/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file SecretStore.cpp * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com> * @date 2014 */ #include "SecretStore.h" #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <libdevcore/Log.h> #include <libdevcore/Guards.h> #include <libdevcore/SHA3.h> #include <libdevcore/FileSystem.h> #include <test/JsonSpiritHeaders.h> #include <libdevcrypto/Exceptions.h> using namespace std; using namespace dev; namespace js = json_spirit; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; static const int c_keyFileVersion = 3; /// Upgrade the json-format to the current version. static js::mValue upgraded(string const& _s) { js::mValue v; js::read_string(_s, v); if (v.type() != js::obj_type) return js::mValue(); js::mObject ret = v.get_obj(); unsigned version = ret.count("Version") ? stoi(ret["Version"].get_str()) : ret.count("version") ? ret["version"].get_int() : 0; if (version == 1) { // upgrade to version 2 js::mObject old; swap(old, ret); ret["id"] = old["Id"]; js::mObject c; c["ciphertext"] = old["Crypto"].get_obj()["CipherText"]; c["cipher"] = "aes-128-cbc"; { js::mObject cp; cp["iv"] = old["Crypto"].get_obj()["IV"]; c["cipherparams"] = cp; } c["kdf"] = old["Crypto"].get_obj()["KeyHeader"].get_obj()["Kdf"]; { js::mObject kp; kp["salt"] = old["Crypto"].get_obj()["Salt"]; for (auto const& i: old["Crypto"].get_obj()["KeyHeader"].get_obj()["KdfParams"].get_obj()) if (i.first != "SaltLen") kp[boost::to_lower_copy(i.first)] = i.second; c["kdfparams"] = kp; } c["sillymac"] = old["Crypto"].get_obj()["MAC"]; c["sillymacjson"] = _s; ret["crypto"] = c; version = 2; } if (version == 2) { ret["crypto"].get_obj()["cipher"] = "aes-128-ctr"; ret["crypto"].get_obj()["compat"] = "2"; version = 3; } if (version == c_keyFileVersion) return ret; return js::mValue(); } SecretStore::SecretStore(string const& _path): m_path(_path) { load(); } bytesSec SecretStore::secret(h128 const& _uuid, function<string()> const& _pass, bool _useCache) const { auto rit = m_cached.find(_uuid); if (_useCache && rit != m_cached.end()) return rit->second; auto it = m_keys.find(_uuid); bytesSec key; if (it != m_keys.end()) { key = bytesSec(decrypt(it->second.encryptedKey, _pass())); if (!key.empty()) m_cached[_uuid] = key; } return key; } h128 SecretStore::importSecret(bytesSec const& _s, string const& _pass) { h128 r; EncryptedKey key{encrypt(_s.ref(), _pass), string()}; r = h128::random(); m_cached[r] = _s; m_keys[r] = move(key); save(); return r; } h128 SecretStore::importSecret(bytesConstRef _s, string const& _pass) { h128 r; EncryptedKey key{encrypt(_s, _pass), string()}; r = h128::random(); m_cached[r] = bytesSec(_s); m_keys[r] = move(key); save(); return r; } void SecretStore::kill(h128 const& _uuid) { m_cached.erase(_uuid); if (m_keys.count(_uuid)) { fs::remove(m_keys[_uuid].filename); m_keys.erase(_uuid); } } void SecretStore::clearCache() const { m_cached.clear(); } void SecretStore::save(string const& _keysPath) { fs::path p(_keysPath); fs::create_directories(p); DEV_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS(fs::permissions(p, fs::owner_all)); for (auto& k: m_keys) { string uuid = toUUID(k.first); string filename = (p / uuid).string() + ".json"; js::mObject v; js::mValue crypto; js::read_string(k.second.encryptedKey, crypto); v["crypto"] = crypto; v["id"] = uuid; v["version"] = c_keyFileVersion; writeFile(filename, js::write_string(js::mValue(v), true)); swap(k.second.filename, filename); if (!filename.empty() && !fs::equivalent(filename, k.second.filename)) fs::remove(filename); } } void SecretStore::load(string const& _keysPath) { fs::path p(_keysPath); fs::create_directories(p); DEV_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS(fs::permissions(p, fs::owner_all)); for (fs::directory_iterator it(p); it != fs::directory_iterator(); ++it) if (fs::is_regular_file(it->path())) readKey(it->path().string(), true); } h128 SecretStore::readKey(string const& _file, bool _takeFileOwnership) { cnote << "Reading" << _file; return readKeyContent(contentsString(_file), _takeFileOwnership ? _file : string()); } h128 SecretStore::readKeyContent(string const& _content, string const& _file) { js::mValue u = upgraded(_content); if (u.type() == js::obj_type) { js::mObject& o = u.get_obj(); auto uuid = fromUUID(o["id"].get_str()); m_keys[uuid] = EncryptedKey{js::write_string(o["crypto"], false), _file}; return uuid; } else cwarn << "Invalid JSON in key file" << _file; return h128(); } bool SecretStore::recode(h128 const& _uuid, string const& _newPass, function<string()> const& _pass, KDF _kdf) { bytesSec s = secret(_uuid, _pass, true); if (s.empty()) return false; m_cached.erase(_uuid); m_keys[_uuid].encryptedKey = encrypt(s.ref(), _newPass, _kdf); save(); return true; } static bytesSec deriveNewKey(string const& _pass, KDF _kdf, js::mObject& o_ret) { unsigned dklen = 32; unsigned iterations = 1 << 18; bytes salt = h256::random().asBytes(); if (_kdf == KDF::Scrypt) { unsigned p = 1; unsigned r = 8; o_ret["kdf"] = "scrypt"; { js::mObject params; params["n"] = int64_t(iterations); params["r"] = int(r); params["p"] = int(p); params["dklen"] = int(dklen); params["salt"] = toHex(salt); o_ret["kdfparams"] = params; } return scrypt(_pass, salt, iterations, r, p, dklen); } else { o_ret["kdf"] = "pbkdf2"; { js::mObject params; params["prf"] = "hmac-sha256"; params["c"] = int(iterations); params["salt"] = toHex(salt); params["dklen"] = int(dklen); o_ret["kdfparams"] = params; } return pbkdf2(_pass, salt, iterations, dklen); } } string SecretStore::encrypt(bytesConstRef _v, string const& _pass, KDF _kdf) { js::mObject ret; bytesSec derivedKey = deriveNewKey(_pass, _kdf, ret); if (derivedKey.empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(crypto::CryptoException() << errinfo_comment("Key derivation failed.")); ret["cipher"] = "aes-128-ctr"; SecureFixedHash<16> key(derivedKey, h128::AlignLeft); h128 iv = h128::random(); { js::mObject params; params["iv"] = toHex(iv.ref()); ret["cipherparams"] = params; } // cipher text bytes cipherText = encryptSymNoAuth(key, iv, _v); if (cipherText.empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(crypto::CryptoException() << errinfo_comment("Key encryption failed.")); ret["ciphertext"] = toHex(cipherText); // and mac. h256 mac = sha3(derivedKey.ref().cropped(16, 16).toBytes() + cipherText); ret["mac"] = toHex(mac.ref()); return js::write_string(js::mValue(ret), true); } bytesSec SecretStore::decrypt(string const& _v, string const& _pass) { js::mObject o; { js::mValue ov; js::read_string(_v, ov); o = ov.get_obj(); } // derive key bytesSec derivedKey; if (o["kdf"].get_str() == "pbkdf2") { auto params = o["kdfparams"].get_obj(); if (params["prf"].get_str() != "hmac-sha256") { cwarn << "Unknown PRF for PBKDF2" << params["prf"].get_str() << "not supported."; return bytesSec(); } unsigned iterations = params["c"].get_int(); bytes salt = fromHex(params["salt"].get_str()); derivedKey = pbkdf2(_pass, salt, iterations, params["dklen"].get_int()); } else if (o["kdf"].get_str() == "scrypt") { auto p = o["kdfparams"].get_obj(); derivedKey = scrypt(_pass, fromHex(p["salt"].get_str()), p["n"].get_int(), p["r"].get_int(), p["p"].get_int(), p["dklen"].get_int()); } else { cwarn << "Unknown KDF" << o["kdf"].get_str() << "not supported."; return bytesSec(); } if (derivedKey.size() < 32 && !(o.count("compat") && o["compat"].get_str() == "2")) { cwarn << "Derived key's length too short (<32 bytes)"; return bytesSec(); } bytes cipherText = fromHex(o["ciphertext"].get_str()); // check MAC if (o.count("mac")) { h256 mac(o["mac"].get_str()); h256 macExp; if (o.count("compat") && o["compat"].get_str() == "2") macExp = sha3(derivedKey.ref().cropped(derivedKey.size() - 16).toBytes() + cipherText); else macExp = sha3(derivedKey.ref().cropped(16, 16).toBytes() + cipherText); if (mac != macExp) { cwarn << "Invalid key - MAC mismatch; expected" << toString(macExp) << ", got" << toString(mac); return bytesSec(); } } else if (o.count("sillymac")) { h256 mac(o["sillymac"].get_str()); h256 macExp = sha3(asBytes(o["sillymacjson"].get_str()) + derivedKey.ref().cropped(derivedKey.size() - 16).toBytes() + cipherText); if (mac != macExp) { cwarn << "Invalid key - MAC mismatch; expected" << toString(macExp) << ", got" << toString(mac); return bytesSec(); } } else cwarn << "No MAC. Proceeding anyway."; // decrypt if (o["cipher"].get_str() == "aes-128-ctr") { auto params = o["cipherparams"].get_obj(); h128 iv(params["iv"].get_str()); if (o.count("compat") && o["compat"].get_str() == "2") { SecureFixedHash<16> key(sha3Secure(derivedKey.ref().cropped(derivedKey.size() - 16)), h128::AlignRight); return decryptSymNoAuth(key, iv, &cipherText); } else return decryptSymNoAuth(SecureFixedHash<16>(derivedKey, h128::AlignLeft), iv, &cipherText); } else { cwarn << "Unknown cipher" << o["cipher"].get_str() << "not supported."; return bytesSec(); } }