/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file AssemblyDebuggerModel.cpp * @author Yann yann@ethdev.com * @date 2014 * used as a model to debug contract assembly code. */ //These 2 includes should be at the top to avoid conflicts with macros defined in windows.h //@todo fix this is solidity headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AppContext.h" #include "TransactionListModel.h" #include "AssemblyDebuggerModel.h" #include "ConstantCompilationModel.h" #include "DebuggingStateWrapper.h" using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; using namespace dev::mix; AssemblyDebuggerModel::AssemblyDebuggerModel(): m_userAccount(KeyPair::create()), m_baseState(Address(), m_overlayDB, BaseState::Empty) { m_baseState.addBalance(m_userAccount.address(), 10000000 * ether); m_executiveState = m_baseState; m_currentExecution = std::unique_ptr(new Executive(m_executiveState, 0)); } DebuggingContent AssemblyDebuggerModel::executeTransaction(bytesConstRef const& _rawTransaction) { QList machineStates; m_currentExecution.reset(new Executive(m_executiveState, 0)); m_currentExecution->setup(_rawTransaction); std::vector levels; bytes code; bytesConstRef data; bool firstIteration = true; auto onOp = [&](uint64_t steps, Instruction inst, dev::bigint newMemSize, dev::bigint gasCost, void* voidVM, void const* voidExt) { VM& vm = *(VM*)voidVM; ExtVM const& ext = *(ExtVM const*)voidExt; if (firstIteration) { code = ext.code; data = ext.data; firstIteration = false; } if (levels.size() < ext.depth) levels.push_back(&machineStates.back()); else levels.resize(ext.depth); machineStates.append(DebuggingState({steps, ext.myAddress, vm.curPC(), inst, newMemSize, vm.gas(), vm.stack(), vm.memory(), gasCost, ext.state().storage(ext.myAddress), levels})); }; m_currentExecution->go(onOp); m_currentExecution->finalize(onOp); m_executiveState.completeMine(); DebuggingContent d; d.returnValue = m_currentExecution->out().toVector(); d.machineStates = machineStates; d.executionCode = code; d.executionData = data; d.contentAvailable = true; d.message = "ok"; return d; } DebuggingContent AssemblyDebuggerModel::deployContract(bytes const& _code) { u256 gasPrice = 10000000000000; u256 gas = 1000000; u256 amount = 100; Transaction _tr(amount, gasPrice, min(gas, m_baseState.gasLimitRemaining()), _code, m_executiveState.transactionsFrom(dev::toAddress(m_userAccount.secret())), m_userAccount.secret()); bytes b = _tr.rlp(); dev::bytesConstRef bytesRef = &b; DebuggingContent d = executeTransaction(bytesRef); h256 th = sha3(rlpList(_tr.sender(), _tr.nonce())); d.contractAddress = right160(th); return d; } DebuggingContent AssemblyDebuggerModel::callContract(Address const& _contract, bytes const& _data, TransactionSettings const& _tr) { Transaction tr = Transaction(_tr.value, _tr.gasPrice, min(_tr.gas, m_baseState.gasLimitRemaining()), _contract, _data, m_executiveState.transactionsFrom(dev::toAddress(m_userAccount.secret())), m_userAccount.secret()); bytes b = tr.rlp(); dev::bytesConstRef bytesRef = &b; DebuggingContent d = executeTransaction(bytesRef); d.contractAddress = tr.receiveAddress(); return d; } void AssemblyDebuggerModel::resetState() { // Reset the state back to our clean premine. m_executiveState = m_baseState; }