# https://gist.github.com/sivachandran/3a0de157dccef822a230 include(CMakeParseArguments) # Function to wrap a given string into multiple lines at the given column position. # Parameters: # VARIABLE - The name of the CMake variable holding the string. # AT_COLUMN - The column position at which string will be wrapped. function(WRAP_STRING) set(oneValueArgs VARIABLE AT_COLUMN) cmake_parse_arguments(WRAP_STRING "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "" ${ARGN}) string(LENGTH ${${WRAP_STRING_VARIABLE}} stringLength) math(EXPR offset "0") while(stringLength GREATER 0) if(stringLength GREATER ${WRAP_STRING_AT_COLUMN}) math(EXPR length "${WRAP_STRING_AT_COLUMN}") else() math(EXPR length "${stringLength}") endif() string(SUBSTRING ${${WRAP_STRING_VARIABLE}} ${offset} ${length} line) set(lines "${lines}\n${line}") math(EXPR stringLength "${stringLength} - ${length}") math(EXPR offset "${offset} + ${length}") endwhile() set(${WRAP_STRING_VARIABLE} "${lines}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Script to embed contents of a file as byte array in C/C++ header file(.h). The header file # will contain a byte array and integer variable holding the size of the array. # Parameters # SOURCE_FILE - The path of source file whose contents will be embedded in the header file. # VARIABLE_NAME - The name of the variable for the byte array. The string "_SIZE" will be append # to this name and will be used a variable name for size variable. # HEADER_FILE - The path of header file. # APPEND - If specified appends to the header file instead of overwriting it # NULL_TERMINATE - If specified a null byte(zero) will be append to the byte array. This will be # useful if the source file is a text file and we want to use the file contents # as string. But the size variable holds size of the byte array without this # null byte. set(options APPEND NULL_TERMINATE) set(oneValueArgs SOURCE_FILE VARIABLE_NAME HEADER_FILE) # cmake_parse_arguments(BIN2H "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "" ${ARGN}) # reads source file contents as hex string file(READ ${BIN2H_SOURCE_FILE} hexString HEX) string(LENGTH ${hexString} hexStringLength) # appends null byte if asked if(BIN2H_NULL_TERMINATE) set(hexString "${hexString}00") endif() # wraps the hex string into multiple lines at column 32(i.e. 16 bytes per line) wrap_string(VARIABLE hexString AT_COLUMN 32) math(EXPR arraySize "${hexStringLength} / 2") # adds '0x' prefix and comma suffix before and after every byte respectively string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])" "0x\\1, " arrayValues ${hexString}) # removes trailing comma string(REGEX REPLACE ", $" "" arrayValues ${arrayValues}) # converts the variable name into proper C identifier IF (${CMAKE_VERSION} GREATER 2.8.10) # fix for legacy cmake string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${BIN2H_VARIABLE_NAME}" BIN2H_VARIABLE_NAME) ENDIF() string(TOUPPER "${BIN2H_VARIABLE_NAME}" BIN2H_VARIABLE_NAME) # declares byte array and the length variables set(arrayDefinition "const unsigned char ${BIN2H_VARIABLE_NAME}[] = { ${arrayValues} };") set(arraySizeDefinition "const size_t ${BIN2H_VARIABLE_NAME}_SIZE = ${arraySize};") set(declarations "${arrayDefinition}\n\n${arraySizeDefinition}\n\n") if(BIN2H_APPEND) file(APPEND ${BIN2H_HEADER_FILE} "${declarations}") else() file(WRITE ${BIN2H_HEADER_FILE} "${declarations}") endif()