/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file WebThreeStubServer.cpp * @authors: * Gav Wood * Marek Kotewicz * @date 2014 */ #if ETH_JSONRPC #include "WebThreeStubServer.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; static Json::Value toJson(dev::eth::BlockInfo const& _bi) { Json::Value res; res["hash"] = boost::lexical_cast(_bi.hash); res["parentHash"] = toJS(_bi.parentHash); res["sha3Uncles"] = toJS(_bi.sha3Uncles); res["miner"] = toJS(_bi.coinbaseAddress); res["stateRoot"] = toJS(_bi.stateRoot); res["transactionsRoot"] = toJS(_bi.transactionsRoot); res["difficulty"] = toJS(_bi.difficulty); res["number"] = (int)_bi.number; res["minGasPrice"] = toJS(_bi.minGasPrice); res["gasLimit"] = (int)_bi.gasLimit; res["timestamp"] = (int)_bi.timestamp; res["extraData"] = jsFromBinary(_bi.extraData); res["nonce"] = toJS(_bi.nonce); return res; } static Json::Value toJson(dev::eth::PastMessage const& _t) { Json::Value res; res["input"] = jsFromBinary(_t.input); res["output"] = jsFromBinary(_t.output); res["to"] = toJS(_t.to); res["from"] = toJS(_t.from); res["value"] = jsToDecimal(toJS(_t.value)); res["origin"] = toJS(_t.origin); res["timestamp"] = toJS(_t.timestamp); res["coinbase"] = toJS(_t.coinbase); res["block"] = toJS(_t.block); Json::Value path; for (int i: _t.path) path.append(i); res["path"] = path; res["number"] = (int)_t.number; return res; } static Json::Value toJson(dev::eth::PastMessages const& _pms) { Json::Value res; for (dev::eth::PastMessage const& t: _pms) res.append(toJson(t)); return res; } static Json::Value toJson(dev::eth::Transaction const& _t) { Json::Value res; res["hash"] = toJS(_t.sha3()); res["input"] = jsFromBinary(_t.data); res["to"] = toJS(_t.receiveAddress); res["from"] = toJS(_t.sender()); res["gas"] = (int)_t.gas; res["gasPrice"] = toJS(_t.gasPrice); res["nonce"] = toJS(_t.nonce); res["value"] = toJS(_t.value); return res; } WebThreeStubServer::WebThreeStubServer(jsonrpc::AbstractServerConnector* _conn, WebThreeDirect& _web3, std::vector _accounts): AbstractWebThreeStubServer(_conn), m_web3(_web3) { setAccounts(_accounts); } void WebThreeStubServer::setAccounts(std::vector const& _accounts) { m_accounts.clear(); for (auto i: _accounts) m_accounts[i.address()] = i.secret(); } dev::eth::Interface* WebThreeStubServer::client() const { return m_web3.ethereum(); } Json::Value WebThreeStubServer::accounts() { Json::Value ret; for (auto i: m_accounts) ret.append(toJS(i.first)); return ret; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::balanceAt(string const& _address, int const& _block) { return toJS(client()->balanceAt(jsToAddress(_address), _block)); } dev::FixedHash<32> WebThreeStubServer::numberOrHash(Json::Value const& _json) const { dev::FixedHash<32> hash; if (!_json["hash"].empty()) hash = jsToFixed<32>(_json["hash"].asString()); else if (!_json["number"].empty()) hash = client()->hashFromNumber((unsigned)_json["number"].asInt()); return hash; } Json::Value WebThreeStubServer::block(Json::Value const& _params) { if (!client()) return ""; auto hash = numberOrHash(_params); return toJson(client()->blockInfo(hash)); } static TransactionJS toTransaction(Json::Value const& _json) { TransactionJS ret; if (!_json.isObject() || _json.empty()){ return ret; } if (!_json["from"].empty()) ret.from = jsToAddress(_json["from"].asString()); if (!_json["to"].empty()) ret.to = jsToAddress(_json["to"].asString()); if (!_json["value"].empty()) ret.value = jsToU256(_json["value"].asString()); if (!_json["gas"].empty()) ret.gas = jsToU256(_json["gas"].asString()); if (!_json["gasPrice"].empty()) ret.gasPrice = jsToU256(_json["gasPrice"].asString()); if (!_json["data"].empty() || _json["code"].empty() || _json["dataclose"].empty()) { if (_json["data"].isString()) ret.data = jsToBytes(_json["data"].asString()); else if (_json["code"].isString()) ret.data = jsToBytes(_json["code"].asString()); else if (_json["data"].isArray()) for (auto i: _json["data"]) dev::operator +=(ret.data, asBytes(jsPadded(i.asString(), 32))); else if (_json["code"].isArray()) for (auto i: _json["code"]) dev::operator +=(ret.data, asBytes(jsPadded(i.asString(), 32))); else if (_json["dataclose"].isArray()) for (auto i: _json["dataclose"]) dev::operator +=(ret.data, jsToBytes(i.asString())); } return ret; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::call(Json::Value const& _json) { std::string ret; if (!client()) return ret; TransactionJS t = toTransaction(_json); if (!t.from && m_accounts.size()) { auto b = m_accounts.begin()->first; for (auto a: m_accounts) if (client()->balanceAt(a.first) > client()->balanceAt(b)) b = a.first; t.from = b; } if (!m_accounts.count(t.from)) return ret; if (!t.gasPrice) t.gasPrice = 10 * dev::eth::szabo; if (!t.gas) t.gas = client()->balanceAt(KeyPair(t.from).address()) / t.gasPrice; ret = toJS(client()->call(m_accounts[t.from].secret(), t.value, t.to, t.data, t.gas, t.gasPrice)); return ret; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::codeAt(string const& _address, int const& _block) { return client() ? jsFromBinary(client()->codeAt(jsToAddress(_address), _block)) : ""; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::coinbase() { return client() ? toJS(client()->address()) : ""; } double WebThreeStubServer::countAt(string const& _address, int const& _block) { return client() ? (double)(uint64_t)client()->countAt(jsToAddress(_address), _block) : 0; } int WebThreeStubServer::defaultBlock() { return client() ? client()->getDefault() : 0; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::fromAscii(int const& _padding, std::string const& _s) { return jsFromBinary(_s, _padding); } double WebThreeStubServer::fromFixed(string const& _s) { return jsFromFixed(_s); } std::string WebThreeStubServer::gasPrice() { return toJS(10 * dev::eth::szabo); } bool WebThreeStubServer::listening() { return m_web3.isNetworkStarted(); } bool WebThreeStubServer::mining() { return client() ? client()->isMining() : false; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::lll(string const& _s) { return toJS(dev::eth::compileLLL(_s)); } static dev::eth::MessageFilter toMessageFilter(Json::Value const& _json) { dev::eth::MessageFilter filter; if (!_json.isObject() || _json.empty()){ return filter; } if (!_json["earliest"].empty()) filter.withEarliest(_json["earliest"].asInt()); if (!_json["latest"].empty()) filter.withLatest(_json["lastest"].asInt()); if (!_json["max"].empty()) filter.withMax(_json["max"].asInt()); if (!_json["skip"].empty()) filter.withSkip(_json["skip"].asInt()); if (!_json["from"].empty()) { if (_json["from"].isArray()) for (auto i : _json["from"]) filter.from(jsToAddress(i.asString())); else filter.from(jsToAddress(_json["from"].asString())); } if (!_json["to"].empty()) { if (_json["to"].isArray()) for (auto i : _json["to"]) filter.from(jsToAddress(i.asString())); else filter.from(jsToAddress(_json["to"].asString())); } if (!_json["altered"].empty()) { if (_json["altered"].isArray()) for (auto i: _json["altered"]) if (i.isObject()) filter.altered(jsToAddress(i["id"].asString()), jsToU256(i["at"].asString())); else filter.altered((jsToAddress(i.asString()))); else if (_json["altered"].isObject()) filter.altered(jsToAddress(_json["altered"]["id"].asString()), jsToU256(_json["altered"]["at"].asString())); else filter.altered(jsToAddress(_json["altered"].asString())); } return filter; } Json::Value WebThreeStubServer::messages(Json::Value const& _json) { Json::Value res; if (!client()) return res; return toJson(client()->messages(toMessageFilter(_json))); } int WebThreeStubServer::number() { return client() ? client()->number() + 1 : 0; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::offset(int const& _o, std::string const& _s) { return toJS(jsToU256(_s) + _o); } int WebThreeStubServer::peerCount() { return m_web3.peerCount(); } std::string WebThreeStubServer::secretToAddress(string const& _s) { return toJS(KeyPair(jsToSecret(_s)).address()); } bool WebThreeStubServer::setCoinbase(std::string const& _address) { client()->setAddress(jsToAddress(_address)); return true; } bool WebThreeStubServer::setListening(bool const& _listening) { if (_listening) m_web3.startNetwork(); else m_web3.stopNetwork(); return true; } bool WebThreeStubServer::setMining(bool const& _mining) { if (!client()) return Json::nullValue; if (_mining) client()->startMining(); else client()->stopMining(); return true; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::sha3(string const& _s) { return toJS(dev::sha3(jsToBytes(_s))); } std::string WebThreeStubServer::stateAt(string const& _address, int const& _block, string const& _storage) { return client() ? toJS(client()->stateAt(jsToAddress(_address), jsToU256(_storage), _block)) : ""; } std::string WebThreeStubServer::toAscii(string const& _s) { return jsToBinary(_s); } std::string WebThreeStubServer::toDecimal(string const& _s) { return jsToDecimal(_s); } std::string WebThreeStubServer::toFixed(double const& _s) { return jsToFixed(_s); } std::string WebThreeStubServer::transact(Json::Value const& _json) { std::string ret; if (!client()) return ret; TransactionJS t = toTransaction(_json); if (!t.from && m_accounts.size()) { auto b = m_accounts.begin()->first; for (auto a: m_accounts) if (client()->balanceAt(a.first) > client()->balanceAt(b)) b = a.first; t.from = b; } if (!m_accounts.count(t.from)) return ret; if (!t.gasPrice) t.gasPrice = 10 * dev::eth::szabo; if (!t.gas) t.gas = min(client()->gasLimitRemaining(), client()->balanceAt(KeyPair(t.from).address()) / t.gasPrice); cwarn << "Silently signing transaction from address" << t.from.abridged() << ": User validation hook goes here."; if (t.to) // TODO: from qethereum, insert validification hook here. client()->transact(m_accounts[t.from].secret(), t.value, t.to, t.data, t.gas, t.gasPrice); else ret = toJS(client()->transact(m_accounts[t.from].secret(), t.value, t.data, t.gas, t.gasPrice)); client()->flushTransactions(); return ret; } Json::Value WebThreeStubServer::transaction(int const& _i, Json::Value const& _params) { if (!client()) return ""; auto hash = numberOrHash(_params); return toJson(client()->transaction(hash, _i)); } Json::Value WebThreeStubServer::uncle(int const& _i, Json::Value const& _params) { if (!client()) return ""; auto hash = numberOrHash(_params); return toJson(client()->uncle(hash, _i)); } int WebThreeStubServer::watch(string const& _json) { unsigned ret = -1; if (!client()) return ret; if (_json.compare("chain") == 0) ret = client()->installWatch(dev::eth::ChainChangedFilter); else if (_json.compare("pending") == 0) ret = client()->installWatch(dev::eth::PendingChangedFilter); else { Json::Reader reader; Json::Value object; reader.parse(_json, object); ret = client()->installWatch(toMessageFilter(object)); } return ret; } bool WebThreeStubServer::check(int const& _id) { if (!client()) return false; return client()->checkWatch(_id); } bool WebThreeStubServer::killWatch(int const& _id) { if (!client()) return false; client()->uninstallWatch(_id); return true; } #endif