	This file is part of cpp-ethereum.

	cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with cpp-ethereum.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file EthereumHost.h
 * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
 * @date 2014

#pragma once

#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

namespace dev

class RLPStream;

using UnsignedRange = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>;
using UnsignedRanges = std::vector<UnsignedRange>;

template <class T>
class RangeMask
	template <class U> friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, RangeMask<U> const& _r);

	using Range = std::pair<T, T>;
	using Ranges = std::vector<Range>;

	RangeMask() {}
	RangeMask(T _begin, T _end): m_all(_begin, _end) {}
	RangeMask(Range const& _c): m_all(_c) {}

	RangeMask operator+(RangeMask const& _m) const { return RangeMask(*this) += _m; }

	RangeMask lowest(T _items) const
		RangeMask ret(m_all);
		for (auto i = m_ranges.begin(); i != m_ranges.end() && _items; ++i)
			_items -= (ret.m_ranges[i->first] = std::min(i->first + _items, i->second)) - i->first;
		return ret;

	RangeMask operator~() const
		RangeMask ret(m_all);
		T last = m_all.first;
		for (auto i: m_ranges)
			if (i.first != last)
				ret.m_ranges[last] = i.first;
			last = i.second;
		if (last != m_all.second)
			ret.m_ranges[last] = m_all.second;
		return ret;

	RangeMask& operator+=(RangeMask const& _m)
		for (auto const& i: _m.m_ranges)
		return *this;
	RangeMask& operator+=(UnsignedRange const& _m)
		for (auto i = _m.first; i < _m.second;)
			// for each number, we find the element equal or next lower. this, if any, must contain the value.
			auto uit = m_ranges.upper_bound(i);
			auto it = uit == m_ranges.begin() ? m_ranges.end() : std::prev(uit);
			if (it == m_ranges.end() || it->second < i)
				// lower range is too low to merge.
				// if the next higher range is too high.
				if (uit == m_ranges.end() || uit->first > _m.second)
					// just create a new range
					m_ranges[i] = _m.second;
					if (uit->first == i)
						// move i to end of range
						i = uit->second;
						// merge with the next higher range
						// move i to end of range
						i = m_ranges[i] = uit->second;
						i = uit->second;
			else if (it->second == i)
				// if the next higher range is too high.
				if (uit == m_ranges.end() || uit->first > _m.second)
					// merge with the next lower range
					m_ranges[it->first] = _m.second;
					// merge with both next lower & next higher.
					i = m_ranges[it->first] = uit->second;
				i = it->second;
		return *this;

	RangeMask& operator+=(T _i)
		return operator+=(Range(_i, _i + 1));

	bool contains(T _i) const
		auto it = m_ranges.upper_bound(_i);
		if (it == m_ranges.begin())
			return false;
		return (--it)->second > _i;

	bool empty() const
		return m_ranges.empty();

	bool full() const
		return m_ranges.size() == 1 && m_ranges.begin()->first == m_all.first && m_ranges.begin()->second == m_all.second;

	void clear()

	std::pair<T, T> const& all() const { return m_all; }

	class const_iterator
		friend class RangeMask;

		const_iterator() {}

		T operator*() const { return m_value; }
		const_iterator& operator++() { if (m_owner) m_value = m_owner->next(m_value); return *this; }
		const_iterator operator++(int) { auto ret = *this; if (m_owner) m_value = m_owner->next(m_value); return ret; }

		bool operator==(const_iterator const& _i) const { return m_owner == _i.m_owner && m_value == _i.m_value; }
		bool operator!=(const_iterator const& _i) const { return !operator==(_i); }
		bool operator<(const_iterator const& _i) const { return m_value < _i.m_value; }

		const_iterator(RangeMask const& _m, bool _end): m_owner(&_m), m_value(_m.m_ranges.empty() || _end ? _m.m_all.second : _m.m_ranges.begin()->first) {}

		RangeMask const* m_owner = nullptr;
		T m_value = 0;

	const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(*this, false); }
	const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(*this, true); }
	T next(T _t) const
		// find next item in range at least _t
		auto uit = m_ranges.upper_bound(_t);	 // > _t
		auto it = uit == m_ranges.begin() ? m_ranges.end() : std::prev(uit);
		if (it != m_ranges.end() && it->first <= _t && it->second > _t)
			return _t;
		return uit == m_ranges.end() ? m_all.second : uit->first;

	UnsignedRange m_all;
	std::map<T, T> m_ranges;

template <class T> inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, RangeMask<T> const& _r)
	_out << _r.m_all.first << "{ ";
	for (auto const& i: _r.m_ranges)
		_out << "[" << i.first << ", " << i.second << ") ";
	_out << "}" << _r.m_all.second;
	return _out;
