/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file EthashGPUMiner.cpp * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 * * Determines the PoW algorithm. */ #if ETH_ETHASHCL #include "EthashGPUMiner.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace eth; namespace dev { namespace eth { class EthashCLHook: public ethash_cl_miner::search_hook { public: EthashCLHook(EthashGPUMiner* _owner): m_owner(_owner) {} EthashCLHook(EthashCLHook const&) = delete; void abort() { { UniqueGuard l(x_all); if (m_aborted) return; // cdebug << "Attempting to abort"; m_abort = true; } // m_abort is true so now searched()/found() will return true to abort the search. // we hang around on this thread waiting for them to point out that they have aborted since // otherwise we may end up deleting this object prior to searched()/found() being called. m_aborted.wait(true); // for (unsigned timeout = 0; timeout < 100 && !m_aborted; ++timeout) // std::this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(30)); // if (!m_aborted) // cwarn << "Couldn't abort. Abandoning OpenCL process."; } void reset() { UniqueGuard l(x_all); m_aborted = m_abort = false; } protected: virtual bool found(uint64_t const* _nonces, uint32_t _count) override { // dev::operator <<(std::cerr << "Found nonces: ", vector(_nonces, _nonces + _count)) << std::endl; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _count; ++i) if (m_owner->report(_nonces[i])) return (m_aborted = true); return m_owner->shouldStop(); } virtual bool searched(uint64_t _startNonce, uint32_t _count) override { UniqueGuard l(x_all); // std::cerr << "Searched " << _count << " from " << _startNonce << std::endl; m_owner->accumulateHashes(_count); m_last = _startNonce + _count; if (m_abort || m_owner->shouldStop()) return (m_aborted = true); return false; } private: Mutex x_all; uint64_t m_last; bool m_abort = false; Notified m_aborted = {true}; EthashGPUMiner* m_owner = nullptr; }; } } unsigned EthashGPUMiner::s_platformId = 0; unsigned EthashGPUMiner::s_deviceId = 0; unsigned EthashGPUMiner::s_numInstances = 0; int EthashGPUMiner::s_devices[16] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; EthashGPUMiner::EthashGPUMiner(ConstructionInfo const& _ci): Miner(_ci), Worker("openclminer" + toString(index())), m_hook(new EthashCLHook(this)) { } EthashGPUMiner::~EthashGPUMiner() { pause(); delete m_miner; delete m_hook; } bool EthashGPUMiner::report(uint64_t _nonce) { Nonce n = (Nonce)(u64)_nonce; Result r = EthashAux::eval(work().seedHash, work().headerHash, n); if (r.value < work().boundary) return submitProof(Solution{n, r.mixHash}); return false; } void EthashGPUMiner::kickOff() { m_hook->reset(); startWorking(); } void EthashGPUMiner::workLoop() { // take local copy of work since it may end up being overwritten by kickOff/pause. try { WorkPackage w = work(); cnote << "set work; seed: " << "#" + w.seedHash.hex().substr(0, 8) + ", target: " << "#" + w.boundary.hex().substr(0, 12); if (!m_miner || m_minerSeed != w.seedHash) { if (s_dagLoadMode == DAG_LOAD_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) { while (s_dagLoadIndex < index()) { this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(1)); } } cnote << "Initialising miner..."; m_minerSeed = w.seedHash; delete m_miner; m_miner = new ethash_cl_miner; unsigned device = s_devices[index()] > -1 ? s_devices[index()] : index(); EthashAux::LightType light; light = EthashAux::light(w.seedHash); bytesConstRef lightData = light->data(); m_miner->init(light->light, lightData.data(), lightData.size(), s_platformId, device); s_dagLoadIndex++; } uint64_t upper64OfBoundary = (uint64_t)(u64)((u256)w.boundary >> 192); uint64_t startN = 0; if (w.exSizeBits >= 0) startN = w.startNonce | ((uint64_t)index() << (64 - 4 - w.exSizeBits)); // this can support up to 16 devices m_miner->search(w.headerHash.data(), upper64OfBoundary, *m_hook, (w.exSizeBits >= 0), startN); } catch (cl::Error const& _e) { delete m_miner; m_miner = nullptr; cwarn << "Error GPU mining: " << _e.what() << "(" << _e.err() << ")"; } } void EthashGPUMiner::pause() { m_hook->abort(); stopWorking(); } std::string EthashGPUMiner::platformInfo() { return ethash_cl_miner::platform_info(s_platformId, s_deviceId); } unsigned EthashGPUMiner::getNumDevices() { return ethash_cl_miner::getNumDevices(s_platformId); } void EthashGPUMiner::listDevices() { return ethash_cl_miner::listDevices(); } bool EthashGPUMiner::configureGPU( unsigned _localWorkSize, unsigned _globalWorkSizeMultiplier, unsigned _platformId, unsigned _deviceId, unsigned _extraGPUMemory, uint64_t _currentBlock, unsigned _dagLoadMode, unsigned _dagCreateDevice ) { s_dagLoadMode = _dagLoadMode; s_dagCreateDevice = _dagCreateDevice; s_platformId = _platformId; s_deviceId = _deviceId; _localWorkSize = ((_localWorkSize + 7) / 8) * 8; if (!ethash_cl_miner::configureGPU( _platformId, _localWorkSize, _globalWorkSizeMultiplier * _localWorkSize, _extraGPUMemory, _currentBlock ) ) { cout << "No GPU device with sufficient memory was found. Can't GPU mine. Remove the -G argument" << endl; return false; } return true; } #endif