/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file Client.h * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CanonBlockChain.h" #include "TransactionQueue.h" #include "State.h" #include "CommonNet.h" #include "ClientBase.h" namespace dev { namespace eth { class Client; class DownloadMan; enum ClientWorkState { Active = 0, Deleting, Deleted }; class VersionChecker { public: VersionChecker(std::string const& _dbPath); void setOk(); WithExisting action() const { return m_action; } private: WithExisting m_action; std::string m_path; }; class BasicGasPricer: public GasPricer { public: explicit BasicGasPricer(u256 _weiPerRef, u256 _refsPerBlock): m_weiPerRef(_weiPerRef), m_refsPerBlock(_refsPerBlock) {} void setRefPrice(u256 _weiPerRef) { if ((bigint)m_refsPerBlock * _weiPerRef > std::numeric_limits::max() ) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Overflow() << errinfo_comment("ether price * block fees is larger than 2**256-1, choose a smaller number.") ); else m_weiPerRef = _weiPerRef; } void setRefBlockFees(u256 _refsPerBlock) { if ((bigint)m_weiPerRef * _refsPerBlock > std::numeric_limits::max() ) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Overflow() << errinfo_comment("ether price * block fees is larger than 2**256-1, choose a smaller number.") ); else m_refsPerBlock = _refsPerBlock; } u256 ask(State const&) const override { return m_weiPerRef * m_refsPerBlock / m_gasPerBlock; } u256 bid(TransactionPriority _p = TransactionPriority::Medium) const override { return m_octiles[(int)_p] > 0 ? m_octiles[(int)_p] : (m_weiPerRef * m_refsPerBlock / m_gasPerBlock); } void update(BlockChain const& _bc) override; private: u256 m_weiPerRef; u256 m_refsPerBlock; u256 m_gasPerBlock = 3141592; std::array m_octiles; }; struct ClientNote: public LogChannel { static const char* name(); static const int verbosity = 2; }; struct ClientChat: public LogChannel { static const char* name(); static const int verbosity = 4; }; struct ClientTrace: public LogChannel { static const char* name(); static const int verbosity = 7; }; struct ClientDetail: public LogChannel { static const char* name(); static const int verbosity = 14; }; struct ActivityReport { unsigned ticks = 0; std::chrono::system_clock::time_point since = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, ActivityReport const& _r); /** * @brief Main API hub for interfacing with Ethereum. */ class Client: public ClientBase, Worker { public: /// New-style Constructor. explicit Client( p2p::Host* _host, std::string const& _dbPath = std::string(), WithExisting _forceAction = WithExisting::Trust, u256 _networkId = 0 ); explicit Client( p2p::Host* _host, std::shared_ptr _gpForAdoption, // pass it in with new. std::string const& _dbPath = std::string(), WithExisting _forceAction = WithExisting::Trust, u256 _networkId = 0 ); /// Destructor. virtual ~Client(); /// Resets the gas pricer to some other object. void setGasPricer(std::shared_ptr _gp) { m_gp = _gp; } /// Blocks until all pending transactions have been processed. virtual void flushTransactions() override; using Interface::call; // to remove warning about hiding virtual function /// Makes the given call. Nothing is recorded into the state. This cheats by creating a null address and endowing it with a lot of ETH. ExecutionResult call(Address _dest, bytes const& _data = bytes(), u256 _gas = 125000, u256 _value = 0, u256 _gasPrice = 1 * ether, Address const& _from = Address()); /// Get the remaining gas limit in this block. virtual u256 gasLimitRemaining() const { return m_postMine.gasLimitRemaining(); } // [PRIVATE API - only relevant for base clients, not available in general] dev::eth::State state(unsigned _txi, h256 _block) const; dev::eth::State state(h256 _block) const; dev::eth::State state(unsigned _txi) const; /// Get the object representing the current state of Ethereum. dev::eth::State postState() const { ReadGuard l(x_postMine); return m_postMine; } /// Get the object representing the current canonical blockchain. CanonBlockChain const& blockChain() const { return m_bc; } /// Get some information on the block queue. BlockQueueStatus blockQueueStatus() const { return m_bq.status(); } // Mining stuff: void setAddress(Address _us) { WriteGuard l(x_preMine); m_preMine.setAddress(_us); } /// Check block validity prior to mining. bool miningParanoia() const { return m_paranoia; } /// Change whether we check block validity prior to mining. void setParanoia(bool _p) { m_paranoia = _p; } /// Should we force mining to happen, even without transactions? bool forceMining() const { return m_forceMining; } /// Enable/disable forcing of mining to happen, even without transactions. void setForceMining(bool _enable); /// Are we allowed to GPU mine? bool turboMining() const { return m_turboMining; } /// Enable/disable GPU mining. void setTurboMining(bool _enable = true) { m_turboMining = _enable; if (isMining()) startMining(); } /// Start mining. /// NOT thread-safe - call it & stopMining only from a single thread void startMining() override; /// Stop mining. /// NOT thread-safe void stopMining() override { m_farm.stop(); } /// Are we mining now? bool isMining() const override { return m_farm.isMining(); } /// The hashrate... uint64_t hashrate() const override; /// Check the progress of the mining. MiningProgress miningProgress() const override; /// Get and clear the mining history. std::list miningHistory(); /// Update to the latest transactions and get hash of the current block to be mined minus the /// nonce (the 'work hash') and the difficulty to be met. virtual ProofOfWork::WorkPackage getWork() override; /** @brief Submit the proof for the proof-of-work. * @param _s A valid solution. * @return true if the solution was indeed valid and accepted. */ virtual bool submitWork(ProofOfWork::Solution const& _proof) override; // Debug stuff: DownloadMan const* downloadMan() const; bool isSyncing() const; /// Sets the network id. void setNetworkId(u256 _n); /// Clears pending transactions. Just for debug use. void clearPending(); /// Kills the blockchain. Just for debug use. void killChain(); /// Retries all blocks with unknown parents. void retryUnkonwn() { m_bq.retryAllUnknown(); } /// Get a report of activity. ActivityReport activityReport() { ActivityReport ret; std::swap(m_report, ret); return ret; } protected: /// InterfaceStub methods virtual BlockChain& bc() override { return m_bc; } virtual BlockChain const& bc() const override { return m_bc; } /// Returns the state object for the full block (i.e. the terminal state) for index _h. /// Works properly with LatestBlock and PendingBlock. using ClientBase::asOf; virtual State asOf(h256 const& _block) const override; virtual State preMine() const override { ReadGuard l(x_preMine); return m_preMine; } virtual State postMine() const override { ReadGuard l(x_postMine); return m_postMine; } virtual void prepareForTransaction() override; /// Collate the changed filters for the bloom filter of the given pending transaction. /// Insert any filters that are activated into @a o_changed. void appendFromNewPending(TransactionReceipt const& _receipt, h256Hash& io_changed, h256 _sha3); /// Collate the changed filters for the hash of the given block. /// Insert any filters that are activated into @a o_changed. void appendFromNewBlock(h256 const& _blockHash, h256Hash& io_changed); /// Record that the set of filters @a _filters have changed. /// This doesn't actually make any callbacks, but incrememnts some counters in m_watches. void noteChanged(h256Hash const& _filters); private: /// Called when Worker is starting. void startedWorking() override; /// Do some work. Handles blockchain maintenance and mining. void doWork() override; /// Called when Worker is exiting. void doneWorking() override; /// Magically called when the chain has changed. An import route is provided. /// Called by either submitWork() or in our main thread through syncBlockQueue(). void onChainChanged(ImportRoute const& _ir); /// Signal handler for when the block queue needs processing. void syncBlockQueue(); /// Signal handler for when the block queue needs processing. void syncTransactionQueue(); /// Magically called when m_tq needs syncing. Be nice and don't block. void onTransactionQueueReady() { m_syncTransactionQueue = true; m_signalled.notify_all(); } /// Magically called when m_tq needs syncing. Be nice and don't block. void onBlockQueueReady() { m_syncBlockQueue = true; m_signalled.notify_all(); } /// Called when the post state has changed (i.e. when more transactions are in it or we're mining on a new block). /// This updates m_miningInfo. void onPostStateChanged(); /// Does garbage collection on watches. void checkWatchGarbage(); /// Ticks various system-level objects. void tick(); /// @returns true only if it's worth bothering to prep the mining block. bool shouldServeWork() const { return m_bq.items().first == 0 && (isMining() || remoteActive()); } VersionChecker m_vc; ///< Dummy object to check & update the protocol version. CanonBlockChain m_bc; ///< Maintains block database. BlockQueue m_bq; ///< Maintains a list of incoming blocks not yet on the blockchain (to be imported). std::shared_ptr m_gp; ///< The gas pricer. OverlayDB m_stateDB; ///< Acts as the central point for the state database, so multiple States can share it. mutable SharedMutex x_preMine; ///< Lock on m_preMine. State m_preMine; ///< The present state of the client. mutable SharedMutex x_postMine; ///< Lock on m_postMine. State m_postMine; ///< The state of the client which we're mining (i.e. it'll have all the rewards added). mutable SharedMutex x_working; ///< Lock on m_working. State m_working; ///< The state of the client which we're mining (i.e. it'll have all the rewards added), while we're actually working on it. BlockInfo m_miningInfo; ///< The header we're attempting to mine on (derived from m_postMine). bool remoteActive() const; ///< Is there an active and valid remote worker? bool m_remoteWorking = false; ///< Has the remote worker recently been reset? std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_lastGetWork; ///< Is there an active and valid remote worker? std::weak_ptr m_host; ///< Our Ethereum Host. Don't do anything if we can't lock. GenericFarm m_farm; ///< Our mining farm. Handler m_tqReady; Handler m_bqReady; bool m_turboMining = false; ///< Don't squander all of our time mining actually just sleeping. bool m_forceMining = false; ///< Mine even when there are no transactions pending? bool m_paranoia = false; ///< Should we be paranoid about our state? mutable std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_lastGarbageCollection; ///< When did we last both doing GC on the watches? mutable std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_lastTick = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); ///< When did we last tick()? ActivityReport m_report; std::condition_variable m_signalled; Mutex x_signalled; std::atomic m_syncTransactionQueue = {false}; std::atomic m_syncBlockQueue = {false}; }; } }