#include "Exceptions.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
string dev::memDump(bytes const& _bytes, unsigned _width, bool _html)
stringstream ret;
if (_html)
ret << "";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _bytes.size(); i += _width)
ret << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << i << " ";
for (unsigned j = i; j < i + _width; ++j)
if (j < _bytes.size())
if (_bytes[j] >= 32 && _bytes[j] < 127)
if ((char)_bytes[j] == '<' && _html)
ret << "<";
else if ((char)_bytes[j] == '&' && _html)
ret << "&";
ret << (char)_bytes[j];
ret << '?';
ret << ' ';
ret << " ";
for (unsigned j = i; j < i + _width && j < _bytes.size(); ++j)
ret << setfill('0') << setw(2) << hex << (unsigned)_bytes[j] << " ";
ret << "\n";
if (_html)
ret << "
return ret.str();
// Don't forget to delete[] later.
bytesRef dev::contentsNew(std::string const& _file)
std::ifstream is(_file, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!is)
return bytesRef();
// get length of file:
is.seekg (0, is.end);
streamoff length = is.tellg();
if (length == 0) // return early, MSVC does not like reading 0 bytes
return bytesRef();
is.seekg (0, is.beg);
bytesRef ret(new byte[length], length);
is.read((char*)ret.data(), length);
return ret;
bytes dev::contents(std::string const& _file)
std::ifstream is(_file, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!is)
return bytes();
// get length of file:
is.seekg (0, is.end);
streamoff length = is.tellg();
if (length == 0) // return early, MSVC does not like reading 0 bytes
return bytes();
is.seekg (0, is.beg);
bytes ret(length);
is.read((char*)ret.data(), length);
return ret;
string dev::contentsString(std::string const& _file)
std::ifstream is(_file, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!is)
return string();
// get length of file:
is.seekg (0, is.end);
streamoff length = is.tellg();
if (length == 0) // return early, MSVC does not like reading 0 bytes
return string();
is.seekg (0, is.beg);
string ret;
is.read((char*)ret.data(), length);
return ret;
void dev::writeFile(std::string const& _file, bytesConstRef _data)
ofstream(_file, ios::trunc).write((char const*)_data.data(), _data.size());
void dev::writeFile(std::string const& _file, bytesConstRef _data)
ofstream(_file, ios::trunc).write((char const*)_data.data(), _data.size());