# Find ethereum # # Find the ethereum includes and library # # This module defines # ETH_CORE_LIBRARIES, the libraries needed to use ethereum. # ETH_FOUND, If false, do not try to use ethereum. # TODO: ETH_INCLUDE_DIRS set(CORE_LIBS web3jsonrpc;webthree;whisper;ethereum;evm;ethcore;lll;p2p;evmasm;devcrypto;evmcore;natspec;devcore;ethash-cl;ethash;secp256k1;scrypt;jsqrc) set(ALL_LIBS ${CORE_LIBS};evmjit;solidity;secp256k1) set(ETH_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ETH_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(ETH_CORE_LIBRARIES ${ETH_LIBRARY}) foreach (l ${ALL_LIBS}) string(TOUPPER ${l} L) find_library(ETH_${L}_LIBRARY NAMES ${l} PATH_SUFFIXES "lib${l}" "${l}" ) endforeach() foreach (l ${CORE_LIBS}) string(TOUPPER ${l} L) list(APPEND ETH_CORE_LIBRARIES ${ETH_${L}_LIBRARY}) endforeach() # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set ETH_FOUND to TRUE # if all listed variables are TRUE, hide their existence from configuration view include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(ethereum DEFAULT_MSG ETH_CORE_LIBRARIES) mark_as_advanced (ETH_CORE_LIBRARIES)