/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file CryptoPP.cpp * @author Alex Leverington * @date 2014 */ #include #include #include "ECDHE.h" #include "CryptoPP.h" using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::crypto; using namespace CryptoPP; static_assert(dev::Secret::size == 32, "Secret key must be 32 bytes."); static_assert(dev::Public::size == 64, "Public key must be 64 bytes."); static_assert(dev::Signature::size == 65, "Signature must be 65 bytes."); bytes Secp256k1::eciesKDF(Secret _z, bytes _s1, unsigned kdByteLen) { // interop w/go ecies implementation // for sha3, blocksize is 136 bytes // for sha256, blocksize is 64 bytes auto reps = ((kdByteLen + 7) * 8) / (64 * 8); bytes ctr({0, 0, 0, 1}); bytes k; CryptoPP::SHA256 ctx; for (unsigned i = 0; i <= reps; i++) { ctx.Update(ctr.data(), ctr.size()); ctx.Update(_z.data(), Secret::size); ctx.Update(_s1.data(), _s1.size()); // append hash to k bytes digest(32); ctx.Final(digest.data()); ctx.Restart(); k.reserve(k.size() + h256::size); move(digest.begin(), digest.end(), back_inserter(k)); if (++ctr[3] || ++ctr[2] || ++ctr[1] || ++ctr[0]) continue; } k.resize(kdByteLen); return k; } void Secp256k1::encryptECIES(Public const& _k, bytes& io_cipher) { // interop w/go ecies implementation auto r = KeyPair::create(); h256 z; ecdh::agree(r.sec(), _k, z); auto key = eciesKDF(z, bytes(), 32); bytesConstRef eKey = bytesConstRef(&key).cropped(0, 16); bytesRef mKeyMaterial = bytesRef(&key).cropped(16, 16); CryptoPP::SHA256 ctx; ctx.Update(mKeyMaterial.data(), mKeyMaterial.size()); bytes mKey(32); ctx.Final(mKey.data()); bytes cipherText = encryptSymNoAuth(h128(eKey), h128(), bytesConstRef(&io_cipher)); if (cipherText.empty()) return; bytes msg(1 + Public::size + h128::size + cipherText.size() + 32); msg[0] = 0x04; r.pub().ref().copyTo(bytesRef(&msg).cropped(1, Public::size)); bytesRef msgCipherRef = bytesRef(&msg).cropped(1 + Public::size + h128::size, cipherText.size()); bytesConstRef(&cipherText).copyTo(msgCipherRef); // tag message CryptoPP::HMAC hmacctx(mKey.data(), mKey.size()); bytesConstRef cipherWithIV = bytesRef(&msg).cropped(1 + Public::size, h128::size + cipherText.size()); hmacctx.Update(cipherWithIV.data(), cipherWithIV.size()); hmacctx.Final(msg.data() + 1 + Public::size + cipherWithIV.size()); io_cipher.resize(msg.size()); io_cipher.swap(msg); } bool Secp256k1::decryptECIES(Secret const& _k, bytes& io_text) { // interop w/go ecies implementation // io_cipher[0] must be 2, 3, or 4, else invalidpublickey if (io_text[0] < 2 || io_text[0] > 4) // invalid message: publickey return false; if (io_text.size() < (1 + Public::size + h128::size + 1 + h256::size)) // invalid message: length return false; h256 z; ecdh::agree(_k, *(Public*)(io_text.data()+1), z); auto key = eciesKDF(z, bytes(), 64); bytesConstRef eKey = bytesConstRef(&key).cropped(0, 16); bytesRef mKeyMaterial = bytesRef(&key).cropped(16, 16); bytes mKey(32); CryptoPP::SHA256 ctx; ctx.Update(mKeyMaterial.data(), mKeyMaterial.size()); ctx.Final(mKey.data()); bytes plain; size_t cipherLen = io_text.size() - 1 - Public::size - h128::size - h256::size; bytesConstRef cipherWithIV(io_text.data() + 1 + Public::size, h128::size + cipherLen); bytesConstRef cipherIV = cipherWithIV.cropped(0, h128::size); bytesConstRef cipherNoIV = cipherWithIV.cropped(h128::size, cipherLen); bytesConstRef msgMac(cipherNoIV.data() + cipherLen, h256::size); h128 iv(cipherIV.toBytes()); // verify tag CryptoPP::HMAC hmacctx(mKey.data(), mKey.size()); hmacctx.Update(cipherWithIV.data(), cipherWithIV.size()); h256 mac; hmacctx.Final(mac.data()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < h256::size; i++) if (mac[i] != msgMac[i]) return false; plain = decryptSymNoAuth(h128(eKey), iv, cipherNoIV); io_text.resize(plain.size()); io_text.swap(plain); return true; } void Secp256k1::encrypt(Public const& _k, bytes& io_cipher) { ECIES::Encryptor e; initializeDLScheme(_k, e); size_t plen = io_cipher.size(); bytes ciphertext; ciphertext.resize(e.CiphertextLength(plen)); { Guard l(x_rng); e.Encrypt(m_rng, io_cipher.data(), plen, ciphertext.data()); } memset(io_cipher.data(), 0, io_cipher.size()); io_cipher = std::move(ciphertext); } void Secp256k1::decrypt(Secret const& _k, bytes& io_text) { CryptoPP::ECIES::Decryptor d; initializeDLScheme(_k, d); if (!io_text.size()) { io_text.resize(1); io_text[0] = 0; } size_t clen = io_text.size(); bytes plain; plain.resize(d.MaxPlaintextLength(io_text.size())); DecodingResult r; { Guard l(x_rng); r = d.Decrypt(m_rng, io_text.data(), clen, plain.data()); } if (!r.isValidCoding) { io_text.clear(); return; } io_text.resize(r.messageLength); io_text = std::move(plain); } Signature Secp256k1::sign(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _message) { return sign(_k, sha3(_message)); } Signature Secp256k1::sign(Secret const& _key, h256 const& _hash) { // assumption made by signing alogrithm asserts(m_q == m_qs); Signature sig; Integer k(kdf(_key, _hash).data(), 32); if (k == 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidState()); k = 1 + (k % (m_qs - 1)); ECP::Point rp; Integer r; { Guard l(x_params); rp = m_params.ExponentiateBase(k); r = m_params.ConvertElementToInteger(rp); } sig[64] = 0; // sig[64] = (r >= m_q) ? 2 : 0; Integer kInv = k.InverseMod(m_q); Integer z(_hash.asBytes().data(), 32); Integer s = (kInv * (Integer(_key.asBytes().data(), 32) * r + z)) % m_q; if (r == 0 || s == 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidState()); // if (s > m_qs) // { // s = m_q - s; // if (sig[64]) // sig[64] ^= 1; // } sig[64] |= rp.y.IsOdd() ? 1 : 0; r.Encode(sig.data(), 32); s.Encode(sig.data() + 32, 32); return sig; } bool Secp256k1::verify(Signature const& _signature, bytesConstRef _message) { return !!recover(_signature, _message); } bool Secp256k1::verify(Public const& _p, Signature const& _sig, bytesConstRef _message, bool _hashed) { // todo: verify w/o recovery (if faster) return (bool)_p == _hashed ? (bool)recover(_sig, _message) : (bool)recover(_sig, sha3(_message).ref()); } Public Secp256k1::recover(Signature _signature, bytesConstRef _message) { Public recovered; Integer r(_signature.data(), 32); Integer s(_signature.data()+32, 32); // cryptopp encodes sign of y as 0x02/0x03 instead of 0/1 or 27/28 byte encodedpoint[33]; encodedpoint[0] = _signature[64] | 2; memcpy(&encodedpoint[1], _signature.data(), 32); ECP::Element x; { m_curve.DecodePoint(x, encodedpoint, 33); if (!m_curve.VerifyPoint(x)) return recovered; } // if (_signature[64] & 2) // { // r += m_q; // Guard l(x_params); // if (r >= m_params.GetMaxExponent()) // return recovered; // } Integer z(_message.data(), 32); Integer rn = r.InverseMod(m_q); Integer u1 = m_q - (rn.Times(z)).Modulo(m_q); Integer u2 = (rn.Times(s)).Modulo(m_q); ECP::Point p; byte recoveredbytes[65]; { // todo: make generator member p = m_curve.CascadeMultiply(u2, x, u1, m_params.GetSubgroupGenerator()); m_curve.EncodePoint(recoveredbytes, p, false); } memcpy(recovered.data(), &recoveredbytes[1], 64); return recovered; } bool Secp256k1::verifySecret(Secret const& _s, Public& _p) { DL_PrivateKey_EC k; k.Initialize(m_params, secretToExponent(_s)); if (!k.Validate(m_rng, 3)) return false; DL_PublicKey_EC pub; k.MakePublicKey(pub); if (!k.Validate(m_rng, 3)) return false; exportPublicKey(pub, _p); return true; } void Secp256k1::agree(Secret const& _s, Public const& _r, h256& o_s) { // TODO: mutex ASN1::secp256k1() singleton // Creating Domain is non-const for m_oid and m_oid is not thread-safe ECDH::Domain d(ASN1::secp256k1()); assert(d.AgreedValueLength() == sizeof(o_s)); byte remote[65] = {0x04}; memcpy(&remote[1], _r.data(), 64); d.Agree(o_s.data(), _s.data(), remote); } void Secp256k1::exportPublicKey(CryptoPP::DL_PublicKey_EC const& _k, Public& o_p) { bytes prefixedKey(_k.GetGroupParameters().GetEncodedElementSize(true)); { Guard l(x_params); m_params.GetCurve().EncodePoint(prefixedKey.data(), _k.GetPublicElement(), false); assert(Public::size + 1 == _k.GetGroupParameters().GetEncodedElementSize(true)); } memcpy(o_p.data(), &prefixedKey[1], Public::size); } void Secp256k1::exponentToPublic(Integer const& _e, Public& o_p) { CryptoPP::DL_PublicKey_EC pk; { Guard l(x_params); pk.Initialize(m_params, m_params.ExponentiateBase(_e)); } exportPublicKey(pk, o_p); }