@echo off rem @file compileqt.bat rem @author Tim Hughes rem @date 2014 rem : enable use prefix if we want to produce standalone Qt binaries rem : off by default since this takes longer and duplicates all the headers set USE_PREFIX=0 rem : echo commands so we can see what's going on echo on rem : select platform and toolset from first argument IF %1%==x64 (set PLATFORM=x64&set TOOLSET=x86_amd64) ELSE (set PLATFORM=Win32&set TOOLSET=x86) rem : import VC environment vars call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %TOOLSET% rem : assume our root Qt dir is the current dir set QT=%CD% rem : create the build folder and add the qtbase/bin folder to the PATH if not exist %QT%\%PLATFORM% mkdir %QT%\%PLATFORM% if %USE_PREFIX%==1 ( if not exist %QT%\%PLATFORM%-Build mkdir %QT%\%PLATFORM%-Build if not exist %QT%\%PLATFORM%\qtbase mkdir %QT%\%PLATFORM%\qtbase cd %QT%\%PLATFORM%-Build set QT_PREFIX=-prefix %Qt%\%PLATFORM%\qtbase set QT_TARGETS=module-qtbase-install_subtargets ) else ( cd %QT%\%PLATFORM% set QT_PREFIX= set QT_TARGETS=module-qtbase ) set PATH=%CD%\qtbase\bin;%PATH% rem : run Qt configure with desired settings call %QT%\Src\configure.bat -opensource -confirm-license %QT_PREFIX% -mp -opengl desktop -static -debug-and-release -platform win32-msvc2013 -nomake examples -nomake tests rem : compile and install module-qtbase %QT%\jom\jom %QT_TARGETS%