// // Boost.Process // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Julio M. Merino Vidal // Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Boris Schaeling // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // /** * \file boost/process/detail/win32_ops.hpp * * Provides some convenience functions to start processes under * Windows-compatible operating systems. */ #ifndef BOOST_PROCESS_DETAIL_WIN32_OPS_HPP #define BOOST_PROCESS_DETAIL_WIN32_OPS_HPP #include <boost/process/environment.hpp> #include <boost/process/detail/file_handle.hpp> #include <boost/process/detail/pipe.hpp> #include <boost/process/detail/stream_info.hpp> #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/shared_array.hpp> #include <boost/scoped_array.hpp> #include <boost/assert.hpp> #include <boost/system/system_error.hpp> #include <boost/throw_exception.hpp> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cstddef> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> namespace boost { namespace process { namespace detail { /** * Converts the command line to a plain string. Converts the command line's * list of arguments to the format expected by the \a lpCommandLine parameter * in the CreateProcess() system call. * * This operation is only available on Windows systems. * * \return A dynamically allocated string holding the command line * to be passed to the executable. It is returned in a * shared_array object to ensure its release at some point. */ template <class Arguments> inline boost::shared_array<char> collection_to_win32_cmdline(const Arguments &args) { typedef std::vector<std::string> arguments_t; arguments_t args2; typename Arguments::size_type i = 0; std::size_t size = 0; for (typename Arguments::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it) { std::string arg = *it; std::string::size_type pos = 0; while ( (pos = arg.find('"', pos)) != std::string::npos) { arg.replace(pos, 1, "\\\""); pos += 2; } if (arg.find(' ') != std::string::npos) arg = '\"' + arg + '\"'; if (i++ != args.size() - 1) arg += ' '; args2.push_back(arg); size += arg.size() + 1; } boost::shared_array<char> cmdline(new char[size]); cmdline.get()[0] = '\0'; for (arguments_t::size_type i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) #if defined(__CYGWIN__) ::strncat(cmdline.get(), args2[i].c_str(), args2[i].size()); #else ::strcat_s(cmdline.get(), size, args2[i].c_str()); #endif return cmdline; } /** * Converts an environment to a string used by CreateProcess(). * * Converts the environment's contents to the format used by the * CreateProcess() system call. The returned char* string is * allocated in dynamic memory; the caller must free it when not * used any more. This is enforced by the use of a shared pointer. * * \return A dynamically allocated char* string that represents * the environment's content. This string is of the form * var1=value1\\0var2=value2\\0\\0. */ inline boost::shared_array<char> environment_to_win32_strings(const environment &env) { boost::shared_array<char> envp; if (env.empty()) { envp.reset(new char[2]); ::ZeroMemory(envp.get(), 2); } else { std::string s; for (environment::const_iterator it = env.begin(); it != env.end(); ++it) { s += it->first + "=" + it->second; s.push_back(0); } envp.reset(new char[s.size() + 1]); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) ::memcpy(envp.get(), s.c_str(), s.size() + 1); #else ::memcpy_s(envp.get(), s.size() + 1, s.c_str(), s.size() + 1); #endif } return envp; } /** * Helper class to configure a Win32 %child. * * This helper class is used to hold all the attributes that configure a * new Win32 %child process. * * All its fields are public for simplicity. It is only intended for * internal use and it is heavily coupled with the Context * implementations. */ struct win32_setup { /** * The work directory. * * This string specifies the directory in which the %child process * starts execution. It cannot be empty. */ std::string work_directory; /** * The process startup properties. * * This Win32-specific object holds a list of properties that describe * how the new process should be started. The \a STARTF_USESTDHANDLES * flag should not be set in it because it is automatically configured * by win32_start(). */ STARTUPINFOA *startupinfo; }; /** * Starts a new child process in a Win32 operating system. * * This helper functions is provided to simplify the Context's task when * it comes to starting up a new process in a Win32 operating system. * * \param exe The executable to spawn the child process. * \param args The arguments for the executable. * \param env The environment variables that the new child process * receives. * \param infoin Information that describes stdin's behavior. * \param infoout Information that describes stdout's behavior. * \param infoerr Information that describes stderr's behavior. * \param setup A helper object holding extra child information. * \return The new process' information as returned by the CreateProcess() * system call. The caller is responsible of creating an * appropriate Child representation for it. * \pre \a setup.startupinfo_ cannot have the \a STARTF_USESTDHANDLES set * in the \a dwFlags field. */ template <class Executable, class Arguments> inline PROCESS_INFORMATION win32_start(const Executable &exe, const Arguments &args, const environment &env, stream_info &infoin, stream_info &infoout, stream_info &infoerr, const win32_setup &setup) { file_handle chin, chout, cherr; BOOST_ASSERT(setup.startupinfo->cb >= sizeof(STARTUPINFOA)); BOOST_ASSERT(!(setup.startupinfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES)); boost::scoped_ptr<STARTUPINFOA> si(new STARTUPINFOA); ::CopyMemory(si.get(), setup.startupinfo, sizeof(*setup.startupinfo)); si->dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; switch (infoin.type_) { case stream_info::close: { break; } case stream_info::inherit: { chin = file_handle::win32_std(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, true); break; } case stream_info::use_file: { HANDLE h = ::CreateFileA(infoin.file_.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::win32_start: CreateFile failed")); chin = file_handle(h); break; } case stream_info::use_handle: { chin = infoin.handle_; chin.win32_set_inheritable(true); break; } case stream_info::use_pipe: { infoin.pipe_->rend().win32_set_inheritable(true); chin = infoin.pipe_->rend(); break; } default: { BOOST_ASSERT(false); break; } } si->hStdInput = chin.valid() ? chin.get() : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; switch (infoout.type_) { case stream_info::close: { break; } case stream_info::inherit: { chout = file_handle::win32_std(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, true); break; } case stream_info::use_file: { HANDLE h = ::CreateFileA(infoout.file_.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::win32_start: CreateFile failed")); chout = file_handle(h); break; } case stream_info::use_handle: { chout = infoout.handle_; chout.win32_set_inheritable(true); break; } case stream_info::use_pipe: { infoout.pipe_->wend().win32_set_inheritable(true); chout = infoout.pipe_->wend(); break; } default: { BOOST_ASSERT(false); break; } } si->hStdOutput = chout.valid() ? chout.get() : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; switch (infoerr.type_) { case stream_info::close: { break; } case stream_info::inherit: { cherr = file_handle::win32_std(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, true); break; } case stream_info::redirect: { BOOST_ASSERT(infoerr.desc_to_ == 1); BOOST_ASSERT(chout.valid()); cherr = file_handle::win32_dup(chout.get(), true); break; } case stream_info::use_file: { HANDLE h = ::CreateFileA(infoerr.file_.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::win32_start: CreateFile failed")); cherr = file_handle(h); break; } case stream_info::use_handle: { cherr = infoerr.handle_; cherr.win32_set_inheritable(true); break; } case stream_info::use_pipe: { infoerr.pipe_->wend().win32_set_inheritable(true); cherr = infoerr.pipe_->wend(); break; } default: { BOOST_ASSERT(false); break; } } si->hStdError = cherr.valid() ? cherr.get() : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ::ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); boost::shared_array<char> cmdline = collection_to_win32_cmdline(args); boost::scoped_array<char> executable(new char[exe.size() + 1]); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) ::strcpy(executable.get(), exe.c_str()); #else ::strcpy_s(executable.get(), exe.size() + 1, exe.c_str()); #endif boost::scoped_array<char> workdir(new char[setup.work_directory.size() + 1]); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) ::strcpy(workdir.get(), setup.work_directory.c_str()); #else ::strcpy_s(workdir.get(), setup.work_directory.size() + 1, setup.work_directory.c_str()); #endif boost::shared_array<char> envstrs = environment_to_win32_strings(env); if (!::CreateProcessA(executable.get()[0] ? executable.get() : NULL, cmdline.get(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, envstrs.get(), workdir.get(), si.get(), &pi)) boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::win32_start: CreateProcess failed")); return pi; } } } } #endif