/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file ProjectModel.js * @author Arkadiy Paronyan arkadiy@ethdev.com * @date 2015 * Ethereum IDE client. */ var htmlTemplate = "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; var contractTemplate = "contract Contract {\n}\n"; function saveAll() { saveProject(); } function createProject() { newProjectDialog.open(); } function closeProject() { if (!isEmpty) { if (haveUnsavedChanges) saveMessageDialog.open(); else doCloseProject(); } } function saveProject() { if (!isEmpty) { var projectData = { files: [], title: projectTitle, deploymentAddress: deploymentAddress }; for (var i = 0; i < projectListModel.count; i++) projectData.files.push(projectListModel.get(i).fileName) projectSaving(projectData); var json = JSON.stringify(projectData, null, "\t"); var projectFile = projectPath + projectFileName; fileIo.writeFile(projectFile, json); projectSaved(); } } function loadProject(path) { closeProject(); console.log("loading project at " + path); var projectFile = path + projectFileName; var json = fileIo.readFile(projectFile); var projectData = JSON.parse(json); if (!projectData.title) { var parts = path.split("/"); projectData.title = parts[parts.length - 2]; } deploymentAddress = projectData.deploymentAddress ? projectData.deploymentAddress : ""; projectTitle = projectData.title; projectPath = path; if (!projectData.files) projectData.files = []; for(var i = 0; i < projectData.files.length; i++) { addFile(projectData.files[i]); } projectSettings.lastProjectPath = path; projectLoading(projectData); projectLoaded() //TODO: move this to codemodel var contractSources = {}; for (var d = 0; d < listModel.count; d++) { var doc = listModel.get(d); if (doc.isContract) contractSources[doc.documentId] = fileIo.readFile(doc.path); } codeModel.reset(contractSources); } function addFile(fileName) { var p = projectPath + fileName; var extension = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("."), fileName.length); var isContract = extension === ".sol"; var isHtml = extension === ".html"; var isCss = extension === ".css"; var isJs = extension === ".js"; var isImg = extension === ".png" || extension === ".gif" || extension === ".jpg" || extension === ".svg"; var syntaxMode = isContract ? "solidity" : isJs ? "javascript" : isHtml ? "htmlmixed" : isCss ? "css" : ""; var groupName = isContract ? qsTr("Contracts") : isJs ? qsTr("Javascript") : isHtml ? qsTr("Web Pages") : isCss ? qsTr("Styles") : isImg ? qsTr("Images") : qsTr("Misc"); var docData = { contract: false, path: p, fileName: fileName, name: fileName, documentId: fileName, syntaxMode: syntaxMode, isText: isContract || isHtml || isCss || isJs, isContract: isContract, isHtml: isHtml, groupName: groupName }; projectListModel.append(docData); return docData.documentId; } function getDocumentIndex(documentId) { for (var i = 0; i < projectListModel.count; i++) if (projectListModel.get(i).documentId === documentId) return i; console.error("Cant find document " + documentId); return -1; } function openDocument(documentId) { if (documentId !== currentDocumentId) { documentOpened(projectListModel.get(getDocumentIndex(documentId))); currentDocumentId = documentId; } } function openNextDocument() { var docIndex = getDocumentIndex(currentDocumentId); var nextDocId = ""; while (nextDocId === "") { docIndex++; if (docIndex >= projectListModel.count) docIndex = 0; var document = projectListModel.get(docIndex); if (document.isText) nextDocId = document.documentId; } openDocument(nextDocId); } function openPrevDocument() { var docIndex = getDocumentIndex(currentDocumentId); var prevDocId = ""; while (prevDocId === "") { docIndex--; if (docIndex < 0) docIndex = projectListModel.count - 1; var document = projectListModel.get(docIndex); if (document.isText) prevDocId = document.documentId; } openDocument(prevDocId); } function doCloseProject() { console.log("Closing project"); projectListModel.clear(); projectPath = ""; currentDocumentId = ""; projectClosed(); } function doCreateProject(title, path) { closeProject(); console.log("creating project " + title + " at " + path); if (path[path.length - 1] !== "/") path += "/"; var dirPath = path + title + "/"; fileIo.makeDir(dirPath); var projectFile = dirPath + projectFileName; var indexFile = "index.html"; var contractsFile = "contract.sol"; var projectData = { title: title, files: [ contractsFile, indexFile ] }; //TODO: copy from template fileIo.writeFile(dirPath + indexFile, htmlTemplate); fileIo.writeFile(dirPath + contractsFile, contractTemplate); newProject(projectData); var json = JSON.stringify(projectData, null, "\t"); fileIo.writeFile(projectFile, json); loadProject(dirPath); } function doAddExistingFiles(files) { for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var sourcePath = files[i]; var sourceFileName = sourcePath.substring(sourcePath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, sourcePath.length); var destPath = projectPath + sourceFileName; if (sourcePath !== destPath) fileIo.copyFile(sourcePath, destPath); var id = addFile(sourceFileName); documentAdded(id) } } function renameDocument(documentId, newName) { var i = getDocumentIndex(documentId); var document = projectListModel.get(i); if (!document.isContract) { var sourcePath = document.path; var destPath = projectPath + newName; fileIo.moveFile(sourcePath, destPath); document.path = destPath; document.name = newName; projectListModel.set(i, document); documentUpdated(documentId); } } function getDocument(documentId) { var i = getDocumentIndex(documentId); return projectListModel.get(i); } function removeDocument(documentId) { var i = getDocumentIndex(documentId); var document = projectListModel.get(i); if (!document.isContract) { projectListModel.remove(i); documentRemoved(documentId); } } function newHtmlFile() { createAndAddFile("page", "html", htmlTemplate); } function newCssFile() { createAndAddFile("style", "css", "body {\n}\n"); } function newJsFile() { createAndAddFile("script", "js", "function foo() {\n}\n"); } function newContract() { createAndAddFile("contract", "sol", contractTemplate); } function createAndAddFile(name, extension, content) { var fileName = generateFileName(name, extension); var filePath = projectPath + fileName; fileIo.writeFile(filePath, content); var id = addFile(fileName); documentAdded(id); } function generateFileName(name, extension) { var i = 1; do { var fileName = name + i + "." + extension; var filePath = projectPath + fileName; i++; } while (fileIo.fileExists(filePath)); return fileName } var jsonRpcRequestId = 1; function deployProject(force) { saveAll(); //TODO: ask user if (!force && deploymentAddress !== "") { deployWarningDialog.visible = true; return; } var date = new Date(); var deploymentId = date.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), "ddMMyyHHmmsszzz"); var jsonRpcUrl = ""; console.log("Deploying " + deploymentId + " to " + jsonRpcUrl); deploymentStarted(); var requests = []; var requestNames = []; for (var c in codeModel.contracts) { //TODO: order based on dependencies var code = codeModel.contracts[c].codeHex; requests.push({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_transact", params: [ { "code": code } ], id: jsonRpcRequestId++ }); requestNames.push(c); } var rpcRequest = JSON.stringify(requests);; var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest() httpRequest.open("POST", jsonRpcUrl, true); httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-length", rpcRequest.length); httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (httpRequest.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (httpRequest.status === 200) { var rpcResponse = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText); if (rpcResponse.length === requestNames.length) { var contractAddresses = {}; for (var r = 0; r < rpcResponse.lenght; r++) contractAddresses[requestNames[r]] = rpcResponse.result; finalizeDeployment(deploymentId, contractAddresses); } } else { var errorText = qsTr("Deployment error: RPC server HTTP status ") + httpRequest.status; console.log(errorText); deploymentError(errorText); } } } httpRequest.send(rpcRequest); } function finalizeDeployment(deploymentId, addresses) { //create a dir for frontend files and copy them var deploymentDir = projectPath + deploymentId + "/"; fileIo.makeDir(deploymentDir); for (var i = 0; i < projectListModel.count; i++) { var doc = projectListModel.get(i); if (doc.isContract) continue; if (doc.isHtml) { //inject the script to access contract API //TODO: use a template var html = fileIo.readFile(doc.path); var insertAt = html.indexOf("") if (insertAt < 0) insertAt = 0; else insertAt += 6; html = html.substr(0, insertAt) + "" + "" + "" + html.substr(insertAt); fileIo.writeFile(deploymentDir + doc.fileName, html); } else fileIo.copyFile(doc.path, deploymentDir + doc.fileName); } //write deployment js var deploymentJs = "// Autogenerated by Mix\n" + "web3 = require(\"web3\");\n" + "contracts = {};\n"; for (var c in codeModel.contracts) { var contractAccessor = "contracts[\"" + codeModel.contracts[c].contract.name + "\"]"; deploymentJs += contractAccessor + " = {\n" + "\tinterface: " + codeModel.contracts[c].contractInterface + ",\n" + "\taddress: \"" + addresses[c] + "\"\n" + "};\n" + contractAccessor + ".contract = web3.eth.contract(" + contractAccessor + ".address, " + contractAccessor + ".interface);\n"; } fileIo.writeFile(deploymentDir + "deployment.js", deploymentJs); //copy scripts fileIo.copyFile("qrc:///js/bignumber.min.js", deploymentDir + "bignumber.min.js"); fileIo.copyFile("qrc:///js/webthree.js", deploymentDir + "ethereum.js"); deploymentAddress = address; saveProject(); deploymentComplete(); }