/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file NodeTable.cpp * @author Alex Leverington * @date 2014 */ #include "NodeTable.h" using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::p2p; NodeEntry::NodeEntry(Node _src, Public _pubk, NodeIPEndpoint _gw): Node(_pubk, _gw), distance(NodeTable::distance(_src.id,_pubk)) {} NodeEntry::NodeEntry(Node _src, Public _pubk, bi::udp::endpoint _udp): Node(_pubk, NodeIPEndpoint(_udp)), distance(NodeTable::distance(_src.id,_pubk)) {} NodeTable::NodeTable(ba::io_service& _io, KeyPair _alias, bi::address const& _udpAddress, uint16_t _udp): m_node(Node(_alias.pub(), bi::udp::endpoint(_udpAddress, _udp))), m_secret(_alias.sec()), m_io(_io), m_socket(new NodeSocket(m_io, *this, m_node.endpoint.udp)), m_socketPointer(m_socket.get()), m_bucketRefreshTimer(m_io), m_evictionCheckTimer(m_io) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_bins; i++) { m_state[i].distance = i; m_state[i].modified = chrono::steady_clock::now() - chrono::seconds(1); } m_socketPointer->connect(); doRefreshBuckets(boost::system::error_code()); } NodeTable::~NodeTable() { // Cancel scheduled tasks to ensure. m_evictionCheckTimer.cancel(); m_bucketRefreshTimer.cancel(); // Disconnect socket so that deallocation is safe. m_socketPointer->disconnect(); } void NodeTable::processEvents() { if (m_nodeEventHandler) m_nodeEventHandler->processEvents(); } shared_ptr NodeTable::addNode(Public const& _pubk, bi::udp::endpoint const& _udp, bi::tcp::endpoint const& _tcp) { auto node = Node(_pubk, NodeIPEndpoint(_udp, _tcp)); return addNode(node); } shared_ptr NodeTable::addNode(Node const& _node) { // re-enable tcp checks when NAT hosts are handled by discover // we handle when tcp endpoint is 0 below if (_node.endpoint.udp.address().to_string() == "") { clog(NodeTableWarn) << "addNode Failed. Invalid UDP address for" << _node.id.abridged(); return move(shared_ptr()); } // ping address to recover nodeid if nodeid is empty if (!_node.id) { clog(NodeTableConnect) << "Sending public key discovery Ping to" << _node.endpoint.udp << "(Advertising:" << m_node.endpoint.udp << ")"; { Guard l(x_pubkDiscoverPings); m_pubkDiscoverPings[_node.endpoint.udp.address()] = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } PingNode p(_node.endpoint.udp, m_node.endpoint.udp.address().to_string(), m_node.endpoint.udp.port()); p.sign(m_secret); m_socketPointer->send(p); return move(shared_ptr()); } { Guard ln(x_nodes); if (m_nodes.count(_node.id)) return m_nodes[_node.id]; } shared_ptr ret(new NodeEntry(m_node, _node.id, NodeIPEndpoint(_node.endpoint.udp, _node.endpoint.tcp))); m_nodes[_node.id] = ret; ret->cullEndpoint(); clog(NodeTableConnect) << "addNode pending for" << m_node.endpoint.udp << m_node.endpoint.tcp; PingNode p(_node.endpoint.udp, m_node.endpoint.udp.address().to_string(), m_node.endpoint.udp.port()); p.sign(m_secret); m_socketPointer->send(p); return ret; } void NodeTable::discover() { static chrono::steady_clock::time_point s_lastDiscover = chrono::steady_clock::now() - std::chrono::seconds(30); if (chrono::steady_clock::now() > s_lastDiscover + std::chrono::seconds(30)) { s_lastDiscover = chrono::steady_clock::now(); discover(m_node.id); } } list NodeTable::nodes() const { list nodes; Guard l(x_nodes); for (auto& i: m_nodes) nodes.push_back(i.second->id); return move(nodes); } list NodeTable::snapshot() const { list ret; Guard l(x_state); for (auto s: m_state) for (auto n: s.nodes) ret.push_back(*n.lock()); return move(ret); } Node NodeTable::node(NodeId const& _id) { Guard l(x_nodes); if (m_nodes.count(_id)) { auto entry = m_nodes[_id]; Node n(_id, NodeIPEndpoint(entry->endpoint.udp, entry->endpoint.tcp), entry->required); return move(n); } return move(Node()); } shared_ptr NodeTable::nodeEntry(NodeId _id) { Guard l(x_nodes); return m_nodes.count(_id) ? m_nodes[_id] : shared_ptr(); } void NodeTable::discover(NodeId _node, unsigned _round, shared_ptr>> _tried) { if (!m_socketPointer->isOpen() || _round == s_maxSteps) return; if (_round == s_maxSteps) { clog(NodeTableEvent) << "Terminating discover after " << _round << " rounds."; return; } else if(!_round && !_tried) // initialized _tried on first round _tried.reset(new set>()); auto nearest = nearestNodeEntries(_node); list> tried; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nearest.size() && tried.size() < s_alpha; i++) if (!_tried->count(nearest[i])) { auto r = nearest[i]; tried.push_back(r); FindNode p(r->endpoint.udp, _node); p.sign(m_secret); m_socketPointer->send(p); } if (tried.empty()) { clog(NodeTableEvent) << "Terminating discover after " << _round << " rounds."; return; } while (!tried.empty()) { _tried->insert(tried.front()); tried.pop_front(); } auto self(shared_from_this()); m_evictionCheckTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(c_reqTimeout.count() * 2)); m_evictionCheckTimer.async_wait([this, self, _node, _round, _tried](boost::system::error_code const& _ec) { if (_ec) return; discover(_node, _round + 1, _tried); }); } vector> NodeTable::nearestNodeEntries(NodeId _target) { // send s_alpha FindNode packets to nodes we know, closest to target static unsigned lastBin = s_bins - 1; unsigned head = distance(m_node.id, _target); unsigned tail = head == 0 ? lastBin : (head - 1) % s_bins; map>> found; unsigned count = 0; // if d is 0, then we roll look forward, if last, we reverse, else, spread from d if (head > 1 && tail != lastBin) while (head != tail && head < s_bins && count < s_bucketSize) { Guard l(x_state); for (auto n: m_state[head].nodes) if (auto p = n.lock()) { if (count < s_bucketSize) found[distance(_target, p->id)].push_back(p); else break; } if (count < s_bucketSize && tail) for (auto n: m_state[tail].nodes) if (auto p = n.lock()) { if (count < s_bucketSize) found[distance(_target, p->id)].push_back(p); else break; } head++; if (tail) tail--; } else if (head < 2) while (head < s_bins && count < s_bucketSize) { Guard l(x_state); for (auto n: m_state[head].nodes) if (auto p = n.lock()) { if (count < s_bucketSize) found[distance(_target, p->id)].push_back(p); else break; } head++; } else while (tail > 0 && count < s_bucketSize) { Guard l(x_state); for (auto n: m_state[tail].nodes) if (auto p = n.lock()) { if (count < s_bucketSize) found[distance(_target, p->id)].push_back(p); else break; } tail--; } vector> ret; for (auto& nodes: found) for (auto n: nodes.second) ret.push_back(n); return move(ret); } void NodeTable::ping(bi::udp::endpoint _to) const { PingNode p(_to, m_node.endpoint.udp.address().to_string(), m_node.endpoint.udp.port()); p.sign(m_secret); m_socketPointer->send(p); } void NodeTable::ping(NodeEntry* _n) const { if (_n) ping(_n->endpoint.udp); } void NodeTable::evict(shared_ptr _leastSeen, shared_ptr _new) { if (!m_socketPointer->isOpen()) return; { Guard l(x_evictions); m_evictions.push_back(EvictionTimeout(make_pair(_leastSeen->id,chrono::steady_clock::now()), _new->id)); if (m_evictions.size() == 1) doCheckEvictions(boost::system::error_code()); } ping(_leastSeen.get()); } void NodeTable::noteActiveNode(Public const& _pubk, bi::udp::endpoint const& _endpoint) { if (_pubk == m_node.address()) return; shared_ptr node = nodeEntry(_pubk); if (!!node && !node->pending) { clog(NodeTableConnect) << "Noting active node:" << _pubk.abridged() << _endpoint.address().to_string() << ":" << _endpoint.port(); node->endpoint.udp.address(_endpoint.address()); node->endpoint.udp.port(_endpoint.port()); node->cullEndpoint(); shared_ptr contested; { Guard l(x_state); NodeBucket& s = bucket_UNSAFE(node.get()); bool removed = false; s.nodes.remove_if([&node, &removed](weak_ptr const& n) { if (n.lock() == node) removed = true; return removed; }); if (s.nodes.size() >= s_bucketSize) { // It's only contested iff nodeentry exists contested = s.nodes.front().lock(); if (!contested) { s.nodes.pop_front(); s.nodes.push_back(node); s.touch(); if (!removed && m_nodeEventHandler) m_nodeEventHandler->appendEvent(node->id, NodeEntryAdded); } } else { s.nodes.push_back(node); s.touch(); if (!removed && m_nodeEventHandler) m_nodeEventHandler->appendEvent(node->id, NodeEntryAdded); } } if (contested) evict(contested, node); } } void NodeTable::dropNode(shared_ptr _n) { // remove from nodetable { Guard l(x_state); NodeBucket& s = bucket_UNSAFE(_n.get()); s.nodes.remove_if([&_n](weak_ptr n) { return n.lock() == _n; }); } // notify host clog(NodeTableUpdate) << "p2p.nodes.drop " << _n->id.abridged(); if (m_nodeEventHandler) m_nodeEventHandler->appendEvent(_n->id, NodeEntryDropped); } NodeTable::NodeBucket& NodeTable::bucket_UNSAFE(NodeEntry const* _n) { return m_state[_n->distance - 1]; } void NodeTable::onReceived(UDPSocketFace*, bi::udp::endpoint const& _from, bytesConstRef _packet) { // h256 + Signature + type + RLP (smallest possible packet is empty neighbours packet which is 3 bytes) if (_packet.size() < h256::size + Signature::size + 1 + 3) { clog(NodeTableWarn) << "Invalid Message size from " << _from.address().to_string() << ":" << _from.port(); return; } bytesConstRef hashedBytes(_packet.cropped(h256::size, _packet.size() - h256::size)); h256 hashSigned(sha3(hashedBytes)); if (!_packet.cropped(0, h256::size).contentsEqual(hashSigned.asBytes())) { clog(NodeTableWarn) << "Invalid Message hash from " << _from.address().to_string() << ":" << _from.port(); return; } bytesConstRef signedBytes(hashedBytes.cropped(Signature::size, hashedBytes.size() - Signature::size)); // todo: verify sig via known-nodeid and MDC bytesConstRef sigBytes(_packet.cropped(h256::size, Signature::size)); Public nodeid(dev::recover(*(Signature const*)sigBytes.data(), sha3(signedBytes))); if (!nodeid) { clog(NodeTableWarn) << "Invalid Message signature from " << _from.address().to_string() << ":" << _from.port(); return; } unsigned packetType = signedBytes[0]; bytesConstRef rlpBytes(_packet.cropped(h256::size + Signature::size + 1)); RLP rlp(rlpBytes); try { switch (packetType) { case Pong::type: { Pong in = Pong::fromBytesConstRef(_from, rlpBytes); // whenever a pong is received, check if it's in m_evictions Guard le(x_evictions); bool evictionEntry = false; for (auto it = m_evictions.begin(); it != m_evictions.end(); it++) if (it->first.first == nodeid && it->first.second > std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) { evictionEntry = true; if (auto n = nodeEntry(it->second)) dropNode(n); if (auto n = nodeEntry(it->first.first)) n->pending = false; it = m_evictions.erase(it); } // if not, check if it's known/pending or a pubk discovery ping if (!evictionEntry) { if (auto n = nodeEntry(nodeid)) n->pending = false; else if (m_pubkDiscoverPings.count(_from.address())) { { Guard l(x_pubkDiscoverPings); m_pubkDiscoverPings.erase(_from.address()); } if (!haveNode(nodeid)) addNode(nodeid, _from, bi::tcp::endpoint(_from.address(), _from.port())); } else return; // unsolicited pong; don't note node as active } clog(NodeTableConnect) << "PONG from " << nodeid.abridged() << _from; break; } case Neighbours::type: { Neighbours in = Neighbours::fromBytesConstRef(_from, rlpBytes); for (auto n: in.nodes) addNode(n.node, bi::udp::endpoint(bi::address::from_string(n.ipAddress), n.port), bi::tcp::endpoint(bi::address::from_string(n.ipAddress), n.port)); break; } case FindNode::type: { FindNode in = FindNode::fromBytesConstRef(_from, rlpBytes); vector> nearest = nearestNodeEntries(in.target); static unsigned const nlimit = (m_socketPointer->maxDatagramSize - 11) / 86; for (unsigned offset = 0; offset < nearest.size(); offset += nlimit) { Neighbours out(_from, nearest, offset, nlimit); out.sign(m_secret); if (out.data.size() > 1280) clog(NetWarn) << "Sending truncated datagram, size: " << out.data.size(); m_socketPointer->send(out); } break; } case PingNode::type: { PingNode in = PingNode::fromBytesConstRef(_from, rlpBytes); if (in.version != dev::p2p::c_protocolVersion) { if (auto n = nodeEntry(nodeid)) dropNode(n); return; } addNode(nodeid, _from, bi::tcp::endpoint(bi::address::from_string(in.ipAddress), in.port)); Pong p(_from); p.echo = sha3(rlpBytes); p.sign(m_secret); m_socketPointer->send(p); break; } default: clog(NodeTableWarn) << "Invalid Message, " << hex << packetType << ", received from " << _from.address().to_string() << ":" << dec << _from.port(); return; } noteActiveNode(nodeid, _from); } catch (...) { clog(NodeTableWarn) << "Exception processing message from " << _from.address().to_string() << ":" << _from.port(); } } void NodeTable::doCheckEvictions(boost::system::error_code const& _ec) { if (_ec || !m_socketPointer->isOpen()) return; auto self(shared_from_this()); m_evictionCheckTimer.expires_from_now(c_evictionCheckInterval); m_evictionCheckTimer.async_wait([this, self](boost::system::error_code const& _ec) { if (_ec) return; bool evictionsRemain = false; list> drop; { Guard ln(x_nodes); Guard le(x_evictions); for (auto& e: m_evictions) if (chrono::steady_clock::now() - e.first.second > c_reqTimeout) if (m_nodes.count(e.second)) drop.push_back(m_nodes[e.second]); evictionsRemain = m_evictions.size() - drop.size() > 0; } drop.unique(); for (auto n: drop) dropNode(n); if (evictionsRemain) doCheckEvictions(boost::system::error_code()); }); } void NodeTable::doRefreshBuckets(boost::system::error_code const& _ec) { if (_ec) return; clog(NodeTableEvent) << "refreshing buckets"; bool connected = m_socketPointer->isOpen(); if (connected) { NodeId randNodeId; crypto::Nonce::get().ref().copyTo(randNodeId.ref().cropped(0, h256::size)); crypto::Nonce::get().ref().copyTo(randNodeId.ref().cropped(h256::size, h256::size)); discover(randNodeId); } auto runcb = [this](boost::system::error_code const& error) { doRefreshBuckets(error); }; m_bucketRefreshTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(c_bucketRefresh.count())); m_bucketRefreshTimer.async_wait(runcb); } void PingNode::streamRLP(RLPStream& _s) const { _s.appendList(4); _s << dev::p2p::c_protocolVersion << ipAddress << port << expiration; } void PingNode::interpretRLP(bytesConstRef _bytes) { RLP r(_bytes); if (r.itemCountStrict() == 3) { version = 2; ipAddress = r[0].toString(); port = r[1].toInt(RLP::Strict); expiration = r[2].toInt(RLP::Strict); } else if (r.itemCountStrict() == 4) { version = r[0].toInt(RLP::Strict); ipAddress = r[1].toString(); port = r[2].toInt(RLP::Strict); expiration = r[3].toInt(RLP::Strict); } else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidRLP()); }