/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file BlockChain.cpp * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com> * @date 2014 */ #include "BlockChain.h" #if ETH_PROFILING_GPERF #include <gperftools/profiler.h> #endif #include <leveldb/db.h> #include <leveldb/write_batch.h> #include <boost/timer.hpp> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <test/JsonSpiritHeaders.h> #include <libdevcore/Common.h> #include <libdevcore/Assertions.h> #include <libdevcore/RLP.h> #include <libdevcore/StructuredLogger.h> #include <libdevcrypto/FileSystem.h> #include <libethcore/Exceptions.h> #include <libethcore/ProofOfWork.h> #include <libethcore/BlockInfo.h> #include <libethcore/Params.h> #include <liblll/Compiler.h> #include "GenesisInfo.h" #include "State.h" #include "Defaults.h" using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; namespace js = json_spirit; #define ETH_CATCH 1 #define ETH_TIMED_IMPORTS 0 #ifdef _WIN32 const char* BlockChainDebug::name() { return EthBlue "8" EthWhite " <>"; } const char* BlockChainWarn::name() { return EthBlue "8" EthOnRed EthBlackBold " X"; } const char* BlockChainNote::name() { return EthBlue "8" EthBlue " i"; } const char* BlockChainChat::name() { return EthBlue "8" EthWhite " o"; } #else const char* BlockChainDebug::name() { return EthBlue "☍" EthWhite " ◇"; } const char* BlockChainWarn::name() { return EthBlue "☍" EthOnRed EthBlackBold " ✘"; } const char* BlockChainNote::name() { return EthBlue "☍" EthBlue " ℹ"; } const char* BlockChainChat::name() { return EthBlue "☍" EthWhite " ◌"; } #endif std::ostream& dev::eth::operator<<(std::ostream& _out, BlockChain const& _bc) { string cmp = toBigEndianString(_bc.currentHash()); auto it = _bc.m_blocksDB->NewIterator(_bc.m_readOptions); for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next()) if (it->key().ToString() != "best") { try { BlockInfo d(bytesConstRef(it->value())); _out << toHex(it->key().ToString()) << ": " << d.number << " @ " << d.parentHash << (cmp == it->key().ToString() ? " BEST" : "") << std::endl; } catch (...) { cwarn << "Invalid DB entry:" << toHex(it->key().ToString()) << " -> " << toHex(bytesConstRef(it->value())); } } delete it; return _out; } ldb::Slice dev::eth::toSlice(h256 const& _h, unsigned _sub) { #if ALL_COMPILERS_ARE_CPP11_COMPLIANT static thread_local h256 h = _h ^ sha3(h256(u256(_sub))); return ldb::Slice((char const*)&h, 32); #else static boost::thread_specific_ptr<FixedHash<33>> t_h; if (!t_h.get()) t_h.reset(new FixedHash<33>); *t_h = FixedHash<33>(_h); (*t_h)[32] = (uint8_t)_sub; return (ldb::Slice)t_h->ref();//(char const*)t_h.get(), 32); #endif } #if ETH_DEBUG static const chrono::system_clock::duration c_collectionDuration = chrono::seconds(15); static const unsigned c_collectionQueueSize = 2; static const unsigned c_maxCacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1; static const unsigned c_minCacheSize = 1; #else /// Duration between flushes. static const chrono::system_clock::duration c_collectionDuration = chrono::seconds(60); /// Length of death row (total time in cache is multiple of this and collection duration). static const unsigned c_collectionQueueSize = 20; /// Max size, above which we start forcing cache reduction. static const unsigned c_maxCacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * 64; /// Min size, below which we don't bother flushing it. static const unsigned c_minCacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * 32; #endif BlockChain::BlockChain(bytes const& _genesisBlock, std::string _path, WithExisting _we, ProgressCallback const& _p) { // initialise deathrow. m_cacheUsage.resize(c_collectionQueueSize); m_lastCollection = chrono::system_clock::now(); // Initialise with the genesis as the last block on the longest chain. m_genesisBlock = _genesisBlock; m_genesisHash = sha3(RLP(m_genesisBlock)[0].data()); open(_path, _we); if (_we == WithExisting::Verify) rebuild(_path, _p); } BlockChain::~BlockChain() { close(); } void BlockChain::open(std::string const& _path, WithExisting _we) { std::string path = _path.empty() ? Defaults::get()->m_dbPath : _path; boost::filesystem::create_directories(path); if (_we == WithExisting::Kill) { boost::filesystem::remove_all(path + "/blocks"); boost::filesystem::remove_all(path + "/details"); } ldb::Options o; o.create_if_missing = true; ldb::DB::Open(o, path + "/blocks", &m_blocksDB); ldb::DB::Open(o, path + "/details", &m_extrasDB); if (!m_blocksDB || !m_extrasDB) { if (boost::filesystem::space(path + "/blocks").available < 1024) { cwarn << "Not enough available space found on hard drive. Please free some up and then re-run. Bailing."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(NotEnoughAvailableSpace()); } else { cwarn << "Database already open. You appear to have another instance of ethereum running. Bailing."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DatabaseAlreadyOpen()); } } if (_we != WithExisting::Verify && !details(m_genesisHash)) { // Insert details of genesis block. m_details[m_genesisHash] = BlockDetails(0, c_genesisDifficulty, h256(), {}); auto r = m_details[m_genesisHash].rlp(); m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(m_genesisHash, ExtraDetails), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(r)); } #if ETH_PARANOIA checkConsistency(); #endif // TODO: Implement ability to rebuild details map from DB. std::string l; m_extrasDB->Get(m_readOptions, ldb::Slice("best"), &l); m_lastBlockHash = l.empty() ? m_genesisHash : *(h256*)l.data(); m_lastBlockNumber = number(m_lastBlockHash); cnote << "Opened blockchain DB. Latest: " << currentHash(); } void BlockChain::close() { cnote << "Closing blockchain DB"; delete m_extrasDB; delete m_blocksDB; m_lastBlockHash = m_genesisHash; m_lastBlockNumber = 0; m_details.clear(); m_blocks.clear(); } #define IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS(X) try { X; } catch (...) {} void BlockChain::rebuild(std::string const& _path, std::function<void(unsigned, unsigned)> const& _progress) { std::string path = _path.empty() ? Defaults::get()->m_dbPath : _path; #if ETH_PROFILING_GPERF ProfilerStart("BlockChain_rebuild.log"); #endif unsigned originalNumber = m_lastBlockNumber; // Keep extras DB around, but under a temp name delete m_extrasDB; m_extrasDB = nullptr; IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS(boost::filesystem::remove_all(path + "/details.old")); boost::filesystem::rename(path + "/details", path + "/details.old"); ldb::DB* oldExtrasDB; ldb::Options o; o.create_if_missing = true; ldb::DB::Open(o, path + "/details.old", &oldExtrasDB); ldb::DB::Open(o, path + "/details", &m_extrasDB); // Open a fresh state DB State s(State::openDB(path, WithExisting::Kill), BaseState::CanonGenesis); // Clear all memos ready for replay. m_details.clear(); m_logBlooms.clear(); m_receipts.clear(); m_transactionAddresses.clear(); m_blockHashes.clear(); m_blocksBlooms.clear(); m_lastLastHashes.clear(); m_lastBlockHash = genesisHash(); m_lastBlockNumber = 0; m_details[m_lastBlockHash].totalDifficulty = c_genesisDifficulty; m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(m_lastBlockHash, ExtraDetails), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_details[m_lastBlockHash].rlp())); h256 lastHash = m_lastBlockHash; boost::timer t; for (unsigned d = 1; d < originalNumber; ++d) { if (!(d % 1000)) { cerr << "\n1000 blocks in " << t.elapsed() << "s = " << (1000.0 / t.elapsed()) << "b/s" << endl; t.restart(); } try { bytes b = block(queryExtras<BlockHash, ExtraBlockHash>(h256(u256(d)), m_blockHashes, x_blockHashes, NullBlockHash, oldExtrasDB).value); BlockInfo bi(b); ProofOfWork::prep(bi); if (bi.parentHash != lastHash) { cwarn << "DISJOINT CHAIN DETECTED; " << bi.hash() << "#" << d << " -> parent is" << bi.parentHash << "; expected" << lastHash << "#" << (d - 1); return; } lastHash = bi.hash(); import(b, s.db(), 0); } catch (...) { // Failed to import - stop here. break; } if (_progress) _progress(d, originalNumber); } #if ETH_PROFILING_GPERF ProfilerStop(); #endif delete oldExtrasDB; boost::filesystem::remove_all(path + "/details.old"); } template <class T, class V> bool contains(T const& _t, V const& _v) { for (auto const& i: _t) if (i == _v) return true; return false; } LastHashes BlockChain::lastHashes(unsigned _n) const { Guard l(x_lastLastHashes); if (m_lastLastHashesNumber != _n || m_lastLastHashes.empty()) { m_lastLastHashes.resize(256); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; ++i) m_lastLastHashes[i] = _n >= i ? numberHash(_n - i) : h256(); m_lastLastHashesNumber = _n; } return m_lastLastHashes; } tuple<h256s, h256s, bool> BlockChain::sync(BlockQueue& _bq, OverlayDB const& _stateDB, unsigned _max) { // _bq.tick(*this); vector<bytes> blocks; _bq.drain(blocks, _max); h256s fresh; h256s dead; h256s badBlocks; for (auto const& block: blocks) { try { auto r = import(block, _stateDB); fresh += r.first; dead += r.second; } catch (dev::eth::UnknownParent) { cwarn << "ODD: Import queue contains block with unknown parent." << LogTag::Error << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information(); // NOTE: don't reimport since the queue should guarantee everything in the right order. // Can't continue - chain bad. badBlocks.push_back(BlockInfo::headerHash(block)); } catch (Exception const& _e) { cnote << "Exception while importing block. Someone (Jeff? That you?) seems to be giving us dodgy blocks!" << LogTag::Error << diagnostic_information(_e); // NOTE: don't reimport since the queue should guarantee everything in the right order. // Can't continue - chain bad. badBlocks.push_back(BlockInfo::headerHash(block)); } } return make_tuple(fresh, dead, _bq.doneDrain(badBlocks)); } pair<ImportResult, ImportRoute> BlockChain::attemptImport(bytes const& _block, OverlayDB const& _stateDB, ImportRequirements::value _ir) noexcept { try { return make_pair(ImportResult::Success, import(_block, _stateDB, _ir)); } catch (UnknownParent&) { return make_pair(ImportResult::UnknownParent, make_pair(h256s(), h256s())); } catch (AlreadyHaveBlock&) { return make_pair(ImportResult::AlreadyKnown, make_pair(h256s(), h256s())); } catch (FutureTime&) { return make_pair(ImportResult::FutureTime, make_pair(h256s(), h256s())); } catch (...) { return make_pair(ImportResult::Malformed, make_pair(h256s(), h256s())); } } ImportRoute BlockChain::import(bytes const& _block, OverlayDB const& _db, ImportRequirements::value _ir) { //@tidy This is a behemoth of a method - could do to be split into a few smaller ones. #if ETH_TIMED_IMPORTS boost::timer total; double preliminaryChecks; double enactment; double collation; double writing; double checkBest; boost::timer t; #endif // VERIFY: populates from the block and checks the block is internally coherent. BlockInfo bi; #if ETH_CATCH try #endif { RLP blockRLP(_block); if (!blockRLP.isList()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidBlockFormat() << errinfo_comment("block header needs to be a list") << BadFieldError(0, blockRLP.data().toString())); bi.populate(&_block); bi.verifyInternals(&_block); } #if ETH_CATCH catch (Exception const& _e) { clog(BlockChainNote) << " Malformed block: " << diagnostic_information(_e); _e << errinfo_comment("Malformed block "); throw; } #endif // Check block doesn't already exist first! if (isKnown(bi.hash()) && (_ir & ImportRequirements::DontHave)) { clog(BlockChainNote) << bi.hash() << ": Not new."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(AlreadyHaveBlock()); } // Work out its number as the parent's number + 1 if (!isKnown(bi.parentHash)) { clog(BlockChainNote) << bi.hash() << ": Unknown parent " << bi.parentHash; // We don't know the parent (yet) - discard for now. It'll get resent to us if we find out about its ancestry later on. BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(UnknownParent()); } auto pd = details(bi.parentHash); if (!pd) { auto pdata = pd.rlp(); clog(BlockChainDebug) << "Details is returning false despite block known:" << RLP(pdata); auto parentBlock = block(bi.parentHash); clog(BlockChainDebug) << "isKnown:" << isKnown(bi.parentHash); clog(BlockChainDebug) << "last/number:" << m_lastBlockNumber << m_lastBlockHash << bi.number; clog(BlockChainDebug) << "Block:" << BlockInfo(parentBlock); clog(BlockChainDebug) << "RLP:" << RLP(parentBlock); clog(BlockChainDebug) << "DATABASE CORRUPTION: CRITICAL FAILURE"; exit(-1); } // Check it's not crazy if (bi.timestamp > (u256)time(0)) { clog(BlockChainChat) << bi.hash() << ": Future time " << bi.timestamp << " (now at " << time(0) << ")"; // Block has a timestamp in the future. This is no good. BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(FutureTime()); } clog(BlockChainChat) << "Attempting import of " << bi.hash() << "..."; #if ETH_TIMED_IMPORTS preliminaryChecks = t.elapsed(); t.restart(); #endif ldb::WriteBatch blocksBatch; ldb::WriteBatch extrasBatch; h256 newLastBlockHash = currentHash(); unsigned newLastBlockNumber = number(); u256 td; #if ETH_CATCH try #endif { // Check transactions are valid and that they result in a state equivalent to our state_root. // Get total difficulty increase and update state, checking it. State s(_db); auto tdIncrease = s.enactOn(&_block, bi, *this, _ir); BlockLogBlooms blb; BlockReceipts br; for (unsigned i = 0; i < s.pending().size(); ++i) { blb.blooms.push_back(s.receipt(i).bloom()); br.receipts.push_back(s.receipt(i)); } try { s.cleanup(true); } catch (BadRoot) { cwarn << "BadRoot error. Retrying import later."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(FutureTime()); } td = pd.totalDifficulty + tdIncrease; #if ETH_TIMED_IMPORTS enactment = t.elapsed(); t.restart(); #endif #if ETH_PARANOIA || !ETH_TRUE checkConsistency(); #endif // All ok - insert into DB // ensure parent is cached for later addition. // TODO: this is a bit horrible would be better refactored into an enveloping UpgradableGuard // together with an "ensureCachedWithUpdatableLock(l)" method. // This is safe in practice since the caches don't get flushed nearly often enough to be // done here. details(bi.parentHash); DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_details) m_details[bi.parentHash].children.push_back(bi.hash()); #if ETH_TIMED_IMPORTS || !ETH_TRUE collation = t.elapsed(); t.restart(); #endif blocksBatch.Put(toSlice(bi.hash()), (ldb::Slice)ref(_block)); DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_details) extrasBatch.Put(toSlice(bi.parentHash, ExtraDetails), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_details[bi.parentHash].rlp())); extrasBatch.Put(toSlice(bi.hash(), ExtraDetails), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(BlockDetails((unsigned)pd.number + 1, td, bi.parentHash, {}).rlp())); extrasBatch.Put(toSlice(bi.hash(), ExtraLogBlooms), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(blb.rlp())); extrasBatch.Put(toSlice(bi.hash(), ExtraReceipts), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(br.rlp())); #if ETH_TIMED_IMPORTS || !ETH_TRUE writing = t.elapsed(); t.restart(); #endif } #if ETH_CATCH catch (InvalidNonce const& _e) { clog(BlockChainNote) << " Malformed block: " << diagnostic_information(_e); _e << errinfo_comment("Malformed block "); throw; } catch (Exception const& _e) { clog(BlockChainWarn) << " Malformed block: " << diagnostic_information(_e); _e << errinfo_comment("Malformed block "); clog(BlockChainWarn) << "Block: " << bi.hash(); clog(BlockChainWarn) << bi; clog(BlockChainWarn) << "Block parent: " << bi.parentHash; clog(BlockChainWarn) << BlockInfo(block(bi.parentHash)); throw; } #endif StructuredLogger::chainReceivedNewBlock( bi.headerHash(WithoutNonce).abridged(), bi.nonce.abridged(), currentHash().abridged(), "", // TODO: remote id ?? bi.parentHash.abridged() ); // cnote << "Parent " << bi.parentHash << " has " << details(bi.parentHash).children.size() << " children."; h256s route; h256 common; // This might be the new best block... h256 last = currentHash(); if (td > details(last).totalDifficulty) { // don't include bi.hash() in treeRoute, since it's not yet in details DB... // just tack it on afterwards. unsigned commonIndex; tie(route, common, commonIndex) = treeRoute(last, bi.parentHash); route.push_back(bi.hash()); // Most of the time these two will be equal - only when we're doing a chain revert will they not be if (common != last) // If we are reverting previous blocks, we need to clear their blooms (in particular, to // rebuild any higher level blooms that they contributed to). clearBlockBlooms(number(common) + 1, number(last) + 1); // Go through ret backwards until hash != last.parent and update m_transactionAddresses, m_blockHashes for (auto i = route.rbegin(); i != route.rend() && *i != common; ++i) { BlockInfo tbi; if (*i == bi.hash()) tbi = bi; else tbi = BlockInfo(block(*i)); // Collate logs into blooms. h256s alteredBlooms; { LogBloom blockBloom = tbi.logBloom; blockBloom.shiftBloom<3>(sha3(tbi.coinbaseAddress.ref())); // Pre-memoize everything we need before locking x_blocksBlooms for (unsigned level = 0, index = (unsigned)tbi.number; level < c_bloomIndexLevels; level++, index /= c_bloomIndexSize) blocksBlooms(chunkId(level, index / c_bloomIndexSize)); WriteGuard l(x_blocksBlooms); for (unsigned level = 0, index = (unsigned)tbi.number; level < c_bloomIndexLevels; level++, index /= c_bloomIndexSize) { unsigned i = index / c_bloomIndexSize; unsigned o = index % c_bloomIndexSize; alteredBlooms.push_back(chunkId(level, i)); m_blocksBlooms[alteredBlooms.back()].blooms[o] |= blockBloom; } } // Collate transaction hashes and remember who they were. h256s newTransactionAddresses; { bytes blockBytes; RLP blockRLP(*i == bi.hash() ? _block : (blockBytes = block(*i))); TransactionAddress ta; ta.blockHash = tbi.hash(); for (ta.index = 0; ta.index < blockRLP[1].itemCount(); ++ta.index) extrasBatch.Put(toSlice(sha3(blockRLP[1][ta.index].data()), ExtraTransactionAddress), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(ta.rlp())); } // Update database with them. ReadGuard l1(x_blocksBlooms); for (auto const& h: alteredBlooms) extrasBatch.Put(toSlice(h, ExtraBlocksBlooms), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_blocksBlooms[h].rlp())); extrasBatch.Put(toSlice(h256(tbi.number), ExtraBlockHash), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(BlockHash(tbi.hash()).rlp())); } // FINALLY! change our best hash. { newLastBlockHash = bi.hash(); newLastBlockNumber = (unsigned)bi.number; } clog(BlockChainNote) << " Imported and best" << td << " (#" << bi.number << "). Has" << (details(bi.parentHash).children.size() - 1) << "siblings. Route:" << route; StructuredLogger::chainNewHead( bi.headerHash(WithoutNonce).abridged(), bi.nonce.abridged(), currentHash().abridged(), bi.parentHash.abridged() ); } else { clog(BlockChainChat) << " Imported but not best (oTD:" << details(last).totalDifficulty << " > TD:" << td << ")"; } m_blocksDB->Write(m_writeOptions, &blocksBatch); m_extrasDB->Write(m_writeOptions, &extrasBatch); if (isKnown(bi.hash()) && !details(bi.hash())) { clog(BlockChainDebug) << "Known block just inserted has no details."; clog(BlockChainDebug) << "Block:" << bi; clog(BlockChainDebug) << "DATABASE CORRUPTION: CRITICAL FAILURE"; exit(-1); } try { State canary(_db, *this, bi.hash()); } catch (...) { clog(BlockChainDebug) << "Failed to initialise State object form imported block."; clog(BlockChainDebug) << "Block:" << bi; clog(BlockChainDebug) << "DATABASE CORRUPTION: CRITICAL FAILURE"; exit(-1); } if (m_lastBlockHash != newLastBlockHash) DEV_WRITE_GUARDED(x_lastBlockHash) { m_lastBlockHash = newLastBlockHash; m_lastBlockNumber = newLastBlockNumber; m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, ldb::Slice("best"), ldb::Slice((char const*)&m_lastBlockHash, 32)); } #if ETH_PARANOIA || !ETH_TRUE checkConsistency(); #endif #if ETH_TIMED_IMPORTS checkBest = t.elapsed(); cnote << "Import took:" << total.elapsed(); cnote << "preliminaryChecks:" << preliminaryChecks; cnote << "enactment:" << enactment; cnote << "collation:" << collation; cnote << "writing:" << writing; cnote << "checkBest:" << checkBest; #endif if (!route.empty()) noteCanonChanged(); h256s fresh; h256s dead; bool isOld = true; for (auto const& h: route) if (h == common) isOld = false; else if (isOld) dead.push_back(h); else fresh.push_back(h); return make_pair(fresh, dead); } void BlockChain::clearBlockBlooms(unsigned _begin, unsigned _end) { // ... c c c c c c c c c c C o o o o o o // ... /=15 /=21 // L0...| ' | ' | ' | ' | ' | ' | ' | 'b|x'x|x'x|x'e| /=11 // L1...| ' | ' | ' | ' b | x ' x | x ' e | /=6 // L2...| ' | ' b | x ' x | e /=3 // L3...| ' b | x ' e // model: c_bloomIndexLevels = 4, c_bloomIndexSize = 2 // ... /=15 /=21 // L0...| ' ' ' | ' ' ' | ' ' ' | ' ' 'b|x'x'x'x|x'e' ' | // L1...| ' ' ' b | x ' x ' e ' | // L2...| b ' x ' e ' | // model: c_bloomIndexLevels = 2, c_bloomIndexSize = 4 // algorithm doesn't have the best memoisation coherence, but eh well... unsigned beginDirty = _begin; unsigned endDirty = _end; for (unsigned level = 0; level < c_bloomIndexLevels; level++, beginDirty /= c_bloomIndexSize, endDirty = (endDirty - 1) / c_bloomIndexSize + 1) { // compute earliest & latest index for each level, rebuild from previous levels. for (unsigned item = beginDirty; item != endDirty; ++item) { unsigned bunch = item / c_bloomIndexSize; unsigned offset = item % c_bloomIndexSize; auto id = chunkId(level, bunch); LogBloom acc; if (!!level) { // rebuild the bloom from the previous (lower) level (if there is one). auto lowerChunkId = chunkId(level - 1, item); for (auto const& bloom: blocksBlooms(lowerChunkId).blooms) acc |= bloom; } blocksBlooms(id); // make sure it has been memoized. m_blocksBlooms[id].blooms[offset] = acc; } } } tuple<h256s, h256, unsigned> BlockChain::treeRoute(h256 const& _from, h256 const& _to, bool _common, bool _pre, bool _post) const { // cdebug << "treeRoute" << _from << "..." << _to; if (!_from || !_to) return make_tuple(h256s(), h256(), 0); h256s ret; h256s back; unsigned fn = details(_from).number; unsigned tn = details(_to).number; // cdebug << "treeRoute" << fn << "..." << tn; h256 from = _from; while (fn > tn) { if (_pre) ret.push_back(from); from = details(from).parent; fn--; // cdebug << "from:" << fn << _from; } h256 to = _to; while (fn < tn) { if (_post) back.push_back(to); to = details(to).parent; tn--; // cdebug << "to:" << tn << _to; } for (;; from = details(from).parent, to = details(to).parent) { if (_pre && (from != to || _common)) ret.push_back(from); if (_post && (from != to || (!_pre && _common))) back.push_back(to); fn--; tn--; // cdebug << "from:" << fn << _from << "; to:" << tn << _to; if (from == to) break; if (!from) assert(from); if (!to) assert(to); } ret.reserve(ret.size() + back.size()); unsigned i = ret.size() - (int)(_common && !ret.empty() && !back.empty()); for (auto it = back.rbegin(); it != back.rend(); ++it) ret.push_back(*it); return make_tuple(ret, from, i); } void BlockChain::noteUsed(h256 const& _h, unsigned _extra) const { auto id = CacheID(_h, _extra); Guard l(x_cacheUsage); m_cacheUsage[0].insert(id); if (m_cacheUsage[1].count(id)) m_cacheUsage[1].erase(id); else m_inUse.insert(id); } template <class T> static unsigned getHashSize(unordered_map<h256, T> const& _map) { unsigned ret = 0; for (auto const& i: _map) ret += i.second.size + 64; return ret; } void BlockChain::updateStats() const { { ReadGuard l(x_blocks); m_lastStats.memBlocks = 0; for (auto const& i: m_blocks) m_lastStats.memBlocks += i.second.size() + 64; } { ReadGuard l(x_details); m_lastStats.memDetails = getHashSize(m_details); } { ReadGuard l1(x_logBlooms); ReadGuard l2(x_blocksBlooms); m_lastStats.memLogBlooms = getHashSize(m_logBlooms) + getHashSize(m_blocksBlooms); } { ReadGuard l(x_receipts); m_lastStats.memReceipts = getHashSize(m_receipts); } { ReadGuard l(x_blockHashes); m_lastStats.memBlockHashes = getHashSize(m_blockHashes); } { ReadGuard l(x_transactionAddresses); m_lastStats.memTransactionAddresses = getHashSize(m_transactionAddresses); } } void BlockChain::garbageCollect(bool _force) { updateStats(); if (!_force && chrono::system_clock::now() < m_lastCollection + c_collectionDuration && m_lastStats.memTotal() < c_maxCacheSize) return; if (m_lastStats.memTotal() < c_minCacheSize) return; m_lastCollection = chrono::system_clock::now(); Guard l(x_cacheUsage); WriteGuard l1(x_blocks); WriteGuard l2(x_details); WriteGuard l3(x_blockHashes); WriteGuard l4(x_receipts); WriteGuard l5(x_logBlooms); WriteGuard l6(x_transactionAddresses); WriteGuard l7(x_blocksBlooms); for (CacheID const& id: m_cacheUsage.back()) { m_inUse.erase(id); // kill i from cache. switch (id.second) { case (unsigned)-1: m_blocks.erase(id.first); break; case ExtraDetails: m_details.erase(id.first); break; case ExtraBlockHash: m_blockHashes.erase(id.first); break; case ExtraReceipts: m_receipts.erase(id.first); break; case ExtraLogBlooms: m_logBlooms.erase(id.first); break; case ExtraTransactionAddress: m_transactionAddresses.erase(id.first); break; case ExtraBlocksBlooms: m_blocksBlooms.erase(id.first); break; } } m_cacheUsage.pop_back(); m_cacheUsage.push_front(std::unordered_set<CacheID>{}); } void BlockChain::checkConsistency() { { WriteGuard l(x_details); m_details.clear(); } ldb::Iterator* it = m_blocksDB->NewIterator(m_readOptions); for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next()) if (it->key().size() == 32) { h256 h((byte const*)it->key().data(), h256::ConstructFromPointer); auto dh = details(h); auto p = dh.parent; if (p != h256() && p != m_genesisHash) // TODO: for some reason the genesis details with the children get squished. not sure why. { auto dp = details(p); if (asserts(contains(dp.children, h))) { cnote << "Apparently the database is corrupt. Not much we can do at this stage..."; } if (assertsEqual(dp.number, dh.number - 1)) { cnote << "Apparently the database is corrupt. Not much we can do at this stage..."; } } } delete it; } static inline unsigned upow(unsigned a, unsigned b) { while (b-- > 0) a *= a; return a; } static inline unsigned ceilDiv(unsigned n, unsigned d) { return n / (n + d - 1); } //static inline unsigned floorDivPow(unsigned n, unsigned a, unsigned b) { return n / upow(a, b); } //static inline unsigned ceilDivPow(unsigned n, unsigned a, unsigned b) { return ceilDiv(n, upow(a, b)); } // Level 1 // [xxx. ] // Level 0 // [.x............F.] // [........x.......] // [T.............x.] // [............ ] // F = 14. T = 32 vector<unsigned> BlockChain::withBlockBloom(LogBloom const& _b, unsigned _earliest, unsigned _latest) const { vector<unsigned> ret; // start from the top-level unsigned u = upow(c_bloomIndexSize, c_bloomIndexLevels); // run through each of the top-level blockbloom blocks for (unsigned index = _earliest / u; index <= ceilDiv(_latest, u); ++index) // 0 ret += withBlockBloom(_b, _earliest, _latest, c_bloomIndexLevels - 1, index); return ret; } vector<unsigned> BlockChain::withBlockBloom(LogBloom const& _b, unsigned _earliest, unsigned _latest, unsigned _level, unsigned _index) const { // 14, 32, 1, 0 // 14, 32, 0, 0 // 14, 32, 0, 1 // 14, 32, 0, 2 vector<unsigned> ret; unsigned uCourse = upow(c_bloomIndexSize, _level + 1); // 256 // 16 unsigned uFine = upow(c_bloomIndexSize, _level); // 16 // 1 unsigned obegin = _index == _earliest / uCourse ? _earliest / uFine % c_bloomIndexSize : 0; // 0 // 14 // 0 // 0 unsigned oend = _index == _latest / uCourse ? (_latest / uFine) % c_bloomIndexSize + 1 : c_bloomIndexSize; // 3 // 16 // 16 // 1 BlocksBlooms bb = blocksBlooms(_level, _index); for (unsigned o = obegin; o < oend; ++o) if (bb.blooms[o].contains(_b)) { // This level has something like what we want. if (_level > 0) ret += withBlockBloom(_b, _earliest, _latest, _level - 1, o + _index * c_bloomIndexSize); else ret.push_back(o + _index * c_bloomIndexSize); } return ret; } h256Hash BlockChain::allUnclesFrom(h256 const& _parent) const { // Get all uncles cited given a parent (i.e. featured as uncles/main in parent, parent + 1, ... parent + 5). h256 p = _parent; h256Hash ret = { p }; // p and (details(p).parent: i == 5) is likely to be overkill, but can't hurt to be cautious. for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6 && p != m_genesisHash; ++i, p = details(p).parent) { ret.insert(details(p).parent); auto b = block(p); for (auto i: RLP(b)[2]) ret.insert(sha3(i.data())); } return ret; } bool BlockChain::isKnown(h256 const& _hash) const { if (_hash == m_genesisHash) return true; DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_blocks) if (!m_blocks.count(_hash)) { string d; m_blocksDB->Get(m_readOptions, toSlice(_hash), &d); if (d.empty()) return false; } DEV_READ_GUARDED(x_details) if (!m_details.count(_hash)) { string d; m_extrasDB->Get(m_readOptions, toSlice(_hash, ExtraDetails), &d); if (d.empty()) return false; } return true; } bytes BlockChain::block(h256 const& _hash) const { if (_hash == m_genesisHash) return m_genesisBlock; { ReadGuard l(x_blocks); auto it = m_blocks.find(_hash); if (it != m_blocks.end()) return it->second; } string d; m_blocksDB->Get(m_readOptions, toSlice(_hash), &d); if (d.empty()) { cwarn << "Couldn't find requested block:" << _hash; return bytes(); } noteUsed(_hash); WriteGuard l(x_blocks); m_blocks[_hash].resize(d.size()); memcpy(m_blocks[_hash].data(), d.data(), d.size()); return m_blocks[_hash]; }