version: "{build}" branches: only: - master - /v\d+\..+/ shallow_clone: true os: Visual Studio 2015 configuration: - Release - RelWithDebInfo cache: - C:/.hunter/_Base/Cache -> cmake/Hunter/config.cmake install: | appveyor DownloadFile 7z x -oC:/ set PATH=%PATH%;C:/CUDA/v8.0/bin nvcc -V before_build: - cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -H. -Bbuild -DETHASHCUDA=ON build_script: - cmake --build build --config %CONFIGURATION% after_build: ps: | cmake --build build --config $env:configuration --target package if ($env:configuration -ne "Release") { Get-Item build/ethminer-*-Windows.* | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -Replace 'ethminer','ethminer-dbg' } } artifacts: - path: build/ethminer-*.zip name: ethminer before_deploy: # Read variables dumped by CMake configuration. - ps: . build/variables.ps1 deploy: # Create GitHub release, also set the release name and description. provider: GitHub tag: $(appveyor_repo_tag_name) release: ethminer $(ethminer_version) description: '' force_update: true # Force update in case Travis CI created the release before. prerelease: $(ethminer_version_is_prerelease) draft: false artifact: ethminer auth_token: secure: uDRcvbW+9GIyKlZ9guJfWOQ6jg0An6eULg6mEkYgdKn/GVNpYSKvO5oHxP0U8a+e on: appveyor_repo_tag: true