/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file vm.cpp * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 * vm test functions. */ #include "vm.h" #define FILL_TESTS using namespace std; using namespace json_spirit; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; using namespace dev::test; FakeExtVM::FakeExtVM(eth::BlockInfo const& _previousBlock, eth::BlockInfo const& _currentBlock): ExtVMFace(Address(), Address(), Address(), 0, 1, bytesConstRef(), bytesConstRef(), _previousBlock, _currentBlock) {} h160 FakeExtVM::create(u256 _endowment, u256* _gas, bytesConstRef _init, OnOpFunc) { Transaction t; t.value = _endowment; t.gasPrice = gasPrice; t.gas = *_gas; t.data = _init.toBytes(); callcreates.push_back(t); m_s.noteSending(myAddress); m_ms.internal.resize(m_ms.internal.size() + 1); auto ret = m_s.create(myAddress, _endowment, gasPrice, _gas, _init, origin, &suicides, &posts, &m_ms ? &(m_ms.internal.back()) : nullptr, OnOpFunc(), 1); if (!m_ms.internal.back().from) m_ms.internal.pop_back(); if (get<0>(addresses[myAddress]) >= _endowment) { get<1>(addresses[myAddress])++; get<0>(addresses[ret]) = _endowment; get<3>(addresses[ret]) = m_s.code(ret); } return ret; } bool FakeExtVM::call(Address _receiveAddress, u256 _value, bytesConstRef _data, u256* _gas, bytesRef _out, OnOpFunc, Address, Address) { Transaction t; t.value = _value; t.gasPrice = gasPrice; t.gas = *_gas; t.data = _data.toVector(); t.receiveAddress = _receiveAddress; string codeOf_receiveAddress = toHex(get<3>(addresses[_receiveAddress]) ); string sizeOfCode = toHex(toCompactBigEndian((codeOf_receiveAddress.size()+1)/2)); if (codeOf_receiveAddress.size()) { // create init code that returns given contract code string initStringHex = "{ (CODECOPY 0 (- (CODESIZE) 0x" + sizeOfCode + " ) 0x" + sizeOfCode + ") (RETURN 0 0x" + sizeOfCode +")}"; bytes initBytes = compileLLL(initStringHex, true, NULL); initBytes += fromHex(codeOf_receiveAddress); bytesConstRef init(&initBytes); if (!m_s.addresses().count(_receiveAddress)) { m_s.noteSending(myAddress); m_ms.internal.resize(m_ms.internal.size() + 1); auto na = m_s.create(myAddress, 0, gasPrice, _gas, init, origin, &suicides, &posts, &m_ms ? &(m_ms.internal.back()) : nullptr, OnOpFunc(), 1); if (!m_ms.internal.back().from) m_ms.internal.pop_back(); if (!m_s.addresses().count(_receiveAddress)) { cnote << "not able to call to : " << _receiveAddress << "\n"; cnote << "in FakeExtVM you can only make a call to " << na << "\n"; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(FakeExtVMFailure() << errinfo_comment("Address not callable in FakeExtVM\n") << errinfo_wrongAddress(_receiveAddress)); return false; } } m_ms.internal.resize(m_ms.internal.size() + 1); auto ret = m_s.call(_receiveAddress, Address() ? Address() : _receiveAddress, Address() ? Address() : myAddress, _value, gasPrice, _data, _gas, _out, origin, &suicides, &posts, &(m_ms.internal.back()), OnOpFunc(), 1); if (!m_ms.internal.back().from) m_ms.internal.pop_back(); if (!ret) return false; if (get<0>(addresses[myAddress]) >= _value) { get<1>(addresses[myAddress])++; get<0>(addresses[_receiveAddress]) += _value; for (auto const& j: m_s.storage(_receiveAddress)) { u256 adr(j.first); if ((j.second != 0) ) get<2>(addresses[_receiveAddress])[adr] = j.second; } } } else addresses.erase(_receiveAddress); // for the sake of comparison callcreates.push_back(t); return true; } void FakeExtVM::setTransaction(Address _caller, u256 _value, u256 _gasPrice, bytes const& _data) { caller = origin = _caller; value = _value; data = &(thisTxData = _data); gasPrice = _gasPrice; } void FakeExtVM::setContract(Address _myAddress, u256 _myBalance, u256 _myNonce, map const& _storage, bytes const& _code) { myAddress = _myAddress; set(myAddress, _myBalance, _myNonce, _storage, _code); } void FakeExtVM::set(Address _a, u256 _myBalance, u256 _myNonce, map const& _storage, bytes const& _code) { get<0>(addresses[_a]) = _myBalance; get<1>(addresses[_a]) = _myNonce; get<2>(addresses[_a]) = _storage; get<3>(addresses[_a]) = _code; } void FakeExtVM::reset(u256 _myBalance, u256 _myNonce, map const& _storage) { callcreates.clear(); addresses.clear(); set(myAddress, _myBalance, _myNonce, _storage, get<3>(addresses[myAddress])); } u256 FakeExtVM::toInt(mValue const& _v) { switch (_v.type()) { case str_type: return u256(_v.get_str()); case int_type: return (u256)_v.get_uint64(); case bool_type: return (u256)(uint64_t)_v.get_bool(); case real_type: return (u256)(uint64_t)_v.get_real(); default: cwarn << "Bad type for scalar: " << _v.type(); } return 0; } byte FakeExtVM::toByte(mValue const& _v) { switch (_v.type()) { case str_type: return (byte)stoi(_v.get_str()); case int_type: return (byte)_v.get_uint64(); case bool_type: return (byte)_v.get_bool(); case real_type: return (byte)_v.get_real(); default: cwarn << "Bad type for scalar: " << _v.type(); } return 0; } void FakeExtVM::push(mObject& o, string const& _n, u256 _v) { // if (_v < (u256)1 << 64) // o[_n] = (uint64_t)_v; // else o[_n] = toString(_v); } void FakeExtVM::push(mArray& a, u256 _v) { // if (_v < (u256)1 << 64) // a.push_back((uint64_t)_v); // else a.push_back(toString(_v)); } mObject FakeExtVM::exportEnv() { mObject ret; ret["previousHash"] = toString(previousBlock.hash); push(ret, "currentDifficulty", currentBlock.difficulty); push(ret, "currentTimestamp", currentBlock.timestamp); ret["currentCoinbase"] = toString(currentBlock.coinbaseAddress); push(ret, "currentNumber", currentBlock.number); push(ret, "currentGasLimit", currentBlock.gasLimit); return ret; } void FakeExtVM::importEnv(mObject& _o) { BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("previousHash") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("currentGasLimit") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("currentDifficulty") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("currentTimestamp") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("currentCoinbase") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("currentNumber") > 0); previousBlock.hash = h256(_o["previousHash"].get_str()); currentBlock.number = toInt(_o["currentNumber"]); currentBlock.gasLimit = toInt(_o["currentGasLimit"]); currentBlock.difficulty = toInt(_o["currentDifficulty"]); currentBlock.timestamp = toInt(_o["currentTimestamp"]); currentBlock.coinbaseAddress = Address(_o["currentCoinbase"].get_str()); } mObject FakeExtVM::exportState() { mObject ret; for (auto const& a: addresses) { mObject o; push(o, "balance", get<0>(a.second)); push(o, "nonce", get<1>(a.second)); { mObject store; string curKey; u256 li = 0; bool isOutOfRange = false; mArray curVal; for (auto const& s: get<2>(a.second)) { if (!li || s.first > li + 8) { if (li || isOutOfRange) store[curKey] = curVal; li = s.first; curKey = "0x"+toHex(toCompactBigEndian(li)); curVal = mArray(); } else for (; li != s.first; ++li) curVal.push_back(0); curVal.push_back("0x"+toHex(toCompactBigEndian(s.second))); if ( toHex(toCompactBigEndian(li)) == "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff") isOutOfRange = true; ++li; } if (li || isOutOfRange) store[curKey] = curVal; o["storage"] = store; } o["code"] = "0x" + toHex(get<3>(a.second)); ret[toString(a.first)] = o; } return ret; } void FakeExtVM::importState(mObject& _object) { for (auto const& i: _object) { mObject o = i.second.get_obj(); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("balance") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("nonce") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("storage") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("code") > 0); auto& a = addresses[Address(i.first)]; get<0>(a) = toInt(o["balance"]); get<1>(a) = toInt(o["nonce"]); for (auto const& j: o["storage"].get_obj()) { u256 adr(j.first); for (auto const& k: j.second.get_array()) { if ((toInt(k) != 0) || (j.second.get_array().size() == 1)) get<2>(a)[adr] = toInt(k); adr++; } } if (o["code"].type() == str_type) if (o["code"].get_str().find_first_of("0x") != 0) get<3>(a) = compileLLL(o["code"].get_str(), false); else get<3>(a) = fromHex(o["code"].get_str().substr(2)); else { get<3>(a).clear(); for (auto const& j: o["code"].get_array()) get<3>(a).push_back(toByte(j)); } } } mObject FakeExtVM::exportExec() { mObject ret; ret["address"] = toString(myAddress); ret["caller"] = toString(caller); ret["origin"] = toString(origin); push(ret, "value", value); push(ret, "gasPrice", gasPrice); push(ret, "gas", gas); ret["data"] = "0x" + toHex(data); ret["code"] = "0x" + toHex(code); return ret; } void FakeExtVM::importExec(mObject& _o) { BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("address")> 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("caller") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("origin") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("value") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("data") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("gasPrice") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(_o.count("gas") > 0); myAddress = Address(_o["address"].get_str()); caller = Address(_o["caller"].get_str()); origin = Address(_o["origin"].get_str()); value = toInt(_o["value"]); gasPrice = toInt(_o["gasPrice"]); gas = toInt(_o["gas"]); thisTxCode.clear(); code = &thisTxCode; if (_o["code"].type() == str_type) if (_o["code"].get_str().find_first_of("0x") == 0) thisTxCode = compileLLL(_o["code"].get_str()); else thisTxCode = fromHex(_o["code"].get_str().substr(2)); else if (_o["code"].type() == array_type) for (auto const& j: _o["code"].get_array()) thisTxCode.push_back(toByte(j)); else code.reset(); thisTxData.clear(); if (_o["data"].type() == str_type) if (_o["data"].get_str().find_first_of("0x") == 0) thisTxData = fromHex(_o["data"].get_str().substr(2)); else thisTxData = fromHex(_o["data"].get_str()); else for (auto const& j: _o["data"].get_array()) thisTxData.push_back(toByte(j)); data = &thisTxData; } mArray FakeExtVM::exportCallCreates() { mArray ret; for (Transaction const& tx: callcreates) { mObject o; o["destination"] = toString(tx.receiveAddress); push(o, "gasLimit", tx.gas); push(o, "value", tx.value); o["data"] = "0x" + toHex(tx.data); ret.push_back(o); } return ret; } void FakeExtVM::importCallCreates(mArray& _callcreates) { for (mValue& v: _callcreates) { auto tx = v.get_obj(); BOOST_REQUIRE(tx.count("data") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(tx.count("value") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(tx.count("destination") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(tx.count("gasLimit") > 0); Transaction t; t.receiveAddress = Address(tx["destination"].get_str()); t.value = toInt(tx["value"]); t.gas = toInt(tx["gasLimit"]); if (tx["data"].type() == str_type) if (tx["data"].get_str().find_first_of("0x") == 0) t.data = fromHex(tx["data"].get_str().substr(2)); else t.data = fromHex(tx["data"].get_str()); else for (auto const& j: tx["data"].get_array()) t.data.push_back(toByte(j)); callcreates.push_back(t); } } namespace dev { namespace test { void doTests(json_spirit::mValue& v, bool _fillin) { for (auto& i: v.get_obj()) { cnote << i.first; mObject& o = i.second.get_obj(); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("env") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("pre") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("exec") > 0); VM vm; dev::test::FakeExtVM fev; fev.importEnv(o["env"].get_obj()); fev.importState(o["pre"].get_obj()); if (_fillin) o["pre"] = mValue(fev.exportState()); fev.importExec(o["exec"].get_obj()); if (!fev.code) { fev.thisTxCode = get<3>(fev.addresses.at(fev.myAddress)); fev.code = &fev.thisTxCode; } vm.reset(fev.gas); bytes output; try { output = vm.go(fev).toBytes(); } catch (Exception const& _e) { cnote << "VM did throw an exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e); //BOOST_ERROR("Failed VM Test with Exception: " << e.what()); } catch (std::exception const& _e) { cnote << "VM did throw an exception: " << _e.what(); //BOOST_ERROR("Failed VM Test with Exception: " << e.what()); } // delete null entries in storage for the sake of comparison for (auto &a: fev.addresses) { vector keystoDelete; for (auto &s: get<2>(a.second)) { if (s.second == 0) keystoDelete.push_back(s.first); } for (auto const key: keystoDelete ) { get<2>(a.second).erase(key); } } if (_fillin) { o["env"] = mValue(fev.exportEnv()); o["exec"] = mValue(fev.exportExec()); o["post"] = mValue(fev.exportState()); o["callcreates"] = fev.exportCallCreates(); o["out"] = "0x" + toHex(output); fev.push(o, "gas", vm.gas()); } else { BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("post") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("callcreates") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("out") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("gas") > 0); dev::test::FakeExtVM test; test.importState(o["post"].get_obj()); test.importCallCreates(o["callcreates"].get_array()); int i = 0; if (o["out"].type() == array_type) for (auto const& d: o["out"].get_array()) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(output[i] == test.toInt(d), "Output byte [" << i << "] different!"); ++i; } else if (o["out"].get_str().find("0x") == 0) BOOST_CHECK(output == fromHex(o["out"].get_str().substr(2))); else BOOST_CHECK(output == fromHex(o["out"].get_str())); BOOST_CHECK(test.toInt(o["gas"]) == vm.gas()); BOOST_CHECK(test.addresses == fev.addresses); BOOST_CHECK(test.callcreates == fev.callcreates); } } } /*string makeTestCase() { json_spirit::mObject o; VM vm; BlockInfo pb; pb.hash = sha3("previousHash"); pb.nonce = sha3("previousNonce"); BlockInfo cb = pb; cb.difficulty = 256; cb.timestamp = 1; cb.coinbaseAddress = toAddress(sha3("coinbase")); FakeExtVM fev(pb, cb, 0); bytes init; fev.setContract(toAddress(sha3("contract")), ether, 0, compileLisp("(suicide (txsender))", false, init), map()); o["env"] = fev.exportEnv(); o["pre"] = fev.exportState(); fev.setTransaction(toAddress(sha3("sender")), ether, finney, bytes()); mArray execs; execs.push_back(fev.exportExec()); o["exec"] = execs; vm.go(fev); o["post"] = fev.exportState(); o["txs"] = fev.exportTxs(); return json_spirit::write_string(json_spirit::mValue(o), true); }*/ void executeTests(const string& _name) { #ifdef FILL_TESTS try { cnote << "Populating VM tests..."; json_spirit::mValue v; string s = asString(contents("../../../cpp-ethereum/test/" + _name + "Filler.json")); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(s.length() > 0, "Contents of " + _name + "Filler.json is empty."); json_spirit::read_string(s, v); dev::test::doTests(v, true); writeFile("../../../tests/" + _name + ".json", asBytes(json_spirit::write_string(v, true))); } catch (Exception const& _e) { BOOST_ERROR("Failed VM Test with Exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e)); } catch (std::exception const& _e) { BOOST_ERROR("Failed VM Test with Exception: " << _e.what()); } #endif try { cnote << "Testing VM..." << _name; json_spirit::mValue v; string s = asString(contents("../../../tests/" + _name + ".json")); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(s.length() > 0, "Contents of " + _name + ".json is empty. Have you cloned the 'tests' repo branch develop?"); json_spirit::read_string(s, v); dev::test::doTests(v, false); } catch (Exception const& _e) { BOOST_ERROR("Failed VM Test with Exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e)); } catch (std::exception const& _e) { BOOST_ERROR("Failed VM Test with Exception: " << _e.what()); } } } } // Namespace Close BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vm_tests) { dev::test::executeTests("vmtests"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vmArithmeticTest) { dev::test::executeTests("vmArithmeticTest"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vmBitwiseLogicOperationTest) { dev::test::executeTests("vmBitwiseLogicOperationTest"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vmSha3Test) { dev::test::executeTests("vmSha3Test"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vmEnvironmentalInfoTest) { dev::test::executeTests("vmEnvironmentalInfoTest"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vmBlockInfoTest) { dev::test::executeTests("vmBlockInfoTest"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vmIOandFlowOperationsTest) { dev::test::executeTests("vmIOandFlowOperationsTest"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vmPushDupSwapTest) { dev::test::executeTests("vmPushDupSwapTest"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vmSystemOperationsTest) { dev::test::executeTests("vmSystemOperationsTest"); }