import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3 import org.ethereum.qml.QEther 1.0 import org.ethereum.qml.CodeModel 1.0 import org.ethereum.qml.ClientModel 1.0 import "js/TransactionHelper.js" as TransactionHelper import "js/NetworkDeployment.js" as NetworkDeploymentCode import "js/QEtherHelper.js" as QEtherHelper import "." Item { property string currentAccount property string gasPrice property alias gasPriceInt: gasPriceInt property variant balances: ({}) property variant accounts: [] signal gasPriceLoaded() function renewCtx() { accounts = [] balances = {} var requests = [{ //accounts jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_accounts", params: null, id: 0 }]; TransactionHelper.rpcCall(requests, function(arg1, arg2) { var ids = JSON.parse(arg2)[0].result; requests = []; for (var k in ids) { requests.push({ //accounts jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_getBalance", params: [ids[k], 'latest'], id: k }); accounts.push({ "id": ids[k] }) } TransactionHelper.rpcCall(requests, function (request, response){ var balanceRet = JSON.parse(response); for (var k in balanceRet) { var ether = QEtherHelper.createEther(balanceRet[k].result, QEther.Wei); balances[accounts[k].id] = ether } }, function(){}); }, function(){}); NetworkDeploymentCode.gasPrice(function(price) { gasPrice = price; gasPriceInt.setValue(price); gasPriceLoaded() }, function(){}); } function balance(account) { for (var k in accounts) { if (accounts[k].id === account) return balances[account] } return null } function stopForInputError(inError) { errorDialog.text = ""; if (inError.length > 0) { errorDialog.text = qsTr("The length of a string cannot exceed 32 characters.\nPlease verify the following value(s):\n\n") for (var k in inError) errorDialog.text += inError[k] + "\n";; return true; } return false; } function forceStopPooling() { poolLog.stop() } function waitForTrReceipt(hash, callback) { poolLog.callBack = callback; poolLog.hash = hash poolLog.elapsed = 0; poolLog.start(); } function verifyHash(tr, hash, callBack) { var h = {} h[tr] = hash verifyHashes(h, function (bn, trLost) { callBack(bn, trLost) }); } function verifyHashes(trHashes, callback) { //trHashes : { "trLabel": 'hash' } var requests = []; var req = 0 requests.push({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_blockNumber", params: [], id: req }); var label = {} for (var k in trHashes) { req++ label[req] = k requests.push({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt", params: [trHashes[k]], id: req }); } TransactionHelper.rpcCall(requests, function (httpRequest, response){ console.log(response) var ret = JSON.parse(response) var b = ret[0].result; var trLost = [] for (var k in ret) { if (ret[k].result === null) trLost.push(label[ret[k]]) } callback(parseInt(b, 16), trLost) }); } Component.onCompleted: { renewCtx() } BigIntValue { id: gasPriceInt } function estimateGas(scenario, callback) { if (!clientModelGasEstimation.running) { var ctr = projectModel.codeEditor.getContracts() for (var k in ctr) { codeModelGasEstimation.registerCodeChange(ctr[k].document.documentId, ctr[k].getText()); } gasEstimationConnect.callback = callback clientModelGasEstimation.setupScenario(scenario) } } Connections { id: gasEstimationConnect target: clientModelGasEstimation property var callback onRunComplete: { callback(clientModelGasEstimation.gasCosts) } } CodeModel { id: codeModelGasEstimation } ClientModel { id: clientModelGasEstimation codeModel: codeModelGasEstimation Component.onCompleted: { init("/tmp/bcgas/") } } Timer { id: poolLog property var callBack property int elapsed property string hash interval: 500 running: false repeat: true onTriggered: { elapsed += interval; var requests = []; var jsonRpcRequestId = 0; requests.push({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt", params: [ hash ], id: jsonRpcRequestId++ }); TransactionHelper.rpcCall(requests, function (httpRequest, response){ console.log(response) var receipt = JSON.parse(response)[0].result if (receipt) { stop(); callBack(1, receipt); } else if (elapsed > 250000) { stop(); callBack(-1, null); } }) } } }