import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0 as ControlsPrivate import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs.Private 1.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.1 import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 AbstractDialog { id: root property string folder: view.model.folder property var nameFilters: [] property bool selectFolder: false property bool selectExisting: true property int selectedNameFilterIndex: -1 property var selectedNameFilterExtensions: [] property string selection: "" property alias fileUrl: root.selection function selectNameFilter(text) { } function clearSelection(text) { selection = ""; } function addSelection(text) { selection = text; } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { view.needsWidthAdjustment = true view.selection.clear() view.focus = true } } Component.onCompleted: { folder = fileIo.pathToUrl(fileIo.homePath); view.model.nameFilters = root.selectedNameFilterExtensions filterField.currentIndex = root.selectedNameFilterIndex root.favoriteFolders = settings.favoriteFolders } Component.onDestruction: { settings.favoriteFolders = root.favoriteFolders } property Settings settings: Settings { category: "QQControlsFileDialog" property alias width: root.width property alias height: root.height property variant favoriteFolders: [] } property bool showFocusHighlight: false property SystemPalette palette: SystemPalette { } property var favoriteFolders: [] function dirDown(path) { view.selection.clear() root.folder = "file://" + path } function dirUp() { view.selection.clear() if (view.model.parentFolder != "") root.folder = view.model.parentFolder } function acceptSelection() { // transfer the view's selections to QQuickFileDialog clearSelection() if (selectFolder && view.selection.count === 0) addSelection(folder) else { view.selection.forEach(function(idx) { if (view.model.isFolder(idx)) { if (selectFolder) addSelection(view.model.get(idx, "fileURL")) } else { if (!selectFolder) addSelection(view.model.get(idx, "fileURL")) } }) } accept() } property Action dirUpAction: Action { text: "\ue810" shortcut: "Ctrl+U" onTriggered: dirUp() tooltip: qsTr("Go up to the folder containing this one") } Rectangle { id: window implicitWidth: Math.min(root.__maximumDimension, Math.max(Screen.pixelDensity * 100, view.implicitWidth)) implicitHeight: Math.min(root.__maximumDimension, Screen.pixelDensity * 80) color: root.palette.window Binding { target: view.model property: "folder" value: root.folder } Binding { target: currentPathField property: "text" value: fileIo.urlToPath(root.folder) } Keys.onPressed: { event.accepted = true switch (event.key) { case Qt.Key_Back: case Qt.Key_Escape: reject() break default: event.accepted = false break } } Keys.forwardTo: [view.flickableItem] TableView { id: view sortIndicatorVisible: true width: parent.width titleBar.bottom anchors.bottom: property bool needsWidthAdjustment: true selectionMode: root.selectMultiple ? (ControlsPrivate.Settings.hasTouchScreen ? SelectionMode.MultiSelection : SelectionMode.ExtendedSelection) : SelectionMode.SingleSelection onRowCountChanged: if (needsWidthAdjustment && rowCount > 0) { resizeColumnsToContents() needsWidthAdjustment = false } model: FolderListModel { showFiles: !root.selectFolder nameFilters: root.selectedNameFilterExtensions sortField: (view.sortIndicatorColumn === 0 ? FolderListModel.Name : (view.sortIndicatorColumn === 1 ? FolderListModel.Type : (view.sortIndicatorColumn === 2 ? FolderListModel.Size : FolderListModel.LastModified))) sortReversed: view.sortIndicatorOrder === Qt.DescendingOrder } onActivated: if (view.focus) { if (view.selection.count > 0 && view.model.isFolder(row)) { dirDown(view.model.get(row, "filePath")) } else { root.acceptSelection() } } onClicked: currentPathField.text = view.model.get(row, "filePath") TableViewColumn { id: fileNameColumn role: "fileName" title: qsTr("Filename") delegate: Item { implicitWidth: pathText.implicitWidth + pathText.anchors.leftMargin + pathText.anchors.rightMargin Text { id: fileIcon width: height verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter property alias unicode: fileIcon.text FontLoader { id: iconFont; source: "qrc:/QtQuick/Dialogs/qml/icons.ttf"; onNameChanged: console.log("custom font" + name) } x: 4 height: parent.height - 2 unicode: view.model.isFolder(styleData.row) ? "\ue804" : "\ue802" } Text { id: pathText text: styleData.value anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right leftMargin: 36 + 6 rightMargin: 4 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } color: styleData.textColor elide: Text.ElideRight renderType: ControlsPrivate.Settings.isMobile ? Text.QtRendering : Text.NativeRendering } } } TableViewColumn { role: "fileSuffix" title: qsTr("Type", "file type (extension)") // TODO should not need to create a whole new component just to customize the text value // something like textFormat: function(text) { return view.model.get(styleData.row, "fileIsDir") ? "folder" : text } delegate: Item { implicitWidth: sizeText.implicitWidth + sizeText.anchors.leftMargin + sizeText.anchors.rightMargin Text { id: sizeText text: view.model.get(styleData.row, "fileIsDir") ? "folder" : styleData.value anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right leftMargin: 4 rightMargin: 4 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } color: styleData.textColor elide: Text.ElideRight renderType: ControlsPrivate.Settings.isMobile ? Text.QtRendering : Text.NativeRendering } } } TableViewColumn { role: "fileSize" title: qsTr("Size", "file size") horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight } TableViewColumn { id: modifiedColumn; role: "fileModified" ; title: qsTr("Modified", "last-modified time") } TableViewColumn { id: accessedColumn; role: "fileAccessed" ; title: qsTr("Accessed", "last-accessed time") } } ToolBar { id: titleBar RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent ToolButton { action: dirUpAction //style: IconButtonStyle { } Layout.maximumWidth: height * 1.5 } TextField { id: currentPathField Layout.fillWidth: true function doAccept() { root.clearSelection() if (root.addSelection(fileIo.pathToUrl(text))) root.accept() else root.folder = fileIo.pathFolder(text) } onAccepted: doAccept() } } } Item { id: bottomBar width: parent.width height: buttonRow.height + buttonRow.spacing * 2 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom Row { id: buttonRow anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: spacing anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter spacing: 4 ComboBox { id: filterField model: root.nameFilters visible: !selectFolder width: bottomBar.width - cancelButton.width - okButton.width - parent.spacing * 6 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter onCurrentTextChanged: { root.selectNameFilter(currentText) view.model.nameFilters = root.selectedNameFilterExtensions } } Button { id: cancelButton text: qsTr("Cancel") onClicked: root.reject() } Button { id: okButton text: root.selectFolder ? qsTr("Choose") : (selectExisting ? qsTr("Open") : qsTr("Save")) onClicked: { if (view.model.isFolder(view.currentIndex) && !selectFolder) dirDown(view.model.get(view.currentIndex, "filePath")) else if (!(root.selectExisting)) currentPathField.doAccept() else root.acceptSelection() } } } } } }