/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file main.cpp * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 * Ethereum client. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ETH_JSONRPC #include #endif #include #include #include #if ETH_JSONRPC #include #include #include #endif #include #include "BuildInfo.h" #undef KEY_EVENT // from windows.h #include #undef OK #include #undef OK using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; using namespace p2p; using namespace boost::algorithm; using dev::eth::Instruction; bool isTrue(std::string const& _m) { return _m == "on" || _m == "yes" || _m == "true" || _m == "1"; } bool isFalse(std::string const& _m) { return _m == "off" || _m == "no" || _m == "false" || _m == "0"; } void help() { cout << "Usage neth [OPTIONS] " << endl << "Options:" << endl << " -a,--address Set the coinbase (mining payout) address to addr (default: auto)." << endl << " -c,--client-name Add a name to your client's version string (default: blank)." << endl << " -d,--db-path Load database from path (default: ~/.ethereum " << endl << " /Etherum or Library/Application Support/Ethereum)." << endl << " -h,--help Show this help message and exit." << endl #if ETH_JSONRPC << " -j,--json-rpc Enable JSON-RPC server (default: off)." << endl << " --json-rpc-port Specify JSON-RPC server port (implies '-j', default: 8080)." << endl #endif << " -l,--listen Listen on the given port for incoming connected (default: 30303)." << endl << " -m,--mining Enable mining (default: off)" << endl << " -n,--upnp Use upnp for NAT (default: on)." << endl << " -o,--mode Start a full node or a peer node (Default: full)." << endl << " -p,--port Connect to remote port (default: 30303)." << endl << " -r,--remote Connect to remote host (default: none)." << endl << " -s,--secret Set the secret key for use with send command (default: auto)." << endl << " -u,--public-ip Force public ip to given (default; auto)." << endl << " -v,--verbosity <0..9> Set the log verbosity from 0 to 9 (tmp forced to 1)." << endl << " -x,--peers Attempt to connect to given number of peers (default: 5)." << endl << " -V,--version Show the version and exit." << endl; exit(0); } void interactiveHelp() { cout << "Commands:" << endl << " netstart Starts the network sybsystem on a specific port." << endl << " netstop Stops the network subsystem." << endl #if ETH_JSONRPC << " jsonstart Starts the JSON-RPC server." << endl << " jsonstop Stops the JSON-RPC server." << endl #endif << " connect Connects to a specific peer." << endl << " minestart Starts mining." << endl << " minestop Stops mining." << endl << " address Gives the current address." << endl << " secret Gives the current secret" << endl << " block Gives the current block height." << endl << " balance Gives the current balance." << endl << " peers List the peers that are connected" << endl << " transact Execute a given transaction." << endl << " send Execute a given transaction with current secret." << endl << " contract Create a new contract with current secret." << endl << " inspect Dumps a contract to /.evm." << endl << " reset Resets ncurses windows" << endl << " exit Exits the application." << endl; } string credits() { std::ostringstream ccout; ccout << "NEthereum (++) " << dev::Version << endl << " Code by Gav Wood & , (c) 2013, 2014." << endl << " Based on a design by Vitalik Buterin." << endl << endl; string vs = toString(dev::Version); vs = vs.substr(vs.find_first_of('.') + 1)[0]; int pocnumber = stoi(vs); string m_servers; if (pocnumber == 5) m_servers = ""; else m_servers = ""; ccout << "Type 'netstart 30303' to start networking" << endl; ccout << "Type 'connect " << m_servers << " 30303' to connect" << endl; ccout << "Type 'exit' to quit" << endl << endl; return ccout.str(); } void version() { cout << "neth version " << dev::Version << endl; cout << "Build: " << DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM) << "/" << DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_TYPE) << endl; exit(0); } Address c_config = Address("661005d2720d855f1d9976f88bb10c1a3398c77f"); string pretty(h160 _a, dev::eth::State _st) { string ns; h256 n; if (h160 nameReg = (u160)_st.storage(c_config, 0)) n = _st.storage(nameReg, (u160)(_a)); if (n) { std::string s((char const*)n.data(), 32); if (s.find_first_of('\0') != string::npos) s.resize(s.find_first_of('\0')); ns = " " + s; } return ns; } namespace nc { class nc_window_streambuf: public std::streambuf { public: nc_window_streambuf(WINDOW* p, std::ostream& os, unsigned long cursesAttr = 0); nc_window_streambuf(WINDOW* p, unsigned long _cursesAttr = 0); nc_window_streambuf(nc_window_streambuf const& _rhs); virtual ~nc_window_streambuf(); nc_window_streambuf& operator=(nc_window_streambuf const& _rhs); virtual int overflow(int c); virtual int sync(); private: void copy(nc_window_streambuf const& _rhs); WINDOW* m_pnl; unsigned long m_flags; std::ostream* m_os; std::streambuf* m_old; }; nc_window_streambuf::nc_window_streambuf(WINDOW * p, unsigned long _cursesAttr): m_pnl(p), m_flags(_cursesAttr), m_os(0), m_old(0) { // Tell parent class that we want to call overflow() for each // input char: setp(0, 0); setg(0, 0, 0); scrollok(p, true); mvwinch(p, 0, 0); } nc_window_streambuf::nc_window_streambuf(WINDOW* _p, std::ostream& _os, unsigned long _cursesAttr): m_pnl(_p), m_flags(_cursesAttr), m_os(&_os), m_old(_os.rdbuf()) { setp(0, 0); setg(0, 0, 0); _os.rdbuf(this); scrollok(_p, true); mvwinch(_p, 0, 0); } void nc_window_streambuf::copy(nc_window_streambuf const& _rhs) { if (this != &_rhs) { m_pnl = _rhs.m_pnl; m_flags = _rhs.m_flags; m_os = _rhs.m_os; m_old = _rhs.m_old; } } nc_window_streambuf::nc_window_streambuf(nc_window_streambuf const& _rhs): std::streambuf() { copy(_rhs); } nc_window_streambuf& nc_window_streambuf::operator=(nc_window_streambuf const& _rhs) { copy(_rhs); return *this; } nc_window_streambuf::~nc_window_streambuf() { if (m_os) m_os->rdbuf(m_old); } int nc_window_streambuf::overflow(int c) { int ret = c; if (c != EOF) { int x = 0; int y = 0; int mx = 0; int my = 0; getyx(m_pnl, y, x); getmaxyx(m_pnl, my, mx); if (y < 1) y = 1; if (x < 2) x = 2; if (x > mx - 4) { if (y + 1 >= my) scroll(m_pnl); else y++; x = 2; } if (m_flags) { wattron(m_pnl, m_flags); if (mvwaddch(m_pnl, y, x++, (chtype)c) == ERR) ret = EOF; wattroff(m_pnl, m_flags); } else if (mvwaddch(m_pnl, y, x++, (chtype)c) == ERR) ret = EOF; } if (c == EOF) // || std::isspace(c) if (sync() == EOF) ret = EOF; return ret; } int nc_window_streambuf::sync() { if (stdscr && m_pnl) return (wrefresh(m_pnl) == ERR) ? EOF : 0; return EOF; } } vector form_dialog(vector _sfields, vector _lfields, vector _bfields, int _cols, int _rows, string _post_form); int main(int argc, char** argv) { unsigned short listenPort = 30303; string remoteHost; unsigned short remotePort = 30303; string dbPath; bool mining = false; unsigned peers = 5; #if ETH_JSONRPC int jsonrpc = 8080; #endif string publicIP; bool upnp = true; string clientName; // Init defaults Defaults::get(); // Our address. KeyPair us = KeyPair::create(); Address coinbase = us.address(); string configFile = getDataDir() + "/config.rlp"; bytes b = contents(configFile); if (b.size()) { RLP config(b); us = KeyPair(config[0].toHash()); coinbase = config[1].toHash
(); } else { RLPStream config(2); config << us.secret() << coinbase; writeFile(configFile, config.out()); } for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { string arg = argv[i]; if ((arg == "-l" || arg == "--listen" || arg == "--listen-port") && i + 1 < argc) listenPort = (short)atoi(argv[++i]); else if ((arg == "-u" || arg == "--public-ip" || arg == "--public") && i + 1 < argc) publicIP = argv[++i]; else if ((arg == "-r" || arg == "--remote") && i + 1 < argc) remoteHost = argv[++i]; else if ((arg == "-p" || arg == "--port") && i + 1 < argc) remotePort = (short)atoi(argv[++i]); else if ((arg == "-n" || arg == "--upnp") && i + 1 < argc) { string m = argv[++i]; if (isTrue(m)) upnp = true; else if (isFalse(m)) upnp = false; else { cerr << "Invalid UPnP option: " << m << endl; return -1; } } else if ((arg == "-c" || arg == "--client-name") && i + 1 < argc) clientName = argv[++i]; else if ((arg == "-a" || arg == "--address" || arg == "--coinbase-address") && i + 1 < argc) coinbase = h160(fromHex(argv[++i])); else if ((arg == "-s" || arg == "--secret") && i + 1 < argc) us = KeyPair(h256(fromHex(argv[++i]))); else if ((arg == "-d" || arg == "--path" || arg == "--db-path") && i + 1 < argc) dbPath = argv[++i]; else if ((arg == "-m" || arg == "--mining") && i + 1 < argc) { string m = argv[++i]; if (isTrue(m)) mining = true; else if (isFalse(m)) mining = false; else { cerr << "Unknown mining option: " << m << endl; } } #if ETH_JSONRPC else if ((arg == "-j" || arg == "--json-rpc")) jsonrpc = jsonrpc ? jsonrpc : 8080; else if (arg == "--json-rpc-port" && i + 1 < argc) jsonrpc = atoi(argv[++i]); #endif else if ((arg == "-v" || arg == "--verbosity") && i + 1 < argc) g_logVerbosity = atoi(argv[++i]); else if ((arg == "-x" || arg == "--peers") && i + 1 < argc) peers = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") help(); else if (arg == "-V" || arg == "--version") version(); else remoteHost = argv[i]; } if (!clientName.empty()) clientName += "/"; WebThreeDirect web3("NEthereum(++)/" + clientName + "v" + dev::Version + "/" DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_TYPE) "/" DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM), dbPath); Client& c = *web3.ethereum(); c.setForceMining(true); cout << credits(); std::ostringstream ccout; // Initialize ncurses char* str = new char[255]; int width; int height; int y = 0; int x = 2; string cmd; WINDOW * mainwin, * consolewin, * logwin, * blockswin, * pendingwin, *addswin, * contractswin, * peerswin; if (!(mainwin = initscr())) { cerr << "Error initialising ncurses."; return -1; } getmaxyx(mainwin, height, width); int qheight = height * 3 / 5; int qwidth = width / 4 - 4; nonl(); cbreak(); timeout(30000); echo(); keypad(mainwin, true); // Initialize color pairs start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, 7, COLOR_BLACK); use_default_colors(); logwin = newwin(height * 2 / 5 - 2, width * 2 / 3, qheight, 0); nc::nc_window_streambuf outbuf(logwin, std::cout); consolewin = newwin(qheight, width / 4, 0, 0); nc::nc_window_streambuf coutbuf(consolewin, ccout); blockswin = newwin(qheight, width / 4, 0, width / 4); pendingwin = newwin(height * 1 / 5, width / 4, 0, width * 2 / 4); peerswin = newwin(height * 2 / 5, width / 4, height * 1 / 5, width * 2 / 4); addswin = newwin(height * 2 / 5 - 2, width / 3, qheight, width * 2 / 3); contractswin = newwin(qheight, width / 4, 0, width * 3 / 4); int vl = qheight - 4; wsetscrreg(consolewin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(blockswin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(pendingwin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(peerswin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(addswin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(contractswin, 1, vl); mvwprintw(mainwin, 1, 1, " > "); wresize(mainwin, 3, width); mvwin(mainwin, height - 3, 0); wmove(mainwin, 1, 4); if (!remoteHost.empty()) { web3.setIdealPeerCount(peers); web3.setNetworkPreferences(NetworkPreferences(listenPort, publicIP, upnp)); web3.startNetwork(); web3.connect(remoteHost, remotePort); } if (mining) c.startMining(); #if ETH_JSONRPC auto_ptr jsonrpcServer; if (jsonrpc > -1) { jsonrpcServer = auto_ptr(new WebThreeStubServer(new jsonrpc::HttpServer(jsonrpc), web3, {us})); jsonrpcServer->StartListening(); } #endif while (true) { wclrtobot(consolewin); wclrtobot(pendingwin); wclrtobot(peerswin); wclrtobot(addswin); wclrtobot(contractswin); ccout << credits(); // Prompt wmove(mainwin, 1, 4); getstr(str); string s(str); istringstream iss(s); iss >> cmd; // Address ccout << "Address:" << endl; ccout << toHex(us.address().asArray()) << endl << endl; mvwprintw(mainwin, 1, 1, " > "); clrtoeol(); if (s.length() > 1) { ccout << "> "; ccout << str << endl; } if (cmd == "netstart") { unsigned port; iss >> port; web3.setNetworkPreferences(NetworkPreferences((short)port, publicIP, upnp)); web3.startNetwork(); } else if (cmd == "connect") { string addr; unsigned port; iss >> addr >> port; web3.connect(addr, (short)port); } else if (cmd == "netstop") { web3.stopNetwork(); } else if (cmd == "minestart") { c.startMining(); } else if (cmd == "minestop") { c.stopMining(); } #if ETH_JSONRPC else if (cmd == "jsonport") { if (iss.peek() != -1) iss >> jsonrpc; cout << "JSONRPC Port: " << jsonrpc << endl; } else if (cmd == "jsonstart") { if (jsonrpc < 0) jsonrpc = 8080; jsonrpcServer = auto_ptr(new WebThreeStubServer(new jsonrpc::HttpServer(jsonrpc), web3, {us})); jsonrpcServer->StartListening(); } else if (cmd == "jsonstop") { if (jsonrpcServer.get()) jsonrpcServer->StopListening(); jsonrpcServer.reset(); } #endif else if (cmd == "address") { ccout << "Current address:" << endl; ccout << toHex(us.address().asArray()) << endl; } else if (cmd == "secret") { ccout << "Current secret:" << endl; ccout << toHex(us.secret().asArray()) << endl; } else if (cmd == "block") { unsigned n = c.blockChain().details().number; ccout << "Current block # "; ccout << toString(n) << endl; } else if (cmd == "peers") { for (auto it: web3.peers()) cout << it.host << ":" << it.port << ", " << it.clientVersion << ", " << std::chrono::duration_cast(it.lastPing).count() << "ms" << endl; } else if (cmd == "balance") { u256 balance = c.balanceAt(us.address()); ccout << "Current balance:" << endl; ccout << toString(balance) << endl; } else if (cmd == "transact") { auto const& bc = c.blockChain(); auto h = bc.currentHash(); auto blockData = bc.block(h); BlockInfo info(blockData); vector s; s.push_back("Address"); vector l; l.push_back("Amount"); stringstream label; label << "Gas price (" << info.minGasPrice << ")"; l.push_back(label.str()); l.push_back("Gas"); vector b; b.push_back("Secret"); b.push_back("Data"); vector fields = form_dialog(s, l, b, height, width, cmd); int fs = fields.size(); if (fs < 6) { if (fs > 0) cwarn << "Missing parameter"; } else { fields[0].erase(std::remove(fields[0].begin(), fields[0].end(), ' '), fields[0].end()); fields[4].erase(std::remove(fields[4].begin(), fields[4].end(), ' '), fields[4].end()); fields[5].erase(std::find_if(fields[5].rbegin(), fields[5].rend(), std::bind1st(std::not_equal_to(), ' ')).base(), fields[5].end()); int size = fields[0].length(); u256 amount; u256 gasPrice; u256 gas; stringstream ssa; ssa << fields[1]; ssa >> amount; stringstream ssg; ssg << fields[3]; ssg >> gas; stringstream ssp; ssp << fields[2]; ssp >> gasPrice; string sechex = fields[4]; string sdata = fields[5]; cnote << "Data:"; cnote << sdata; bytes data = dev::eth::parseData(sdata); cnote << "Bytes:"; string sbd = asString(data); bytes bbd = asBytes(sbd); stringstream ssbd; ssbd << bbd; cnote << ssbd.str(); int ssize = fields[4].length(); u256 minGas = (u256)Client::txGas(data.size(), 0); if (size < 40) { if (size > 0) cwarn << "Invalid address length:" << size; } else if (gasPrice < info.minGasPrice) cwarn << "Minimum gas price is" << info.minGasPrice; else if (gas < minGas) cwarn << "Minimum gas amount is" << minGas; else if (ssize < 40) { if (ssize > 0) cwarn << "Invalid secret length:" << ssize; } else { Secret secret = h256(fromHex(sechex)); Address dest = h160(fromHex(fields[0])); c.transact(secret, amount, dest, data, gas, gasPrice); } } } else if (cmd == "send") { vector s; s.push_back("Address"); vector l; l.push_back("Amount"); vector b; vector fields = form_dialog(s, l, b, height, width, cmd); int fs = fields.size(); if (fs < 2) { if (fs > 0) cwarn << "Missing parameter"; } else { fields[0].erase(std::remove(fields[0].begin(), fields[0].end(), ' '), fields[0].end()); int size = fields[0].length(); u256 amount; stringstream sss; sss << fields[1]; sss >> amount; if (size < 40) { if (size > 0) cwarn << "Invalid address length:" << size; } else { auto const& bc = c.blockChain(); auto h = bc.currentHash(); auto blockData = bc.block(h); BlockInfo info(blockData); u256 minGas = (u256)Client::txGas(0, 0); Address dest = h160(fromHex(fields[0])); c.transact(us.secret(), amount, dest, bytes(), minGas, info.minGasPrice); } } } else if (cmd == "contract") { auto const& bc = c.blockChain(); auto h = bc.currentHash(); auto blockData = bc.block(h); BlockInfo info(blockData); vector s; vector l; l.push_back("Endowment"); stringstream label; label << "Gas price (" << info.minGasPrice << ")"; l.push_back(label.str()); l.push_back("Gas"); vector b; b.push_back("Code (hex)"); vector fields = form_dialog(s, l, b, height, width, cmd); int fs = fields.size(); if (fs < 4) { if (fs > 0) cwarn << "Missing parameter"; } else { u256 endowment; u256 gas; u256 gasPrice; stringstream sse; sse << fields[0]; sse >> endowment; stringstream ssg; ssg << fields[2]; ssg >> gas; stringstream ssp; ssp << fields[1]; ssp >> gasPrice; string sinit = fields[3]; trim_all(sinit); int size = sinit.length(); bytes init; cnote << "Init:"; cnote << sinit; cnote << "Code size:" << size; if (size < 1) cwarn << "No code submitted"; else { cnote << "Assembled:"; stringstream ssc; init = fromHex(sinit); ssc.str(string()); ssc << disassemble(init); cnote << "Init:"; cnote << ssc.str(); } u256 minGas = (u256)Client::txGas(init.size(), 0); if (endowment < 0) cwarn << "Invalid endowment"; else if (gasPrice < info.minGasPrice) cwarn << "Minimum gas price is" << info.minGasPrice; else if (gas < minGas) cwarn << "Minimum gas amount is" << minGas; else { c.transact(us.secret(), endowment, init, gas, gasPrice); } } } else if (cmd == "inspect") { string rechex; iss >> rechex; if (rechex.length() != 40) cwarn << "Invalid address length"; else { auto address = h160(fromHex(rechex)); stringstream s; try { auto storage = c.storageAt(address); for (auto const& i: storage) s << "@" << showbase << hex << i.first << " " << showbase << hex << i.second << endl; s << endl << disassemble(c.codeAt(address)) << endl; string outFile = getDataDir() + "/" + rechex + ".evm"; ofstream ofs; ofs.open(outFile, ofstream::binary); ofs.write(s.str().c_str(), s.str().length()); ofs.close(); cnote << "Saved" << rechex << "to" << outFile; } catch (dev::InvalidTrie const& _e) { cwarn << "Corrupted trie.\n" << diagnostic_information(_e); } } } else if (cmd == "reset") { vector ws { consolewin, blockswin, pendingwin, peerswin, contractswin, addswin, mainwin }; for (auto &w: ws) { wclear(w); wrefresh(w); } } else if (cmd == "help") interactiveHelp(); else if (cmd == "exit") break; // Clear cmd at each pass cmd = ""; // Lock to prevent corrupt block-chain errors auto const& bc = c.blockChain(); ccout << "Genesis hash: " << bc.genesisHash() << endl; // Blocks y = 1; for (auto h = bc.currentHash(); h != bc.genesisHash(); h = bc.details(h).parent) { auto d = bc.details(h); string s = "# " + std::to_string(d.number) + ' ' + toString(h); // .abridged(); mvwaddnstr(blockswin, y++, x, s.c_str(), qwidth); auto b = bc.block(h); for (auto const& i: RLP(b)[1]) { Transaction t(i[0].data()); auto s = t.receiveAddress ? boost::format(" %1% %2%> %3%: %4% [%5%]") % toString(t.safeSender()) % (c.codeAt(t.receiveAddress, 0).size() ? '*' : '-') % toString(t.receiveAddress) % toString(formatBalance(t.value)) % toString((unsigned)t.nonce) : boost::format(" %1% +> %2%: %3% [%4%]") % toString(t.safeSender()) % toString(right160(sha3(rlpList(t.safeSender(), t.nonce)))) % toString(formatBalance(t.value)) % toString((unsigned)t.nonce); mvwaddnstr(blockswin, y++, x, s.str().c_str(), qwidth - 2); if (y > qheight - 2) break; } if (y > qheight - 2) break; } // Pending y = 1; for (Transaction const& t: c.pending()) { auto s = t.receiveAddress ? boost::format("%1% %2%> %3%: %4% [%5%]") % toString(t.safeSender()) % (c.codeAt(t.receiveAddress, 0).size() ? '*' : '-') % toString(t.receiveAddress) % toString(formatBalance(t.value)) % toString((unsigned)t.nonce) : boost::format("%1% +> %2%: %3% [%4%]") % toString(t.safeSender()) % toString(right160(sha3(rlpList(t.safeSender(), t.nonce)))) % toString(formatBalance(t.value)) % toString((unsigned)t.nonce); mvwaddnstr(pendingwin, y++, x, s.str().c_str(), qwidth); if (y > height * 1 / 5 - 4) break; } // Contracts and addresses y = 1; int cc = 1; auto acs = c.addresses(); for (auto const& i: acs) if (c.codeAt(i, 0).size()) { auto s = boost::format("%1%%2% : %3% [%4%]") % toString(i) % pretty(i, c.postState()) % toString(formatBalance(c.balanceAt(i))) % toString((unsigned)c.countAt(i, 0)); mvwaddnstr(contractswin, cc++, x, s.str().c_str(), qwidth); if (cc > qheight - 2) break; } for (auto const& i: acs) if (c.codeAt(i, 0).empty()) { auto s = boost::format("%1%%2% : %3% [%4%]") % toString(i) % pretty(i, c.postState()) % toString(formatBalance(c.balanceAt(i))) % toString((unsigned)c.countAt(i, 0)); mvwaddnstr(addswin, y++, x, s.str().c_str(), width / 2 - 4); if (y > height * 3 / 5 - 4) break; } // Peers y = 1; for (PeerInfo const& i: web3.peers()) { auto s = boost::format("%1% ms - %2%:%3% - %4%") % toString(chrono::duration_cast(i.lastPing).count()) % i.host % toString(i.port) % i.clientVersion; mvwaddnstr(peerswin, y++, x, s.str().c_str(), qwidth); if (y > height * 2 / 5 - 4) break; } box(consolewin, 0, 0); box(blockswin, 0, 0); box(pendingwin, 0, 0); box(peerswin, 0, 0); box(addswin, 0, 0); box(contractswin, 0, 0); box(mainwin, 0, 0); // Balance stringstream ssb; u256 balance = c.balanceAt(us.address()); Address coinsAddr = right160(c.stateAt(c_config, 1)); Address gavCoin = right160(c.stateAt(coinsAddr, c.stateAt(coinsAddr, 1))); u256 totalGavCoinBalance = c.stateAt(gavCoin, (u160)us.address()); ssb << "Balance: " << formatBalance(balance) << " | " << totalGavCoinBalance << " GAV"; mvwprintw(consolewin, 0, x, ssb.str().c_str()); // Block mvwprintw(blockswin, 0, x, "Block # "); unsigned n = c.blockChain().details().number; mvwprintw(blockswin, 0, 10, toString(n).c_str()); // Pending string pc; pc = "Pending: " + toString(c.pending().size()); mvwprintw(pendingwin, 0, x, pc.c_str()); // Contracts string sc = "Contracts: "; sc += toString(cc - 1); mvwprintw(contractswin, 0, x, sc.c_str()); // Peers mvwprintw(peerswin, 0, x, "Peers: "); mvwprintw(peerswin, 0, 9, toString(web3.peers().size()).c_str()); // Mining flag if (c.isMining()) { mvwprintw(consolewin, qheight - 1, width / 4 - 11, "Mining ON"); dev::eth::MineProgress p = c.miningProgress(); auto speed = boost::format("%2% kH/s @ %1%s") % (p.ms / 1000) % (p.ms ? p.hashes / p.ms : 0); mvwprintw(consolewin, qheight - 2, width / 4 - speed.str().length() - 2, speed.str().c_str()); } else mvwprintw(consolewin, qheight - 1, width / 4 - 12, "Mining OFF"); wmove(consolewin, 1, x); // Addresses string ac; ac = "Addresses: " + toString(acs.size()); mvwprintw(addswin, 0, x, ac.c_str()); wrefresh(consolewin); wrefresh(blockswin); wrefresh(pendingwin); wrefresh(peerswin); wrefresh(addswin); wrefresh(contractswin); wrefresh(mainwin); } delwin(addswin); delwin(contractswin); delwin(peerswin); delwin(pendingwin); delwin(blockswin); delwin(consolewin); delwin(logwin); delwin(mainwin); endwin(); refresh(); #if ETH_JSONRPC if (jsonrpcServer.get()) jsonrpcServer->StopListening(); #endif return 0; } void print_in_middle(WINDOW *win, int starty, int startx, int width, string str, chtype color) { int length; int x = 0; int y = 0; float temp; if (startx != 0) x = startx; if (starty != 0) y = starty; if (width == 0) width = 80; length = str.length(); temp = (width - length) / 2; x = startx + (int)temp; wattron(win, color); mvwprintw(win, y, x, "%s", str.c_str()); wattroff(win, color); refresh(); } vector form_dialog(vector _sv, vector _lv, vector _bv, int _cols, int _rows, string _post_form) { vector vs; WINDOW *form_win; int _sfields = _sv.size(); int _lfields = _lv.size(); int _bfields = _bv.size(); int maxfields = _sfields + _lfields + _bfields; vector field(maxfields + 1); int ch; int starty = 6; int height = _cols; int width = _rows; // Initialize the fields int si; int li; int bi = 0; vector labels; for (si = 0; si < _sfields; ++si) { starty++; // Leave room for our labels, no window yet so that or fake fields... field[si] = new_field(1, 40, starty++, 1, 0, 0); labels.push_back(starty); set_field_back(field[si], A_UNDERLINE); set_field_type(field[si], TYPE_ALNUM, 40); } for (li = _sfields; li < _sfields + _lfields; ++li) { starty++; field[li] = new_field(1, 64, starty++, 1, 3, 0); labels.push_back(starty); set_field_back(field[li], A_UNDERLINE); } for (bi = _sfields + _lfields; bi < maxfields; ++bi) { starty++; field[bi] = new_field(5, 72, starty++, 1, 0, 0); labels.push_back(starty); field_opts_off(field[bi], O_STATIC); set_field_back(field[bi], A_UNDERLINE); starty += 4; } // The FORM expects a NULL terminated list of fields field[maxfields] = NULL; // Create the form and post it FORM *form = new_form(field.data()); // Calculate the area required for the form scale_form(form, &_rows, &_cols); // Create the window to be associated with the form form_win = newwin(_rows + 4, _cols + 8, (height / 2 - _rows / 2 - 2), (width / 2 - _cols / 2 - 2)); // Set main window and sub window set_form_win(form, form_win); set_form_sub(form, derwin(form_win, _rows, _cols, 2, 2)); nodelay(form_win, true); keypad(form_win, true); noecho(); timeout(0); box(form_win, 0, 0); print_in_middle(form_win, 1, 0, _cols, _post_form, COLOR_PAIR(2)); post_form(form); // Set labels int ca = 0; int cf; for (cf = 0; cf < _sfields; ++cf) { wattron(form_win, COLOR_PAIR(3)); mvwprintw(form_win, labels[ca], 3, _sv[cf].c_str()); wattroff(form_win, COLOR_PAIR(3)); ca++; } for (cf = 0; cf < _lfields; ++cf) { wattron(form_win, COLOR_PAIR(3)); mvwprintw(form_win, labels[ca], 3, _lv[cf].c_str()); mvwprintw(form_win, labels[ca] + 1, _cols - 1, "wei"); wattroff(form_win, COLOR_PAIR(3)); ca++; } for (cf = 0; cf < _bfields; ++cf) { wattron(form_win, COLOR_PAIR(3)); mvwprintw(form_win, labels[ca], 3, _bv[cf].c_str()); wattroff(form_win, COLOR_PAIR(3)); ca++; } wrefresh(form_win); print_in_middle(form_win, 3, 0, _cols, string("Use the TAB key to switch between fields."), COLOR_PAIR(1)); print_in_middle(form_win, 4, 0, _cols, string("Use UP, DOWN arrow keys to switch between lines."), COLOR_PAIR(1)); print_in_middle(form_win, 6, 0, _cols, string("Press ENTER to submit the form and ESC to cancel."), COLOR_PAIR(1)); refresh(); while ((ch = wgetch(form_win)) != 27 && ch != 13) // KEY_F(1)) { switch (ch) { case 9: // Tab form_driver(form, REQ_NEXT_FIELD); form_driver(form, REQ_END_LINE); break; case KEY_DOWN: form_driver(form, REQ_NEXT_LINE); break; case KEY_UP: form_driver(form, REQ_PREV_LINE); break; case KEY_LEFT: form_driver(form, REQ_LEFT_CHAR); break; case KEY_RIGHT: form_driver(form, REQ_RIGHT_CHAR); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: // Backspace case KEY_DC: case KEY_DL: case 127: form_driver(form, REQ_DEL_PREV); wrefresh(form_win); break; case KEY_ENTER: // Enter case 13: case 27: // Esc break; default: form_driver(form, ch); break; } } if (form_driver(form, REQ_VALIDATION) != E_OK) cwarn << "Validation error"; int fi; for (fi = 0; fi < maxfields; ++fi) free_field(field[fi]); free_form(form); unpost_form(form); echo(); timeout(30000); delwin(form_win); if (ch == 13) for (int fi = 0; fi < maxfields; ++fi) vs.push_back(field_buffer(field[fi], 0)); return vs; }