/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file Client.cpp * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 */ #include "Client.h" #include #include #include #include #if ETH_JSONRPC || !ETH_TRUE #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #if ETH_JSONRPC || !ETH_TRUE #include "Sentinel.h" #endif #include "Defaults.h" #include "Executive.h" #include "EthereumHost.h" #include "Utility.h" using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; using namespace p2p; std::ostream& dev::eth::operator<<(std::ostream& _out, ActivityReport const& _r) { _out << "Since " << toString(_r.since) << " (" << std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - _r.since).count(); _out << "): " << _r.ticks << "ticks"; return _out; } #ifdef _WIN32 const char* ClientNote::name() { return EthTeal "^" EthBlue " i"; } const char* ClientChat::name() { return EthTeal "^" EthWhite " o"; } const char* ClientTrace::name() { return EthTeal "^" EthGray " O"; } const char* ClientDetail::name() { return EthTeal "^" EthCoal " 0"; } #else const char* ClientNote::name() { return EthTeal "⧫" EthBlue " ℹ"; } const char* ClientChat::name() { return EthTeal "⧫" EthWhite " ◌"; } const char* ClientTrace::name() { return EthTeal "⧫" EthGray " ◎"; } const char* ClientDetail::name() { return EthTeal "⧫" EthCoal " ●"; } #endif static const Addresses c_canaries = { Address("4bb7e8ae99b645c2b7860b8f3a2328aae28bd80a"), // gav Address("1baf27b88c48dd02b744999cf3522766929d2b2a"), // vitalik Address("a8edb1ac2c86d3d9d78f96cd18001f60df29e52c"), // jeff Address("ace7813896a84d3f5f80223916a5353ab16e46e6") // christoph }; VersionChecker::VersionChecker(string const& _dbPath) { upgradeDatabase(_dbPath); } Client::Client(p2p::Host* _extNet, std::string const& _dbPath, WithExisting _forceAction, u256 _networkId): Client(_extNet, make_shared(), _dbPath, _forceAction, _networkId) { startWorking(); } Client::Client(p2p::Host* _extNet, std::shared_ptr _gp, std::string const& _dbPath, WithExisting _forceAction, u256 _networkId): Worker("eth", 0), m_vc(_dbPath), m_bc(_dbPath, _forceAction, [](unsigned d, unsigned t){ cerr << "REVISING BLOCKCHAIN: Processed " << d << " of " << t << "...\r"; }), m_gp(_gp), m_stateDB(State::openDB(_dbPath, _forceAction)), m_preMine(m_stateDB, BaseState::CanonGenesis), m_postMine(m_stateDB) { if (_forceAction == WithExisting::Rescue) m_bc.rescue(m_stateDB); m_lastGetWork = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - chrono::seconds(30); m_tqReady = m_tq.onReady([=](){ this->onTransactionQueueReady(); }); // TODO: should read m_tq->onReady(thisThread, syncTransactionQueue); m_bqReady = m_bq.onReady([=](){ this->onBlockQueueReady(); }); // TODO: should read m_bq->onReady(thisThread, syncBlockQueue); m_bq.setOnBad([=](Exception& ex){ this->onBadBlock(ex); }); m_bc.setOnBad([=](Exception& ex){ this->onBadBlock(ex); }); m_sealEngine = shared_ptr(Ethash::createSealEngine()); m_sealEngine->onSolutionFound([=](Ethash::Solution const& s){ return this->submitWork(s); }); m_gp->update(m_bc); auto host = _extNet->registerCapability(new EthereumHost(m_bc, m_tq, m_bq, _networkId)); m_host = host; _extNet->addCapability(host, EthereumHost::staticName(), EthereumHost::c_oldProtocolVersion); //TODO: remove this one v61+ protocol is common if (_dbPath.size()) Defaults::setDBPath(_dbPath); doWork(); startWorking(); } Client::~Client() { stopWorking(); } ImportResult Client::queueBlock(bytes const& _block, bool _isSafe) { if (m_bq.status().verified + m_bq.status().verifying + m_bq.status().unverified > 10000) this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); return m_bq.import(&_block, bc(), _isSafe); } tuple Client::syncQueue(unsigned _max) { stopWorking(); return m_bc.sync(m_bq, m_stateDB, _max); } void Client::onBadBlock(Exception& _ex) const { // BAD BLOCK!!! bytes const* block = boost::get_error_info(_ex); if (!block) { cwarn << "ODD: onBadBlock called but exception (" << _ex.what() << ") has no block in it."; cwarn << boost::diagnostic_information(_ex, true); return; } badBlock(*block, _ex.what()); #if ETH_JSONRPC || !ETH_TRUE Json::Value report; report["client"] = "cpp"; report["version"] = Version; report["protocolVersion"] = c_protocolVersion; report["databaseVersion"] = c_databaseVersion; report["errortype"] = _ex.what(); report["block"] = toHex(*block); // add the various hints. if (unsigned const* uncleIndex = boost::get_error_info(_ex)) { // uncle that failed. report["hints"]["uncleIndex"] = *uncleIndex; } else if (unsigned const* txIndex = boost::get_error_info(_ex)) { // transaction that failed. report["hints"]["transactionIndex"] = *txIndex; } else { // general block failure. } if (string const* vmtraceJson = boost::get_error_info(_ex)) Json::Reader().parse(*vmtraceJson, report["hints"]["vmtrace"]); if (vector const* receipts = boost::get_error_info(_ex)) { report["hints"]["receipts"] = Json::arrayValue; for (auto const& r: *receipts) report["hints"]["receipts"].append(toHex(r)); } if (h256Hash const* excluded = boost::get_error_info(_ex)) { report["hints"]["unclesExcluded"] = Json::arrayValue; for (auto const& r: h256Set() + *excluded) report["hints"]["unclesExcluded"].append(Json::Value(r.hex())); } #define DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(X) \ if (auto const* n = boost::get_error_info(_ex)) \ report["hints"][#X] = toString(*n) #define DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(X) \ if (auto const* n = boost::get_error_info(_ex)) \ report["hints"][#X] = n->hex() DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(hash256); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(uncleNumber); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(currentNumber); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(now); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(invalidSymbol); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(wrongAddress); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(comment); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(min); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(max); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(name); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(field); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(transaction); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(data); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(phase); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(nonce); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(difficulty); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(target); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(seedHash); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(mixHash); if (tuple const* r = boost::get_error_info(_ex)) { report["hints"]["ethashResult"]["value"] = get<0>(*r).hex(); report["hints"]["ethashResult"]["mixHash"] = get<1>(*r).hex(); } DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(required); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO(got); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(required_LogBloom); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(got_LogBloom); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(required_h256); DEV_HINT_ERRINFO_HASH(got_h256); cwarn << ("Report: \n" + Json::StyledWriter().write(report)); if (!m_sentinel.empty()) { jsonrpc::HttpClient client(m_sentinel); Sentinel rpc(client); try { rpc.eth_badBlock(report); } catch (...) { cwarn << "Error reporting to sentinel. Sure the address" << m_sentinel << "is correct?"; } } #endif } bool Client::isChainBad() const { unsigned numberBad = 0; for (auto const& a: c_canaries) if (!!stateAt(a, 0)) numberBad++; return numberBad >= 2; } bool Client::isUpgradeNeeded() const { return stateAt(c_canaries[0], 0) == 2; } void Client::setNetworkId(u256 _n) { if (auto h = m_host.lock()) h->setNetworkId(_n); } DownloadMan const* Client::downloadMan() const { if (auto h = m_host.lock()) return &(h->downloadMan()); return nullptr; } bool Client::isSyncing() const { if (auto h = m_host.lock()) return h->isSyncing(); return false; } bool Client::isMajorSyncing() const { // TODO: only return true if it is actually doing a proper chain sync. if (auto h = m_host.lock()) return h->isSyncing(); return false; } void Client::startedWorking() { // Synchronise the state according to the head of the block chain. // TODO: currently it contains keys for *all* blocks. Make it remove old ones. clog(ClientTrace) << "startedWorking()"; DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_preMine) m_preMine.sync(m_bc); DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_preMine) { DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_working) m_working = m_preMine; DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_postMine) m_postMine = m_preMine; } } void Client::doneWorking() { // Synchronise the state according to the head of the block chain. // TODO: currently it contains keys for *all* blocks. Make it remove old ones. DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_preMine) m_preMine.sync(m_bc); DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_preMine) { DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_working) m_working = m_preMine; DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_postMine) m_postMine = m_preMine; } } void Client::killChain() { bool wasMining = isMining(); if (wasMining) stopMining(); stopWorking(); m_tq.clear(); m_bq.clear(); m_farm.disable(); { WriteGuard l(x_postMine); WriteGuard l2(x_preMine); WriteGuard l3(x_working); m_preMine = State(); m_postMine = State(); m_working = State(); m_stateDB = OverlayDB(); m_stateDB = State::openDB(Defaults::dbPath(), WithExisting::Kill); m_bc.reopen(Defaults::dbPath(), WithExisting::Kill); m_preMine = State(m_stateDB, BaseState::CanonGenesis); m_postMine = State(m_stateDB); } if (auto h = m_host.lock()) h->reset(); startedWorking(); doWork(); startWorking(); if (wasMining) startMining(); } void Client::clearPending() { DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_postMine) { if (!m_postMine.pending().size()) return; m_tq.clear(); DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_preMine) m_postMine = m_preMine; } startMining(); h256Hash changeds; noteChanged(changeds); } template static S& filtersStreamOut(S& _out, T const& _fs) { _out << "{"; unsigned i = 0; for (h256 const& f: _fs) { _out << (i++ ? ", " : ""); if (f == PendingChangedFilter) _out << LogTag::Special << "pending"; else if (f == ChainChangedFilter) _out << LogTag::Special << "chain"; else _out << f; } _out << "}"; return _out; } void Client::appendFromNewPending(TransactionReceipt const& _receipt, h256Hash& io_changed, h256 _sha3) { Guard l(x_filtersWatches); io_changed.insert(PendingChangedFilter); m_specialFilters.at(PendingChangedFilter).push_back(_sha3); for (pair& i: m_filters) { // acceptable number. auto m = i.second.filter.matches(_receipt); if (m.size()) { // filter catches them for (LogEntry const& l: m) i.second.changes.push_back(LocalisedLogEntry(l)); io_changed.insert(i.first); } } } void Client::appendFromNewBlock(h256 const& _block, h256Hash& io_changed) { // TODO: more precise check on whether the txs match. auto d = m_bc.info(_block); auto receipts = m_bc.receipts(_block).receipts; Guard l(x_filtersWatches); io_changed.insert(ChainChangedFilter); m_specialFilters.at(ChainChangedFilter).push_back(_block); for (pair& i: m_filters) { // acceptable number & looks like block may contain a matching log entry. unsigned logIndex = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < receipts.size(); j++) { logIndex++; auto tr = receipts[j]; auto m = i.second.filter.matches(tr); if (m.size()) { auto transactionHash = transaction(d.hash(), j).sha3(); // filter catches them for (LogEntry const& l: m) i.second.changes.push_back(LocalisedLogEntry(l, d, transactionHash, j, logIndex)); io_changed.insert(i.first); } } } } void Client::setForceMining(bool _enable) { m_forceMining = _enable; if (isMining()) startMining(); } MiningProgress Client::miningProgress() const { if (m_farm.isMining()) return m_farm.miningProgress(); return MiningProgress(); } uint64_t Client::hashrate() const { if (m_farm.isMining()) return m_farm.miningProgress().rate(); return 0; } std::list Client::miningHistory() { std::list ret; /* ReadGuard l(x_localMiners); if (m_localMiners.empty()) return ret; ret = m_localMiners[0].miningHistory(); for (unsigned i = 1; i < m_localMiners.size(); ++i) { auto l = m_localMiners[i].miningHistory(); auto ri = ret.begin(); auto li = l.begin(); for (; ri != ret.end() && li != l.end(); ++ri, ++li) ri->combine(*li); }*/ return ret; } ExecutionResult Client::call(Address _dest, bytes const& _data, u256 _gas, u256 _value, u256 _gasPrice, Address const& _from) { ExecutionResult ret; try { State temp; // clog(ClientTrace) << "Nonce at " << toAddress(_secret) << " pre:" << m_preMine.transactionsFrom(toAddress(_secret)) << " post:" << m_postMine.transactionsFrom(toAddress(_secret)); DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_postMine) temp = m_postMine; temp.addBalance(_from, _value + _gasPrice * _gas); Executive e(temp, LastHashes(), 0); e.setResultRecipient(ret); if (!e.call(_dest, _from, _value, _gasPrice, &_data, _gas)) e.go(); e.finalize(); } catch (...) { // TODO: Some sort of notification of failure. } return ret; } ProofOfWork::WorkPackage Client::getWork() { // lock the work so a later submission isn't invalidated by processing a transaction elsewhere. // this will be reset as soon as a new block arrives, allowing more transactions to be processed. bool oldShould = shouldServeWork(); m_lastGetWork = chrono::system_clock::now(); if (!m_mineOnBadChain && isChainBad()) return ProofOfWork::WorkPackage(); // if this request has made us bother to serve work, prep it now. if (!oldShould && shouldServeWork()) onPostStateChanged(); else // otherwise, set this to true so that it gets prepped next time. m_remoteWorking = true; return ProofOfWork::package(m_miningInfo); } bool Client::submitWork(ProofOfWork::Solution const& _solution) { bytes newBlock; DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_working) if (!m_working.completeMine(_solution)) return false; DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_working) { DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_postMine) m_postMine = m_working; newBlock = m_working.blockData(); } // OPTIMISE: very inefficient to not utilise the existing OverlayDB in m_postMine that contains all trie changes. m_bq.import(&newBlock, m_bc, true); return true; } unsigned static const c_syncMin = 1; unsigned static const c_syncMax = 1000; double static const c_targetDuration = 1; void Client::syncBlockQueue() { cwork << "BQ ==> CHAIN ==> STATE"; ImportRoute ir; unsigned count; Timer t; tie(ir, m_syncBlockQueue, count) = m_bc.sync(m_bq, m_stateDB, m_syncAmount); double elapsed = t.elapsed(); if (count) clog(ClientNote) << count << "blocks imported in" << unsigned(elapsed * 1000) << "ms (" << (count / elapsed) << "blocks/s)"; if (elapsed > c_targetDuration * 1.1 && count > c_syncMin) m_syncAmount = max(c_syncMin, count * 9 / 10); else if (count == m_syncAmount && elapsed < c_targetDuration * 0.9 && m_syncAmount < c_syncMax) m_syncAmount = min(c_syncMax, m_syncAmount * 11 / 10 + 1); if (ir.liveBlocks.empty()) return; onChainChanged(ir); } void Client::syncTransactionQueue() { // returns TransactionReceipts, once for each transaction. cwork << "postSTATE <== TQ"; h256Hash changeds; TransactionReceipts newPendingReceipts; DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_working) tie(newPendingReceipts, m_syncTransactionQueue) = m_working.sync(m_bc, m_tq, *m_gp); if (newPendingReceipts.empty()) return; DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_working) DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_postMine) m_postMine = m_working; DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_postMine) for (size_t i = 0; i < newPendingReceipts.size(); i++) appendFromNewPending(newPendingReceipts[i], changeds, m_postMine.pending()[i].sha3()); // Tell farm about new transaction (i.e. restartProofOfWork mining). onPostStateChanged(); // Tell watches about the new transactions. noteChanged(changeds); // Tell network about the new transactions. if (auto h = m_host.lock()) h->noteNewTransactions(); } void Client::onChainChanged(ImportRoute const& _ir) { // insert transactions that we are declaring the dead part of the chain for (auto const& h: _ir.deadBlocks) { clog(ClientTrace) << "Dead block:" << h; for (auto const& t: m_bc.transactions(h)) { clog(ClientTrace) << "Resubmitting dead-block transaction " << Transaction(t, CheckTransaction::None); m_tq.import(t, IfDropped::Retry); } } // remove transactions from m_tq nicely rather than relying on out of date nonce later on. for (auto const& h: _ir.liveBlocks) clog(ClientTrace) << "Live block:" << h; for (auto const& t: _ir.goodTranactions) { clog(ClientTrace) << "Safely dropping transaction " << t.sha3(); m_tq.dropGood(t); } if (auto h = m_host.lock()) h->noteNewBlocks(); h256Hash changeds; for (auto const& h: _ir.liveBlocks) appendFromNewBlock(h, changeds); // RESTART MINING if (!isMajorSyncing()) { bool preChanged = false; State newPreMine; DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_preMine) newPreMine = m_preMine; // TODO: use m_postMine to avoid re-evaluating our own blocks. preChanged = newPreMine.sync(m_bc); if (preChanged || m_postMine.address() != m_preMine.address()) { if (isMining()) clog(ClientTrace) << "New block on chain."; DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_preMine) m_preMine = newPreMine; DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_working) m_working = newPreMine; DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_postMine) for (auto const& t: m_postMine.pending()) { clog(ClientTrace) << "Resubmitting post-mine transaction " << t; auto ir = m_tq.import(t, IfDropped::Retry); if (ir != ImportResult::Success) onTransactionQueueReady(); } DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_working) DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_postMine) m_postMine = m_working; changeds.insert(PendingChangedFilter); onPostStateChanged(); } // Quick hack for now - the TQ at this point already has the prior pending transactions in it; // we should resync with it manually until we are stricter about what constitutes "knowing". onTransactionQueueReady(); } noteChanged(changeds); } bool Client::remoteActive() const { return chrono::system_clock::now() - m_lastGetWork < chrono::seconds(30); } void Client::onPostStateChanged() { clog(ClientTrace) << "Post state changed."; rejigMining(); m_remoteWorking = false; } void Client::startMining() { m_wouldMine = true; rejigMining(); } void Client::rejigMining() { if ((wouldMine() || remoteActive()) && !isMajorSyncing() && (!isChainBad() || mineOnBadChain()) /*&& (forceMining() || transactionsWaiting())*/) { clog(ClientTrace) << "Rejigging mining..."; DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_working) m_working.commitToMine(m_bc, m_extraData); DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_working) { DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_postMine) m_postMine = m_working; m_miningInfo = m_postMine.info(); } if (m_wouldMine) m_farm.sealBlock(m_miningInfo); } if (!m_wouldMine) m_farm.disable(); } void Client::noteChanged(h256Hash const& _filters) { Guard l(x_filtersWatches); if (_filters.size()) filtersStreamOut(cwatch << "noteChanged:", _filters); // accrue all changes left in each filter into the watches. for (auto& w: m_watches) if (_filters.count(w.second.id)) { if (m_filters.count(w.second.id)) { cwatch << "!!!" << w.first << w.second.id.abridged(); w.second.changes += m_filters.at(w.second.id).changes; } else if (m_specialFilters.count(w.second.id)) for (h256 const& hash: m_specialFilters.at(w.second.id)) { cwatch << "!!!" << w.first << LogTag::Special << (w.second.id == PendingChangedFilter ? "pending" : w.second.id == ChainChangedFilter ? "chain" : "???"); w.second.changes.push_back(LocalisedLogEntry(SpecialLogEntry, hash)); } } // clear the filters now. for (auto& i: m_filters) i.second.changes.clear(); for (auto& i: m_specialFilters) i.second.clear(); } void Client::doWork() { bool t = true; if (m_syncBlockQueue.compare_exchange_strong(t, false)) syncBlockQueue(); t = true; if (m_syncTransactionQueue.compare_exchange_strong(t, false) && !m_remoteWorking && !isSyncing()) syncTransactionQueue(); tick(); if (!m_syncBlockQueue && !m_syncTransactionQueue) { std::unique_lock l(x_signalled); m_signalled.wait_for(l, chrono::seconds(1)); } } void Client::tick() { if (chrono::system_clock::now() - m_lastTick > chrono::seconds(1)) { m_report.ticks++; checkWatchGarbage(); m_bq.tick(m_bc); m_lastTick = chrono::system_clock::now(); if (m_report.ticks == 15) clog(ClientTrace) << activityReport(); } } void Client::checkWatchGarbage() { if (chrono::system_clock::now() - m_lastGarbageCollection > chrono::seconds(5)) { // watches garbage collection vector toUninstall; DEV_GUARDED(x_filtersWatches) for (auto key: keysOf(m_watches)) if (m_watches[key].lastPoll != chrono::system_clock::time_point::max() && chrono::system_clock::now() - m_watches[key].lastPoll > chrono::seconds(20)) { toUninstall.push_back(key); clog(ClientTrace) << "GC: Uninstall" << key << "(" << chrono::duration_cast(chrono::system_clock::now() - m_watches[key].lastPoll).count() << "s old)"; } for (auto i: toUninstall) uninstallWatch(i); // blockchain GC m_bc.garbageCollect(); m_lastGarbageCollection = chrono::system_clock::now(); } } State Client::asOf(h256 const& _block) const { try { State ret(m_stateDB); ret.populateFromChain(bc(), _block); return ret; } catch (Exception& ex) { ex << errinfo_block(bc().block(_block)); onBadBlock(ex); return State(); } } void Client::prepareForTransaction() { startWorking(); } State Client::state(unsigned _txi, h256 _block) const { try { State ret(m_stateDB); ret.populateFromChain(m_bc, _block); return ret.fromPending(_txi); } catch (Exception& ex) { ex << errinfo_block(bc().block(_block)); onBadBlock(ex); return State(); } } State Client::state(h256 const& _block, PopulationStatistics* o_stats) const { try { State ret(m_stateDB); PopulationStatistics s = ret.populateFromChain(m_bc, _block); if (o_stats) swap(s, *o_stats); return ret; } catch (Exception& ex) { ex << errinfo_block(bc().block(_block)); onBadBlock(ex); return State(); } } eth::State Client::state(unsigned _txi) const { DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_postMine) return m_postMine.fromPending(_txi); assert(false); return State(); } void Client::flushTransactions() { doWork(); } SyncStatus Client::syncStatus() const { auto h = m_host.lock(); return h ? h->status() : SyncStatus(); }