytes memory;
std::map storage;
class Main : public QMainWindow
explicit Main(QWidget *parent = 0);
eth::Client* client() { return m_client.get(); }
QList const& owned() const { return m_myKeys; }
public slots:
void load(QString _file);
void note(QString _entry);
void debug(QString _entry);
void warn(QString _entry);
private slots:
void eval(QString const& _js);
void on_connect_triggered();
void on_mine_triggered();
void on_send_clicked();
void on_create_triggered();
void on_net_triggered();
void on_verbosity_valueChanged();
void on_ourAccounts_doubleClicked();
void ourAccountsRowsMoved();
void on_accounts_doubleClicked();
void on_destination_currentTextChanged();
void on_data_textChanged();
void on_idealPeers_valueChanged();
void on_value_valueChanged() { updateFee(); }
void on_gas_valueChanged() { updateFee(); }
void on_valueUnits_currentIndexChanged() { updateFee(); }
void on_gasPriceUnits_currentIndexChanged() { updateFee(); }
void on_gasPrice_valueChanged() { updateFee(); }
void on_log_doubleClicked();
void on_blocks_currentItemChanged();
void on_contracts_doubleClicked();
void on_contracts_currentItemChanged();
void on_transactionQueue_currentItemChanged();
void on_about_triggered();
void on_paranoia_triggered();
void on_nameReg_textChanged();
void on_preview_triggered() { refresh(true); }
void on_quit_triggered() { close(); }
void on_urlEdit_returnPressed();
void on_debugStep_triggered();
void on_debug_clicked();
void on_debugTimeline_valueChanged();
void on_jsInput_returnPressed();
void on_killBlockchain_triggered();
void on_importKey_triggered();
void on_exportKey_triggered();
void on_inject_triggered();
void on_showAll_triggered() { refresh(true); }
void on_showAllAccounts_triggered() { refresh(true); }
void on_loadJS_triggered();
void on_blockChainFilter_textChanged();
void refresh(bool _override = false);
void refreshNetwork();
void refreshMining();
void refreshBlockChain();
void changed(); // TODO: manifest
void updateBlockCount();
QString pretty(eth::Address _a) const;
void initDebugger();
void updateDebugger();
void debugFinished();
QString render(eth::Address _a) const;
eth::Address fromString(QString const& _a) const;
std::string renderDiff(eth::State const& fs, eth::State const& ts) const;
eth::State const& state() const;
void updateFee();
void readSettings();
void writeSettings();
bool isCreation() const;
eth::u256 fee() const;
eth::u256 total() const;
eth::u256 value() const;
eth::u256 gasPrice() const;
std::unique_ptr ui;
std::unique_ptr m_client;
QByteArray m_peers;
QMutex m_guiLock;
QTimer* m_refresh;
QTimer* m_refreshNetwork;
QTimer* m_refreshMining;
QStringList m_servers;
QList m_myKeys;
bool m_keysChanged = false;
eth::bytes m_data;
eth::Address m_nameReg;
unsigned m_backupGas;
eth::State m_executiveState;
std::unique_ptr m_currentExecution;
QMap m_pcWarp;
QList m_history;
QNetworkAccessManager m_webCtrl;
QList> m_consoleHistory;
QEthereum* m_ethereum;