import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.1 import QtQuick.PrivateWidgets 1.1 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 import org.ethereum.qml.QEther 1.0 ApplicationWindow { id: mainApplication visible: true width: 1200 height: 800 minimumWidth: 400 minimumHeight: 300 title: qsTr("Mix") menuBar: MenuBar { Menu { title: qsTr("File") MenuItem { action: createProjectAction } MenuItem { action: openProjectAction } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { action: saveAllFilesAction } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { action: addExistingFileAction } MenuItem { action: addNewJsFileAction } MenuItem { action: addNewHtmlFileAction } MenuItem { action: addNewCssFileAction } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { action: addNewContractAction } MenuItem { action: closeProjectAction } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { action: exitAppAction } } Menu { title: qsTr("Deploy") MenuItem { action: debugRunAction } MenuItem { action: mineAction } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { action: editStatesAction } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { action: deployViaRpcAction } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { action: toggleRunOnLoadAction } } Menu { title: qsTr("Windows") MenuItem { action: openNextDocumentAction } MenuItem { action: openPrevDocumentAction } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { action: toggleProjectNavigatorAction } MenuItem { action: showHideRightPanelAction } MenuItem { action: toggleTransactionLogAction } MenuItem { action: toggleWebPreviewAction } MenuItem { action: toggleWebPreviewOrientationAction } MenuItem { action: toggleCallsInLog } } } MainContent { id: mainContent; anchors.fill: parent } ModalDialog { objectName: "dialog" id: dialog } AlertMessageDialog { objectName: "alertMessageDialog" id: messageDialog } Settings { id: mainWindowSettings property alias mainWidth: mainApplication.width property alias mainHeight: mainApplication.height property alias mainX: mainApplication.x property alias mainY: mainApplication.y } Action { id: exitAppAction text: qsTr("Exit") shortcut: "Ctrl+Q" onTriggered: Qt.quit(); } Action { id: mineAction text: qsTr("Mine") shortcut: "Ctrl+M" onTriggered: clientModel.mine(); enabled: codeModel.hasContract && !clientModel.running &&!clientModel.mining } StateList { id: stateList } Action { id: editStatesAction text: qsTr("Edit States") shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+E" onTriggered:; } Connections { target: projectModel.stateListModel function updateRunLabel() { debugRunAction.text = qsTr("Deploy") + " \"" + projectModel.stateListModel.defaultStateName() + "\""; } onDefaultStateChanged: updateRunLabel() onStateListModelReady: updateRunLabel() } Action { id: debugRunAction text: qsTr("Deploy") shortcut: "F5" onTriggered: mainContent.startQuickDebugging() enabled: codeModel.hasContract && !clientModel.running } Action { id: toggleWebPreviewAction text: qsTr("Show Web View") shortcut: "F2" checkable: true checked: mainContent.webViewVisible onTriggered: mainContent.toggleWebPreview(); } Action { id: toggleTransactionLogAction text: qsTr("Show States and Transactions") shortcut: "Alt+1" checkable: true checked: mainContent.rightPane.transactionLog.visible onTriggered: mainContent.rightPane.transactionLog.visible = !mainContent.rightPane.transactionLog.visible } Action { id: toggleProjectNavigatorAction text: qsTr("Show Project Navigator") shortcut: "Alt+0" checkable: true checked: mainContent.projectViewVisible onTriggered: mainContent.toggleProjectView(); } Action { id: toggleWebPreviewOrientationAction text: qsTr("Horizontal Web View") shortcut: "" checkable: true checked: mainContent.webViewHorizontal onTriggered: mainContent.toggleWebPreviewOrientation(); } Action { id: toggleCallsInLog text: qsTr("Show Calls in Transaction Log") shortcut: "" checkable: true checked: mainContent.rightPane.transactionLog.showLogs onTriggered: mainContent.rightPane.transactionLog.showLogs = !mainContent.rightPane.transactionLog.showLogs } Action { id: toggleRunOnLoadAction text: qsTr("Load State on Startup") shortcut: "" checkable: true checked: mainContent.runOnProjectLoad onTriggered: mainContent.runOnProjectLoad = !mainContent.runOnProjectLoad } Action { id: showHideRightPanelAction text: qsTr("Show Right View") shortcut: "F7" checkable: true checked: mainContent.rightViewVisible onTriggered: mainContent.toggleRightView(); } Action { id: createProjectAction text: qsTr("&New Project") shortcut: "Ctrl+N" enabled: true; onTriggered: projectModel.createProject(); } Action { id: openProjectAction text: qsTr("&Open Project") shortcut: "Ctrl+O" enabled: true; onTriggered: } FileDialog { id: openProjectFileDialog visible: false title: qsTr("Open a Project") selectFolder: true onAccepted: { var path = openProjectFileDialog.fileUrl.toString(); path += "/"; projectModel.loadProject(path); } } Action { id: addNewJsFileAction text: qsTr("New JavaScript File") shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+J" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: projectModel.newJsFile(); } Action { id: addNewHtmlFileAction text: qsTr("New HTML File") shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+H" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: projectModel.newHtmlFile(); } Action { id: addNewCssFileAction text: qsTr("New CSS File") shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+S" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: projectModel.newCssFile(); } Action { id: addNewContractAction text: qsTr("New Contract") shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+C" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: projectModel.newContract(); } Action { id: addExistingFileAction text: qsTr("Add Existing File") shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+A" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: } FileDialog { id: addExistingFileDialog visible: false title: qsTr("Add a File") selectFolder: false onAccepted: { var paths = addExistingFileDialog.fileUrls; projectModel.addExistingFiles(paths); } } Action { id: saveAllFilesAction text: qsTr("Save All") shortcut: "Ctrl+S" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: projectModel.saveAll(); } Action { id: closeProjectAction text: qsTr("Close Project") shortcut: "Ctrl+W" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: projectModel.closeProject(); } Action { id: openNextDocumentAction text: qsTr("Next Document") shortcut: "Ctrl+Tab" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: projectModel.openNextDocument(); } Action { id: openPrevDocumentAction text: qsTr("Previous Document") shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+Tab" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty onTriggered: projectModel.openPrevDocument(); } Action { id: deployViaRpcAction text: qsTr("Deploy to Network") shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+D" enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty && codeModel.hasContract onTriggered: projectModel.deployProject(); } }