#pragma once

#include "Common.h"
#include "BasicBlock.h"

namespace dev
namespace eth
namespace jit

class Compiler

	struct Options
		/// Optimize stack operations between basic blocks
		bool optimizeStack = true;

		/// Rewrite switch instructions to sequences of branches
		bool rewriteSwitchToBranches = true;

		/// Dump CFG as a .dot file for graphviz
		bool dumpCFG = false;

	using ProgramCounter = uint64_t;

	Compiler(Options const& _options);

	std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> compile(code_iterator _begin, code_iterator _end, std::string const& _id);


	void createBasicBlocks(code_iterator _begin, code_iterator _end);

	void compileBasicBlock(BasicBlock& _basicBlock, class RuntimeManager& _runtimeManager, class Arith256& _arith, class Memory& _memory, class Ext& _ext, class GasMeter& _gasMeter, llvm::BasicBlock* _nextBasicBlock);

	llvm::BasicBlock* getJumpTableBlock(RuntimeManager& _runtimeManager);

	llvm::BasicBlock* getBadJumpBlock(RuntimeManager& _runtimeManager);

	void removeDeadBlocks();

	/// Dumps basic block graph in graphviz format to a file, if option dumpCFG is enabled.
	void dumpCFGifRequired(std::string const& _dotfilePath);

	/// Dumps basic block graph in graphviz format to a stream.
	void dumpCFGtoStream(std::ostream& _out);

	/// Dumps all basic blocks to stderr. Useful in a debugging session.
	void dump();

	/// Compiler options
	Options const& m_options;

	/// Helper class for generating IR
	llvm::IRBuilder<> m_builder;

	/// Maps a program counter pc to a basic block that starts at pc (if any).
	std::map<ProgramCounter, BasicBlock> m_basicBlocks;

	/// Stop basic block - terminates execution with STOP code (0)
	llvm::BasicBlock* m_stopBB = nullptr;

	/// Block with a jump table.
	std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock> m_jumpTableBlock;

	/// Destination for invalid jumps
	std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock> m_badJumpBlock;

	/// Main program function
	llvm::Function* m_mainFunc = nullptr;
