/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file Common.cpp * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com> * @date 2014 */ #include "Common.h" using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::p2p; const unsigned dev::p2p::c_protocolVersion = 4; const unsigned dev::p2p::c_defaultIPPort = 30303; static_assert(dev::p2p::c_protocolVersion == 4, "Replace v3 compatbility with v4 compatibility before updating network version."); const dev::p2p::NodeIPEndpoint dev::p2p::UnspecifiedNodeIPEndpoint = NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address(), 0, 0); const dev::p2p::Node dev::p2p::UnspecifiedNode = dev::p2p::Node(NodeId(), UnspecifiedNodeIPEndpoint); bool dev::p2p::NodeIPEndpoint::test_allowLocal = false; //⊳⊲◀▶■▣▢□▷◁▧▨▩▲◆◉◈◇◎●◍◌○◼☑☒☎☢☣☰☀♽♥♠✩✭❓✔✓✖✕✘✓✔✅⚒⚡⦸⬌∅⁕«««»»»⚙━┅┉▬ #ifdef _WIN32 const char* NetWarn::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthRed " X"; } const char* NetImpolite::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthRed " !"; } const char* NetNote::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthBlue " i"; } const char* NetConnect::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthYellow " C"; } const char* NetMessageSummary::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthWhite " ."; } const char* NetMessageDetail::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthGray " o"; } const char* NetTriviaSummary::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthGray " O"; } const char* NetTriviaDetail::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthCoal " 0"; } const char* NetAllDetail::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthCoal " A"; } const char* NetRight::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthGreen "->"; } const char* NetLeft::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthNavy "<-"; } const char* NetP2PWarn::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthRed " X"; } const char* NetP2PNote::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthBlue " i"; } const char* NetP2PConnect::name() { return EthYellow "N" EthYellow " C"; } #else const char* NetWarn::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthRed " ✘"; } const char* NetImpolite::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthRed " !"; } const char* NetNote::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthBlue " ℹ"; } const char* NetConnect::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthYellow " ▢"; } const char* NetMessageSummary::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthWhite " ◌"; } const char* NetMessageDetail::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthGray " ○"; } const char* NetTriviaSummary::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthGray " ◎"; } const char* NetTriviaDetail::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthCoal " ◍"; } const char* NetAllDetail::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthCoal " ●"; } const char* NetRight::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthGreen "▬▶"; } const char* NetLeft::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthNavy "◀▬"; } const char* NetP2PWarn::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthRed " ✘"; } const char* NetP2PNote::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthBlue " ℹ"; } const char* NetP2PConnect::name() { return EthYellow "⧎" EthYellow " ▢"; } #endif bool p2p::isPublicAddress(std::string const& _addressToCheck) { return _addressToCheck.empty() ? false : isPublicAddress(bi::address::from_string(_addressToCheck)); } bool p2p::isPublicAddress(bi::address const& _addressToCheck) { return !(isPrivateAddress(_addressToCheck) || isLocalHostAddress(_addressToCheck)); } // Helper function to determine if an address falls within one of the reserved ranges // For V4: // Class A "10.*", Class B "172.[16->31].*", Class C "192.168.*" bool p2p::isPrivateAddress(bi::address const& _addressToCheck) { if (_addressToCheck.is_v4()) { bi::address_v4 v4Address = _addressToCheck.to_v4(); bi::address_v4::bytes_type bytesToCheck = v4Address.to_bytes(); if (bytesToCheck[0] == 10 || bytesToCheck[0] == 127) return true; if (bytesToCheck[0] == 172 && (bytesToCheck[1] >= 16 && bytesToCheck[1] <= 31)) return true; if (bytesToCheck[0] == 192 && bytesToCheck[1] == 168) return true; } else if (_addressToCheck.is_v6()) { bi::address_v6 v6Address = _addressToCheck.to_v6(); bi::address_v6::bytes_type bytesToCheck = v6Address.to_bytes(); if (bytesToCheck[0] == 0xfd && bytesToCheck[1] == 0) return true; if (!bytesToCheck[0] && !bytesToCheck[1] && !bytesToCheck[2] && !bytesToCheck[3] && !bytesToCheck[4] && !bytesToCheck[5] && !bytesToCheck[6] && !bytesToCheck[7] && !bytesToCheck[8] && !bytesToCheck[9] && !bytesToCheck[10] && !bytesToCheck[11] && !bytesToCheck[12] && !bytesToCheck[13] && !bytesToCheck[14] && (bytesToCheck[15] == 0 || bytesToCheck[15] == 1)) return true; } return false; } bool p2p::isPrivateAddress(std::string const& _addressToCheck) { return _addressToCheck.empty() ? false : isPrivateAddress(bi::address::from_string(_addressToCheck)); } // Helper function to determine if an address is localhost bool p2p::isLocalHostAddress(bi::address const& _addressToCheck) { // @todo: ivp6 link-local adresses (macos), ex: fe80::1%lo0 static const set<bi::address> c_rejectAddresses = { {bi::address_v4::from_string("")}, {bi::address_v4::from_string("")}, {bi::address_v6::from_string("::1")}, {bi::address_v6::from_string("::")} }; return find(c_rejectAddresses.begin(), c_rejectAddresses.end(), _addressToCheck) != c_rejectAddresses.end(); } bool p2p::isLocalHostAddress(std::string const& _addressToCheck) { return _addressToCheck.empty() ? false : isLocalHostAddress(bi::address::from_string(_addressToCheck)); } std::string p2p::reasonOf(DisconnectReason _r) { switch (_r) { case DisconnectRequested: return "Disconnect was requested."; case TCPError: return "Low-level TCP communication error."; case BadProtocol: return "Data format error."; case UselessPeer: return "Peer had no use for this node."; case TooManyPeers: return "Peer had too many connections."; case DuplicatePeer: return "Peer was already connected."; case IncompatibleProtocol: return "Peer protocol versions are incompatible."; case NullIdentity: return "Null identity given."; case ClientQuit: return "Peer is exiting."; case UnexpectedIdentity: return "Unexpected identity given."; case LocalIdentity: return "Connected to ourselves."; case UserReason: return "Subprotocol reason."; case NoDisconnect: return "(No disconnect has happened.)"; default: return "Unknown reason."; } } void NodeIPEndpoint::streamRLP(RLPStream& _s, RLPAppend _append) const { if (_append == StreamList) _s.appendList(3); if (address.is_v4()) _s << bytesConstRef(&address.to_v4().to_bytes()[0], 4); else if (address.is_v6()) _s << bytesConstRef(&address.to_v6().to_bytes()[0], 16); else _s << bytes(); _s << udpPort << tcpPort; } void NodeIPEndpoint::interpretRLP(RLP const& _r) { if (_r[0].size() == 4) address = bi::address_v4(*(bi::address_v4::bytes_type*)_r[0].toBytes().data()); else if (_r[0].size() == 16) address = bi::address_v6(*(bi::address_v6::bytes_type*)_r[0].toBytes().data()); else address = bi::address(); udpPort = _r[1].toInt<uint16_t>(); tcpPort = _r[2].toInt<uint16_t>(); } namespace dev { std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, dev::p2p::NodeIPEndpoint const& _ep) { _out << _ep.address << _ep.udpPort << _ep.tcpPort; return _out; } }