NewAccount 0 0 511 600 Dialog 16777215 50 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Select new account type:</span></p></body></html> true 16777215 16777215 16777215 50 <html><head/><body><p>Enter some hex digits it should begin with.<br/>NOTE: The more you enter, the longer generation will take.</p></body></html> 16777215 21 16777215 50 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Enter this account name:</span></p></body></html> 16777215 21 16777215 100 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Would you like to add additional security for this key? This lets you protect it with a different password to other keys, but also means that you need to re-enter the key's password every time you wish to use the account.</span></p></body></html> true Yes false 16777215 50 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Enter password:</span></p></body></html> 16777215 21 16777215 50 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Enter password again:</span></p></body></html> 16777215 21 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Enter hint:</span></p></body></html> 16777215 50 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 83 16777215 Qt::LeftToRight Cancel 0 0 83 16777215 Qt::LeftToRight &Create true cancel clicked() NewAccount reject() 381 483 351 506