#pragma once #include #include "foreign.h" #include "Common.h" namespace eth { class RLP; typedef std::vector RLPs; /** * @brief Class for interpreting Recursive Linear-Prefix Data. * @by Gav Wood, 2013 * * Class for reading byte arrays of data in RLP format. */ class RLP { public: /// Construct a null node. RLP() {} /// Construct a node of value given in the bytes. explicit RLP(ConstBytes _d): m_data(_d) {} /// Construct a node to read RLP data in the bytes given. RLP(byte const* _b, uint _s): m_data(ConstBytes(_b, _s)) {} /// Construct a node to read RLP data in the string. explicit RLP(std::string const& _s): m_data(ConstBytes((byte const*)_s.data(), _s.size())) {} /// @returns true if the RLP is non-null. explicit operator bool() const { return !isNull(); } /// No value. bool isNull() const { return m_data.size() == 0; } /// String value. bool isString() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] >= 0x40 && m_data[0] < 0x80; } /// List value. bool isList() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] >= 0x80 && m_data[0] < 0xc0; } /// Integer value. Either isNormalInt() or isBigInt(). bool isInt() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] < 0x40; } /// Fits into eth::uint type. Can use toInt() to read. bool isNormalInt() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] < 0x18; } /// Fits only into eth::bigint type. Use only toBigInt() to read. bool isBigInt() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] < 0x40 && m_data[0] >= 0x18; } std::string toString() const { if (!isString()) return std::string(); return payload().cropped(0, items()).toString(); } uint toInt(uint _def = 0) const { if (!isInt()) return _def; if (isDirectValueInt()) return m_data[0]; uint ret = 0; auto s = intSize(); for (uint i = 0; i < s; ++i) ret = (ret << 8) | m_data[i + 1]; return ret; } bigint toBigInt(bigint _def = 0) const { if (!isInt()) return _def; if (isDirectValueInt()) return m_data[0]; bigint ret = 0; auto s = intSize() - intLengthSize(); uint l = 1 + intLengthSize(); for (uint i = 0; i < s; ++i) ret = (ret << 8) | m_data[i + l]; return ret; } RLPs toList() const { RLPs ret; if (!isList()) return ret; uint64_t c = items(); ConstBytes d = payload(); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < c; ++i, d = d.cropped(RLP(d).size())) ret.push_back(RLP(d)); return ret; } private: /// Direct value integer. bool isDirectValueInt() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] < 0x18; } /// Indirect-value integer. bool isIndirectValueInt() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] >= 0x18 && m_data[0] < 0x38; } /// Indirect addressed integer. bool isIndirectAddressedInt() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] < 0x40 && m_data[0] >= 0x38; } /// Direct-length string. bool isSmallString() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] >= 0x40 && m_data[0] < 0x78; } /// Direct-length list. bool isSmallList() const { assert(!isNull()); return m_data[0] >= 0x80 && m_data[0] < 0xb8; } uint size() const { if (isInt()) return 1 + intSize(); if (isString()) return payload().data() - m_data.data() + items(); if (isList()) { ConstBytes d = payload(); uint64_t c = items(); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < c; ++i, d = d.cropped(RLP(d).size())) {} return d.data() - m_data.data(); } return 0; } uint intLengthSize() const { return isIndirectAddressedInt() ? m_data[0] - 0x37 : 0; } uint intSize() const { return (!isInt() || isDirectValueInt()) ? 0 : isIndirectAddressedInt() ? intLengthSize() + items() : (m_data[0] - 0x17); } uint items() const { auto n = (m_data[0] & 0x3f); if (n < 0x38) return n; uint ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n - 0x37; ++i) ret = (ret << 8) | m_data[i + 1]; return ret; } ConstBytes payload() const { assert(isString() || isList()); auto n = (m_data[0] & 0x3f); return m_data.cropped(1 + (n < 0x38 ? 0 : (n - 0x37))); } ConstBytes m_data; }; } inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, eth::RLP _d) { if (_d.isNull()) _out << "null"; else if (_d.isBigInt()) _out << _d.toBigInt(); else if (_d.isInt()) _out << _d.toInt(); else if (_d.isString()) _out << "\"" << _d.toString() << "\""; else if (_d.isList()) { _out << "["; int j = 0; for (auto i: _d.toList()) _out << (j++ ? ", " : " ") << i; _out << " ]"; } return _out; }