// Boost.Process 
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
// Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Julio M. Merino Vidal 
// Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Boris Schaeling 
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying 
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) 

 * \file boost/process/pistream.hpp 
 * Includes the declaration of the pistream class. 


#include <boost/process/detail/file_handle.hpp> 
#include <boost/process/detail/systembuf.hpp> 
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp> 
#include <istream> 

namespace boost { 
namespace process { 

 * Child process' output stream. 
 * The pistream class represents an output communication channel with the 
 * child process. The child process writes data to this stream and the 
 * parent process can read it through the pistream object. In other 
 * words, from the child's point of view, the communication channel is an 
 * output one, but from the parent's point of view it is an input one; 
 * hence the confusing pistream name. 
 * pistream objects cannot be copied because they own the file handle 
 * they use to communicate with the child and because they buffer data 
 * that flows through the communication channel. 
 * A pistream object behaves as a std::istream stream in all senses. 
 * The class is only provided because it must provide a method to let 
 * the caller explicitly close the communication channel. 
 * \remark Blocking remarks: Functions that read data from this 
 *         stream can block if the associated file handle blocks during 
 *         the read. As this class is used to communicate with child 
 *         processes through anonymous pipes, the most typical blocking 
 *         condition happens when the child has no more data to send to 
 *         the pipe's system buffer. When this happens, the buffer 
 *         eventually empties and the system blocks until the writer 
 *         generates some data. 
class pistream : public std::istream, public boost::noncopyable 
     * Creates a new process' output stream. 
     * Given a file handle, this constructor creates a new pistream 
     * object that owns the given file handle \a fh. Ownership of 
     * \a fh is transferred to the created pistream object. 
     * \pre \a fh is valid. 
     * \post \a fh is invalid. 
     * \post The new pistream object owns \a fh. 
    explicit pistream(detail::file_handle &fh) 
        : std::istream(0), 

     * Returns the file handle managed by this stream. 
     * The file handle must not be copied. Copying invalidates 
     * the source file handle making the pistream unusable. 
    detail::file_handle &handle() 
        return handle_; 

     * Closes the file handle managed by this stream. 
     * Explicitly closes the file handle managed by this stream. This 
     * function can be used by the user to tell the child process it's 
     * not willing to receive more data. 
    void close() 

     * The file handle managed by this stream. 
    detail::file_handle handle_; 

     * The systembuf object used to manage this stream's data. 
    detail::systembuf systembuf_; 

