import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3 import org.ethereum.qml.QEther 1.0 import "js/TransactionHelper.js" as TransactionHelper import "js/ProjectModel.js" as ProjectModelCode import "js/QEtherHelper.js" as QEtherHelper import "." Window { id: modalDeploymentDialog modality: Qt.ApplicationModal width: 735 height: 320 maximumWidth: width minimumWidth: width maximumHeight: height minimumHeight: height visible: false property alias applicationUrlEth: applicationUrlEth.text property alias applicationUrlHttp: applicationUrlHttp.text property string urlHintContract: urlHintAddr.text property string packageHash property string packageBase64 property string eth: registrarAddr.text property string currentAccount property alias gasToUse: gasToUseInput.text color: Style.generic.layout.backgroundColor function close() { visible = false; } function open() { modalDeploymentDialog.setX((Screen.width - width) / 2); modalDeploymentDialog.setY((Screen.height - height) / 2); visible = true; var requests = [{ //accounts jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_accounts", params: null, id: 0 }]; TransactionHelper.rpcCall(requests, function(arg1, arg2) { modelAccounts.clear(); var ids = JSON.parse(arg2)[0].result; requests = []; for (var k in ids) { modelAccounts.append({ "id": ids[k] }) requests.push({ //accounts jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_balanceAt", params: [ids[k]], id: k }); } if (ids.length > 0) currentAccount = modelAccounts.get(0).id; TransactionHelper.rpcCall(requests, function (request, response){ var balanceRet = JSON.parse(response); for (var k in balanceRet) { var ether = QEtherHelper.createEther(balanceRet[k].result, QEther.Wei); comboAccounts.balances.push(ether.format()); } balance.text = comboAccounts.balances[0]; }); }); } function stopForInputError(inError) { errorDialog.text = ""; if (inError.length > 0) { errorDialog.text = qsTr("The length of a string cannot exceed 32 characters.\nPlease verify the following value(s):\n\n") for (var k in inError) errorDialog.text += inError[k] + "\n";; return true; } return false; } function pad(h) { // TODO move this to QHashType class while (h.length < 64) { h = '0' + h; } return h; } function waitForTrCountToIncrement(callBack) { poolLog.callBack = callBack; poolLog.k = -1; poolLog.elapsed = 0; poolLog.start(); } Timer { id: poolLog property var callBack property int k: -1 property int elapsed interval: 500 running: false repeat: true onTriggered: { elapsed += interval; var requests = []; var jsonRpcRequestId = 0; requests.push({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_countAt", params: [ currentAccount ], id: jsonRpcRequestId++ }); TransactionHelper.rpcCall(requests, function (httpRequest, response){ response = response.replace(/,0+/, ''); // ==> result:27,00000000 var count = JSON.parse(response)[0].result if (k < parseInt(count) && k > 0) { stop(); callBack(1); } else if (elapsed > 25000) { stop(); callBack(-1); } else k = parseInt(JSON.parse(response)[0].result); }) } } SourceSansProRegular { id: lightFont } Column { spacing: 5 anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 ColumnLayout { id: containerDeploy Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: 500 RowLayout { Rectangle { Layout.preferredWidth: 357 DefaultLabel { text: qsTr("Deployment") font.underline: true anchors.centerIn: parent } } Button { action: displayHelpAction iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/help.png" } Action { id: displayHelpAction tooltip: qsTr("Help") onTriggered: { Qt.openUrlExternally("") } } Button { action: openFolderAction iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/openedfolder.png" } Action { id: openFolderAction enabled: deploymentDialog.packageBase64 !== "" tooltip: qsTr("Open Package Folder") onTriggered: { fileIo.openFileBrowser(projectModel.deploymentDir); } } Button { action: b64Action iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/b64.png" } Action { id: b64Action enabled: deploymentDialog.packageBase64 !== "" tooltip: qsTr("Copy Base64 conversion to ClipBoard") onTriggered: { appContext.toClipboard(deploymentDialog.packageBase64); } } Button { action: exitAction iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/exit.png" } Action { id: exitAction tooltip: qsTr("Exit") onTriggered: { close() } } } GridLayout { columns: 2 width: parent.width DefaultLabel { text: qsTr("Root Registrar address:") } DefaultTextField { Layout.preferredWidth: 350 id: registrarAddr } DefaultLabel { text: qsTr("Account used to deploy:") } Rectangle { width: 300 height: 25 color: "transparent" ComboBox { id: comboAccounts property var balances: [] onCurrentIndexChanged : { if (modelAccounts.count > 0) { currentAccount = modelAccounts.get(currentIndex).id; balance.text = balances[currentIndex]; } } model: ListModel { id: modelAccounts } } DefaultLabel { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: comboAccounts.right anchors.leftMargin: 20 id: balance; } } DefaultLabel { text: qsTr("Amount of gas to use for each contract deployment: ") } DefaultTextField { text: "20000" Layout.preferredWidth: 350 id: gasToUseInput } DefaultLabel { text: qsTr("Ethereum Application URL: ") } Rectangle { Layout.fillWidth: true height: 25 color: "transparent" DefaultTextField { width: 200 id: applicationUrlEth onTextChanged: { appUrlFormatted.text = ProjectModelCode.formatAppUrl(text).join('/'); } } DefaultLabel { id: appUrlFormatted anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; anchors.left: applicationUrlEth.right font.italic: true font.pointSize: Style.absoluteSize(-1) } } } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Rectangle { Layout.preferredWidth: 357 color: "transparent" } Button { id: deployButton action: runAction iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/run.png" } Action { id: runAction tooltip: qsTr("Deploy contract(s) and Package resources files.") onTriggered: { var inError = []; var ethUrl = ProjectModelCode.formatAppUrl(applicationUrlEth.text); for (var k in ethUrl) { if (ethUrl[k].length > 32) inError.push(qsTr("Member too long: " + ethUrl[k]) + "\n"); } if (!stopForInputError(inError)) { if (contractRedeploy.checked); else ProjectModelCode.startDeployProject(false); } } } CheckBox { anchors.left: deployButton.right id: contractRedeploy enabled: Object.keys(projectModel.deploymentAddresses).length > 0 checked: Object.keys(projectModel.deploymentAddresses).length == 0 text: qsTr("Deploy Contract(s)") anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } } } Rectangle { width: parent.width height: 1 color: "#5891d3" } ColumnLayout { id: containerRegister Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: 500 RowLayout { Layout.preferredHeight: 25 Rectangle { Layout.preferredWidth: 356 DefaultLabel { text: qsTr("Registration") font.underline: true anchors.centerIn: parent } } } GridLayout { columns: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true DefaultLabel { Layout.preferredWidth: 355 text: qsTr("URL Hint contract address:") } DefaultTextField { Layout.preferredWidth: 350 id: urlHintAddr enabled: rowRegister.isOkToRegister() } DefaultLabel { Layout.preferredWidth: 355 text: qsTr("Web Application Resources URL: ") } DefaultTextField { Layout.preferredWidth: 350 id: applicationUrlHttp enabled: rowRegister.isOkToRegister() } } RowLayout { id: rowRegister Layout.fillWidth: true Rectangle { Layout.preferredWidth: 357 color: "transparent" } function isOkToRegister() { return Object.keys(projectModel.deploymentAddresses).length > 0 && deploymentDialog.packageHash !== ""; } Button { action: registerAction iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/note.png" } Action { id: registerAction enabled: rowRegister.isOkToRegister() tooltip: qsTr("Register hosted Web Application.") onTriggered: { if (applicationUrlHttp.text === "" || deploymentDialog.packageHash === "") { deployDialog.title = text; deployDialog.text = qsTr("Please provide the link where the resources are stored and ensure the package is aleary built using the deployment step."); return; } var inError = []; if (applicationUrlHttp.text.length > 32) inError.push(qsTr(applicationUrlHttp.text)); if (!stopForInputError(inError)) ProjectModelCode.registerToUrlHint(); } } } } } MessageDialog { id: deployDialog standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok icon: StandardIcon.Warning } MessageDialog { id: errorDialog standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok icon: StandardIcon.Critical } }