/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file EthereumPeer.cpp * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 */ #include "EthereumPeer.h" #include #include #include #include #include "BlockChain.h" #include "EthereumHost.h" using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; using namespace p2p; #define clogS(X) dev::LogOutputStream(false) << "| " << std::setw(2) << session()->socketId() << "] " EthereumPeer::EthereumPeer(Session* _s, HostCapabilityFace* _h): Capability(_s, _h), m_sub(host()->m_man) { sendStatus(); } EthereumPeer::~EthereumPeer() { giveUpOnFetch(); } EthereumHost* EthereumPeer::host() const { return static_cast(Capability::hostCapability()); } void EthereumPeer::sendStatus() { RLPStream s; prep(s); s.appendList(6) << StatusPacket << host()->protocolVersion() << host()->networkId() << host()->m_chain.details().totalDifficulty << host()->m_chain.currentHash() << host()->m_chain.genesisHash(); sealAndSend(s); } void EthereumPeer::startInitialSync() { // Grab transactions off them. { RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(1); s << GetTransactionsPacket; sealAndSend(s); } host()->noteHavePeerState(this); } void EthereumPeer::tryGrabbingHashChain() { // if already done this, then ignore. if (m_grabbing != Grabbing::State) { clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Already synced with this peer."; return; } h256 c = host()->m_chain.currentHash(); unsigned n = host()->m_chain.number(); u256 td = host()->m_chain.details().totalDifficulty; clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Attempt chain-grab? Latest:" << c.abridged() << ", number:" << n << ", TD:" << td << " versus " << m_totalDifficulty; if (td >= m_totalDifficulty) { clogS(NetAllDetail) << "No. Our chain is better."; m_grabbing = Grabbing::Nothing; return; // All good - we have the better chain. } // Our chain isn't better - grab theirs. { clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Yes. Their chain is better."; host()->updateGrabbing(Grabbing::Hashes); m_grabbing = Grabbing::Hashes; RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(3); s << GetBlockHashesPacket << m_latestHash << c_maxHashesAsk; m_neededBlocks = h256s(1, m_latestHash); sealAndSend(s); } } void EthereumPeer::giveUpOnFetch() { clogS(NetNote) << "GIVE UP FETCH"; // a bit overkill given that the other nodes may yet have the needed blocks, but better to be safe than sorry. if (m_grabbing == Grabbing::Chain || m_grabbing == Grabbing::ChainHelper) { host()->noteDoneBlocks(this); m_grabbing = Grabbing::Nothing; } m_sub.doneFetch(); // NOTE: need to notify of giving up on chain-hashes, too, altering state as necessary. } bool EthereumPeer::interpret(RLP const& _r) { switch (_r[0].toInt()) { case StatusPacket: { m_protocolVersion = _r[1].toInt(); m_networkId = _r[2].toInt(); m_totalDifficulty = _r[3].toInt(); m_latestHash = _r[4].toHash(); auto genesisHash = _r[5].toHash(); clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Status:" << m_protocolVersion << "/" << m_networkId << "/" << genesisHash.abridged() << ", TD:" << m_totalDifficulty << "=" << m_latestHash.abridged(); if (genesisHash != host()->m_chain.genesisHash()) disable("Invalid genesis hash"); if (m_protocolVersion != host()->protocolVersion()) disable("Invalid protocol version."); if (m_networkId != host()->networkId()) disable("Invalid network identifier."); startInitialSync(); break; } case GetTransactionsPacket: { m_requireTransactions = true; break; } case TransactionsPacket: { clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Transactions (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << "entries)"; addRating(_r.itemCount() - 1); lock_guard l(host()->m_incomingLock); for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) { host()->addIncomingTransaction(_r[i].data().toBytes()); lock_guard l(x_knownTransactions); m_knownTransactions.insert(sha3(_r[i].data())); } break; } case GetBlockHashesPacket: { h256 later = _r[1].toHash(); unsigned limit = _r[2].toInt(); clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "GetBlockHashes (" << limit << "entries," << later.abridged() << ")"; unsigned c = min(max(1, host()->m_chain.number(later)) - 1, limit); RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(1 + c).append(BlockHashesPacket); h256 p = host()->m_chain.details(later).parent; for (unsigned i = 0; i < c; ++i, p = host()->m_chain.details(p).parent) s << p; sealAndSend(s); break; } case BlockHashesPacket: { clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "BlockHashes (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << "entries)" << (_r.itemCount() - 1 ? "" : ": NoMoreHashes"); if (m_grabbing != Grabbing::Hashes) { cwarn << "Peer giving us hashes when we didn't ask for them."; break; } if (_r.itemCount() == 1) { host()->noteHaveChain(this); return true; } for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) { auto h = _r[i].toHash(); if (host()->m_chain.details(h)) { host()->noteHaveChain(this); return true; } else m_neededBlocks.push_back(h); } // run through - ask for more. RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(3); s << GetBlockHashesPacket << m_neededBlocks.back() << c_maxHashesAsk; sealAndSend(s); break; } case GetBlocksPacket: { clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "GetBlocks (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << "entries)"; // return the requested blocks. bytes rlp; unsigned n = 0; for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount() && i <= c_maxBlocks; ++i) { auto b = host()->m_chain.block(_r[i].toHash()); if (b.size()) { rlp += b; ++n; } } RLPStream s; sealAndSend(prep(s).appendList(n + 1).append(BlocksPacket).appendRaw(rlp, n)); break; } case BlocksPacket: { clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Blocks (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << "entries)" << (_r.itemCount() - 1 ? "" : ": NoMoreBlocks"); if (_r.itemCount() == 1) { // Couldn't get any from last batch - probably got to this peer's latest block - just give up. m_sub.doneFetch(); giveUpOnFetch(); } unsigned used = 0; for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) { auto h = BlockInfo::headerHash(_r[i].data()); m_sub.noteBlock(h); if (host()->noteBlock(h, _r[i].data())) used++; Guard l(x_knownBlocks); m_knownBlocks.insert(h); } addRating(used); unsigned knownParents = 0; unsigned unknownParents = 0; if (g_logVerbosity >= NetMessageSummary::verbosity) { for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) { auto h = BlockInfo::headerHash(_r[i].data()); BlockInfo bi(_r[i].data()); Guard l(x_knownBlocks); if (!host()->m_chain.details(bi.parentHash) && !m_knownBlocks.count(bi.parentHash)) { unknownParents++; clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Unknown parent" << bi.parentHash.abridged() << "of block" << h.abridged(); } else { knownParents++; clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Known parent" << bi.parentHash.abridged() << "of block" << h.abridged(); } } } clogS(NetMessageSummary) << dec << knownParents << "known parents," << unknownParents << "unknown," << used << "used."; continueGettingChain(); break; } default: return false; } return true; } void EthereumPeer::ensureGettingChain() { if (m_grabbing == Grabbing::ChainHelper) return; // Already asked & waiting for some. continueGettingChain(); } void EthereumPeer::continueGettingChain() { if (m_grabbing != Grabbing::Chain) m_grabbing = Grabbing::ChainHelper; auto blocks = m_sub.nextFetch(c_maxBlocksAsk); if (blocks.size()) { RLPStream s; prep(s); s.appendList(blocks.size() + 1) << GetBlocksPacket; for (auto const& i: blocks) s << i; sealAndSend(s); } else giveUpOnFetch(); }