#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace dev; using namespace solidity; void help() { std::cout << "Usage solc [OPTIONS] " << std::endl << "Options:" << std::endl << " -h,--help Show this help message and exit." << std::endl << " -V,--version Show the version and exit." << std::endl; exit(0); } void version() { std::cout << "solc, the solidity complier commandline interface " << dev::Version << std::endl << " by Christian , (c) 2014." << std::endl << "Build: " << DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM) << "/" << DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_TYPE) << std::endl; exit(0); } void printSourcePart(std::ostream& _stream, Location const& _location, Scanner const& _scanner) { int startLine; int startColumn; std::tie(startLine, startColumn) = _scanner.translatePositionToLineColumn(_location.start); _stream << " starting at line " << (startLine + 1) << ", column " << (startColumn + 1) << "\n"; int endLine; int endColumn; std::tie(endLine, endColumn) = _scanner.translatePositionToLineColumn(_location.end); if (startLine == endLine) { _stream << _scanner.getLineAtPosition(_location.start) << "\n" << std::string(startColumn, ' ') << "^"; if (endColumn > startColumn + 2) _stream << std::string(endColumn - startColumn - 2, '-'); if (endColumn > startColumn + 1) _stream << "^"; _stream << "\n"; } else { _stream << _scanner.getLineAtPosition(_location.start) << "\n" << std::string(startColumn, ' ') << "^\n" << "Spanning multiple lines.\n"; } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string infile; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string arg = argv[i]; if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") help(); else if (arg == "-V" || arg == "--version") version(); else infile = argv[i]; } std::string sourceCode; if (infile.empty()) { std::string s; while (!std::cin.eof()) { getline(std::cin, s); sourceCode.append(s); } } else sourceCode = asString(dev::contents(infile)); ASTPointer ast; std::shared_ptr scanner = std::make_shared(CharStream(sourceCode)); Parser parser; try { ast = parser.parse(scanner); } catch (ParserError const& exc) { int line; int column; std::tie(line, column) = scanner->translatePositionToLineColumn(exc.getPosition()); std::cerr << exc.what() << " at line " << (line + 1) << ", column " << (column + 1) << std::endl; std::cerr << scanner->getLineAtPosition(exc.getPosition()) << std::endl; std::cerr << std::string(column, ' ') << "^" << std::endl; return -1; } dev::solidity::NameAndTypeResolver resolver; try { resolver.resolveNamesAndTypes(*ast.get()); } catch (DeclarationError const& exc) { std::cerr << exc.what() << std::endl; printSourcePart(std::cerr, exc.getLocation(), *scanner); return -1; } catch (TypeError const& exc) { std::cerr << exc.what() << std::endl; printSourcePart(std::cerr, exc.getLocation(), *scanner); return -1; } std::cout << "Syntax tree for the contract:" << std::endl; dev::solidity::ASTPrinter printer(ast, sourceCode); printer.print(std::cout); return 0; }