/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file net.cpp * @author Alex Leverington * @date 2014 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::p2p; namespace ba = boost::asio; namespace bi = ba::ip; struct NetFixture { NetFixture() { dev::p2p::NodeIPEndpoint::test_allowLocal = true; } ~NetFixture() { dev::p2p::NodeIPEndpoint::test_allowLocal = false; } }; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(net, NetFixture) /** * Only used for testing. Not useful beyond tests. */ class TestHost: public Worker { public: TestHost(): Worker("test",0), m_io() {}; virtual ~TestHost() { m_io.stop(); stopWorking(); } void start() { startWorking(); } void doWork() { m_io.run(); } void doneWorking() { m_io.reset(); m_io.poll(); m_io.reset(); } protected: ba::io_service m_io; }; struct TestNodeTable: public NodeTable { /// Constructor TestNodeTable(ba::io_service& _io, KeyPair _alias, bi::address const& _addr, uint16_t _port = 30300): NodeTable(_io, _alias, NodeIPEndpoint(_addr, _port, _port)) {} static std::vector> createTestNodes(unsigned _count) { std::vector> ret; asserts(_count < 1000); static uint16_t s_basePort = 30500; ret.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < _count; i++) { KeyPair k = KeyPair::create(); ret.push_back(make_pair(k,s_basePort+i)); } return ret; } void pingTestNodes(std::vector> const& _testNodes) { bi::address ourIp = bi::address::from_string(""); for (auto& n: _testNodes) { ping(NodeIPEndpoint(ourIp, n.second, n.second)); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(2)); } } void populateTestNodes(std::vector> const& _testNodes, size_t _count = 0) { if (!_count) _count = _testNodes.size(); bi::address ourIp = bi::address::from_string(""); for (auto& n: _testNodes) if (_count--) { // manually add node for test { Guard ln(x_nodes); shared_ptr node(new NodeEntry(m_node.id, n.first.pub(), NodeIPEndpoint(ourIp, n.second, n.second))); node->pending = false; m_nodes[node->id] = node; } noteActiveNode(n.first.pub(), bi::udp::endpoint(ourIp, n.second)); } else break; } void reset() { Guard l(x_state); for (auto& n: m_state) n.nodes.clear(); } }; /** * Only used for testing. Not useful beyond tests. */ struct TestNodeTableHost: public TestHost { TestNodeTableHost(unsigned _count = 8): m_alias(KeyPair::create()), nodeTable(new TestNodeTable(m_io, m_alias, bi::address::from_string(""))), testNodes(TestNodeTable::createTestNodes(_count)) {}; ~TestNodeTableHost() { m_io.stop(); stopWorking(); } void setup() { for (auto n: testNodes) nodeTables.push_back(make_shared(m_io,n.first, bi::address::from_string(""),n.second)); } void pingAll() { for (auto& t: nodeTables) t->pingTestNodes(testNodes); } void populateAll(size_t _count = 0) { for (auto& t: nodeTables) t->populateTestNodes(testNodes, _count); } void populate(size_t _count = 0) { nodeTable->populateTestNodes(testNodes, _count); } KeyPair m_alias; shared_ptr nodeTable; std::vector> testNodes; // keypair and port std::vector> nodeTables; }; class TestUDPSocket: UDPSocketEvents, public TestHost { public: TestUDPSocket(): m_socket(new UDPSocket(m_io, *this, 30300)) {} void onDisconnected(UDPSocketFace*) {}; void onReceived(UDPSocketFace*, bi::udp::endpoint const&, bytesConstRef _packet) { if (_packet.toString() == "AAAA") success = true; } shared_ptr> m_socket; bool success = false; }; BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(requestTimeout) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; using TimePoint = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point; using RequestTimeout = std::pair; std::chrono::milliseconds timeout(300); std::list timeouts; NodeId nodeA(sha3("a")); NodeId nodeB(sha3("b")); timeouts.push_back(make_pair(nodeA, chrono::steady_clock::now())); this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); timeouts.push_back(make_pair(nodeB, chrono::steady_clock::now())); this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(210)); bool nodeAtriggered = false; bool nodeBtriggered = false; timeouts.remove_if([&](RequestTimeout const& t) { auto now = chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto diff = now - t.second; if (t.first == nodeA && diff < timeout) nodeAtriggered = true; if (t.first == nodeB && diff < timeout) nodeBtriggered = true; return (t.first == nodeA || t.first == nodeB); }); BOOST_REQUIRE(nodeAtriggered == false); BOOST_REQUIRE(nodeBtriggered == true); BOOST_REQUIRE(timeouts.size() == 0); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(isIPAddressType) { string wildcard = ""; BOOST_REQUIRE(bi::address::from_string(wildcard).is_unspecified()); string empty = ""; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(bi::address::from_string(empty).is_unspecified(), std::exception); string publicAddress192 = ""; BOOST_REQUIRE(isPublicAddress(publicAddress192)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isPrivateAddress(publicAddress192)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isLocalHostAddress(publicAddress192)); string publicAddress172 = ""; BOOST_REQUIRE(isPublicAddress(publicAddress172)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isPrivateAddress(publicAddress172)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isLocalHostAddress(publicAddress172)); string privateAddress192 = ""; BOOST_REQUIRE(isPrivateAddress(privateAddress192)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isPublicAddress(privateAddress192)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isLocalHostAddress(privateAddress192)); string privateAddress172 = ""; BOOST_REQUIRE(isPrivateAddress(privateAddress172)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isPublicAddress(privateAddress172)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isLocalHostAddress(privateAddress172)); string privateAddress10 = ""; BOOST_REQUIRE(isPrivateAddress(privateAddress10)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isPublicAddress(privateAddress10)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!isLocalHostAddress(privateAddress10)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(v2PingNodePacket) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; // test old versino of pingNode packet w/new RLPStream s; s.appendList(3); s << "" << 30303 << std::chrono::duration_cast((std::chrono::system_clock::now() + chrono::seconds(60)).time_since_epoch()).count(); PingNode p((bi::udp::endpoint())); BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(p = PingNode::fromBytesConstRef(bi::udp::endpoint(), bytesConstRef(&s.out()))); BOOST_REQUIRE(p.version == 0); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(neighboursPacketLength) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; KeyPair k = KeyPair::create(); std::vector> testNodes(TestNodeTable::createTestNodes(16)); bi::udp::endpoint to(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 30000); // hash(32), signature(65), overhead: packetSz(3), type(1), nodeListSz(3), ts(5), static unsigned const nlimit = (1280 - 109) / 90; // neighbour: 2 + 65 + 3 + 3 + 17 for (unsigned offset = 0; offset < testNodes.size(); offset += nlimit) { Neighbours out(to); auto limit = nlimit ? std::min(testNodes.size(), (size_t)(offset + nlimit)) : testNodes.size(); for (auto i = offset; i < limit; i++) { Node n(testNodes[i].first.pub(), NodeIPEndpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), testNodes[i].second, testNodes[i].second)); Neighbours::Neighbour neighbour(n); out.neighbours.push_back(neighbour); } out.sign(k.sec()); BOOST_REQUIRE_LE(out.data.size(), 1280); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(neighboursPacket) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; KeyPair k = KeyPair::create(); std::vector> testNodes(TestNodeTable::createTestNodes(16)); bi::udp::endpoint to(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 30000); Neighbours out(to); for (auto n: testNodes) { Node node(n.first.pub(), NodeIPEndpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), n.second, n.second)); Neighbours::Neighbour neighbour(node); out.neighbours.push_back(neighbour); } out.sign(k.sec()); bytesConstRef packet(out.data.data(), out.data.size()); bytesConstRef rlpBytes(packet.cropped(h256::size + Signature::size + 1)); Neighbours in = Neighbours::fromBytesConstRef(to, rlpBytes); int count = 0; for (auto n: in.neighbours) { BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(testNodes[count].second, n.endpoint.udpPort); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(testNodes[count].first.pub(), n.node); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(sha3(testNodes[count].first.pub()), sha3(n.node)); count++; } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_findnode_neighbours) { // Executing findNode should result in a list which is serialized // into Neighbours packet. Neighbours packet should then be deserialized // into the same list of nearest nodes. } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(kademlia) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; TestNodeTableHost node(8); node.start(); node.setup(); node.populate(); node.populateAll(); auto nodes = node.nodeTable->nodes(); nodes.sort(); node.nodeTable->reset(); node.populate(1); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(2000)); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(node.nodeTable->count(), 8); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(udpOnce) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; UDPDatagram d(bi::udp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 30300), bytes({65,65,65,65})); TestUDPSocket a; a.m_socket->connect(); a.start(); a.m_socket->send(d); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(1)); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(true, a.success); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(netTypes) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(deadlineTimer) { // @subtly fixme return; if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; ba::io_service io; ba::deadline_timer t(io); bool start = false; boost::system::error_code ec; std::atomic fired(0); thread thread([&](){ while(!start) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(10)); io.run(); }); t.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(200)); start = true; t.async_wait([&](boost::system::error_code const& _ec){ ec = _ec; fired++; }); BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(t.wait()); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(250)); auto expire = t.expires_from_now().total_milliseconds(); BOOST_REQUIRE(expire <= 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(fired == 1); BOOST_REQUIRE(!ec); io.stop(); thread.join(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(unspecifiedNode) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; Node n = UnspecifiedNode; BOOST_REQUIRE(!n); Node node(Public(sha3("0")), NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address(), 0, 0)); BOOST_REQUIRE(node); BOOST_REQUIRE(n != node); Node nodeEq(Public(sha3("0")), NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address(), 0, 0)); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(node, nodeEq); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(nodeTableReturnsUnspecifiedNode) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; ba::io_service io; NodeTable t(io, KeyPair::create(), NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address::from_string(""), 30303, 30303)); if (Node n = t.node(NodeId())) BOOST_REQUIRE(false); else BOOST_REQUIRE(n == UnspecifiedNode); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()