/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file PeerSession.cpp * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com> * @date 2014 */ #include "PeerSession.h" #include <chrono> #include <libethential/Common.h> #include <libethcore/Exceptions.h> #include "BlockChain.h" #include "PeerServer.h" using namespace std; using namespace eth; #define clogS(X) eth::LogOutputStream<X, true>(false) << "| " << std::setw(2) << m_socket.native_handle() << "] " static const eth::uint c_maxHashes = 4096; ///< Maximum number of hashes GetChain will ever send. static const eth::uint c_maxBlocks = 2048; ///< Maximum number of blocks Blocks will ever send. static const eth::uint c_maxBlocksAsk = 512; ///< Maximum number of blocks we ask to receive in Blocks (when using GetChain). PeerSession::PeerSession(PeerServer* _s, bi::tcp::socket _socket, uint _rNId, bi::address _peerAddress, unsigned short _peerPort): m_server(_s), m_socket(std::move(_socket)), m_reqNetworkId(_rNId), m_listenPort(_peerPort), m_rating(0) { m_disconnect = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max(); m_connect = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); m_info = PeerInfo({"?", _peerAddress.to_string(), m_listenPort, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration(0)}); } PeerSession::~PeerSession() { // Read-chain finished for one reason or another. try { if (m_socket.is_open()) m_socket.close(); } catch (...){} } bi::tcp::endpoint PeerSession::endpoint() const { if (m_socket.is_open()) try { return bi::tcp::endpoint(m_socket.remote_endpoint().address(), m_listenPort); } catch (...){} return bi::tcp::endpoint(); } bool PeerSession::interpret(RLP const& _r) { clogS(NetRight) << _r; switch (_r[0].toInt<unsigned>()) { case HelloPacket: { m_protocolVersion = _r[1].toInt<uint>(); m_networkId = _r[2].toInt<uint>(); auto clientVersion = _r[3].toString(); m_caps = _r[4].toInt<uint>(); m_listenPort = _r[5].toInt<unsigned short>(); m_id = _r[6].toHash<h512>(); clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Hello: " << clientVersion << "V[" << m_protocolVersion << "/" << m_networkId << "]" << m_id.abridged() << showbase << hex << m_caps << dec << m_listenPort; if (m_server->havePeer(m_id)) { // Already connected. cwarn << "Already have peer id" << m_id.abridged();// << "at" << l->endpoint() << "rather than" << endpoint(); disconnect(DuplicatePeer); return false; } if (m_protocolVersion != PeerServer::protocolVersion() || m_networkId != m_server->networkId() || !m_id) { disconnect(IncompatibleProtocol); return false; } try { m_info = PeerInfo({clientVersion, m_socket.remote_endpoint().address().to_string(), m_listenPort, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration()}); } catch (...) { disconnect(BadProtocol); return false; } m_server->registerPeer(shared_from_this()); startInitialSync(); // Grab trsansactions off them. { RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(1); s << GetTransactionsPacket; sealAndSend(s); } break; } case DisconnectPacket: { string reason = "Unspecified"; if (_r[1].isInt()) reason = reasonOf((DisconnectReason)_r[1].toInt<int>()); clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Disconnect (reason: " << reason << ")"; if (m_socket.is_open()) clogS(NetNote) << "Closing " << m_socket.remote_endpoint(); else clogS(NetNote) << "Remote closed."; m_socket.close(); return false; } case PingPacket: { clogS(NetTriviaSummary) << "Ping"; RLPStream s; sealAndSend(prep(s).appendList(1) << PongPacket); break; } case PongPacket: m_info.lastPing = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - m_ping; clogS(NetTriviaSummary) << "Latency: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(m_info.lastPing).count() << " ms"; break; case GetPeersPacket: { clogS(NetTriviaSummary) << "GetPeers"; auto peers = m_server->potentialPeers(); RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(peers.size() + 1); s << PeersPacket; for (auto i: peers) { clogS(NetTriviaDetail) << "Sending peer " << toHex(i.first.ref().cropped(0, 4)) << i.second; s.appendList(3) << bytesConstRef(i.second.address().to_v4().to_bytes().data(), 4) << i.second.port() << i.first; } sealAndSend(s); break; } case PeersPacket: clogS(NetTriviaSummary) << "Peers (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << " entries)"; for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) { bi::address_v4 peerAddress(_r[i][0].toHash<FixedHash<4>>().asArray()); auto ep = bi::tcp::endpoint(peerAddress, _r[i][1].toInt<short>()); Public id = _r[i][2].toHash<Public>(); if (isPrivateAddress(peerAddress)) goto CONTINUE; clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Checking: " << ep << "(" << toHex(id.ref().cropped(0, 4)) << ")"; // check that it's not us or one we already know: if (id && (m_server->m_key.pub() == id || m_server->havePeer(id) || m_server->m_incomingPeers.count(id))) goto CONTINUE; // check that we're not already connected to addr: if (!ep.port()) goto CONTINUE; for (auto i: m_server->m_addresses) if (ep.address() == i && ep.port() == m_server->listenPort()) goto CONTINUE; for (auto i: m_server->m_incomingPeers) if (i.second.first == ep) goto CONTINUE; m_server->m_incomingPeers[id] = make_pair(ep, 0); m_server->m_freePeers.push_back(id); clogS(NetTriviaDetail) << "New peer: " << ep << "(" << id << ")"; CONTINUE:; } break; case TransactionsPacket: if (m_server->m_mode == NodeMode::PeerServer) break; clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Transactions (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << " entries)"; m_rating += _r.itemCount() - 1; for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) { m_server->m_incomingTransactions.push_back(_r[i].data().toBytes()); m_knownTransactions.insert(sha3(_r[i].data())); } break; case BlocksPacket: { if (m_server->m_mode == NodeMode::PeerServer) break; clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Blocks (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << " entries)"; unsigned used = 0; for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) { auto h = sha3(_r[i].data()); if (m_server->noteBlock(h, _r[i].data())) { m_knownBlocks.insert(h); used++; } } m_rating += used; unsigned knownParents = 0; unsigned unknownParents = 0; if (g_logVerbosity >= 2) { for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) { auto h = sha3(_r[i].data()); BlockInfo bi(_r[i].data()); if (!m_server->m_chain->details(bi.parentHash) && !m_knownBlocks.count(bi.parentHash)) { unknownParents++; clogS(NetMessageDetail) << "Unknown parent " << bi.parentHash << " of block " << h; } else { knownParents++; clogS(NetMessageDetail) << "Known parent " << bi.parentHash << " of block " << h; } } } clogS(NetMessageSummary) << dec << knownParents << " known parents, " << unknownParents << "unknown, " << used << "used."; if (used) // we received some - check if there's any more { RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(3); s << GetChainPacket; s << sha3(_r[1].data()); s << c_maxBlocksAsk; sealAndSend(s); } else clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Peer sent all blocks in chain."; break; } case GetChainPacket: { if (m_server->m_mode == NodeMode::PeerServer) break; clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "GetChain (" << (_r.itemCount() - 2) << " hashes, " << (_r[_r.itemCount() - 1].toInt<bigint>()) << ")"; // ******************************************************************** // NEEDS FULL REWRITE! h256s parents; parents.reserve(_r.itemCount() - 2); for (unsigned i = 1; i < _r.itemCount() - 1; ++i) parents.push_back(_r[i].toHash<h256>()); if (_r.itemCount() == 2) break; // return 2048 block max. uint baseCount = (uint)min<bigint>(_r[_r.itemCount() - 1].toInt<bigint>(), c_maxBlocks); clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "GetChain (" << baseCount << " max, from " << parents.front() << " to " << parents.back() << ")"; for (auto parent: parents) { auto h = m_server->m_chain->currentHash(); h256 latest = m_server->m_chain->currentHash(); uint latestNumber = 0; uint parentNumber = 0; RLPStream s; // try to find parent in our blockchain // todo: add some delta() fn to blockchain BlockDetails fParent = m_server->m_chain->details(parent); if (fParent) { latestNumber = m_server->m_chain->number(latest); parentNumber = fParent.number; uint count = min<uint>(latestNumber - parentNumber, baseCount); clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Requires " << dec << (latestNumber - parentNumber) << " blocks from " << latestNumber << " to " << parentNumber; clogS(NetAllDetail) << latest << " - " << parent; prep(s); s.appendList(1 + count) << BlocksPacket; uint endNumber = parentNumber; uint startNumber = endNumber + count; clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Sending " << dec << count << " blocks from " << startNumber << " to " << endNumber; // append blocks uint n = latestNumber; // seek back (occurs when count is limited by baseCount) for (; n > startNumber; n--, h = m_server->m_chain->details(h).parent) {} for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i, --n, h = m_server->m_chain->details(h).parent) { if (h == parent || n == endNumber) { cwarn << "BUG! Couldn't create the reply for GetChain!"; return true; } clogS(NetAllDetail) << " " << dec << i << " " << h; s.appendRaw(m_server->m_chain->block(h)); } if (!count) clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "Sent peer all we have."; clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Parent: " << h; } else if (parent != parents.back()) continue; if (h != parent) { // not in the blockchain; if (parent == parents.back()) { // out of parents... clogS(NetAllDetail) << "GetChain failed; not in chain"; // No good - must have been on a different branch. s.clear(); prep(s).appendList(2) << NotInChainPacket << parents.back(); } else // still some parents left - try them. continue; } // send the packet (either Blocks or NotInChain) & exit. sealAndSend(s); break; // ******************************************************************** } break; } case NotInChainPacket: { if (m_server->m_mode == NodeMode::PeerServer) break; h256 noGood = _r[1].toHash<h256>(); clogS(NetMessageSummary) << "NotInChain (" << noGood << ")"; if (noGood == m_server->m_chain->genesisHash()) { clogS(NetWarn) << "Discordance over genesis block! Disconnect."; disconnect(WrongGenesis); } else { uint count = std::min(c_maxHashes, m_server->m_chain->number(noGood)); RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(2 + count); s << GetChainPacket; auto h = m_server->m_chain->details(noGood).parent; for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i, h = m_server->m_chain->details(h).parent) s << h; s << c_maxBlocksAsk; sealAndSend(s); } break; } case GetTransactionsPacket: { if (m_server->m_mode == NodeMode::PeerServer) break; m_requireTransactions = true; break; } default: break; } return true; } void PeerSession::ping() { RLPStream s; sealAndSend(prep(s).appendList(1) << PingPacket); m_ping = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } RLPStream& PeerSession::prep(RLPStream& _s) { return _s.appendRaw(bytes(8, 0)); } void PeerSession::sealAndSend(RLPStream& _s) { bytes b; _s.swapOut(b); m_server->seal(b); sendDestroy(b); } bool PeerSession::checkPacket(bytesConstRef _msg) { if (_msg.size() < 8) return false; if (!(_msg[0] == 0x22 && _msg[1] == 0x40 && _msg[2] == 0x08 && _msg[3] == 0x91)) return false; uint32_t len = ((_msg[4] * 256 + _msg[5]) * 256 + _msg[6]) * 256 + _msg[7]; if (_msg.size() != len + 8) return false; RLP r(_msg.cropped(8)); if (r.actualSize() != len) return false; return true; } void PeerSession::sendDestroy(bytes& _msg) { clogS(NetLeft) << RLP(bytesConstRef(&_msg).cropped(8)); if (!checkPacket(bytesConstRef(&_msg))) { cwarn << "INVALID PACKET CONSTRUCTED!"; } bytes buffer = bytes(std::move(_msg)); writeImpl(buffer); } void PeerSession::send(bytesConstRef _msg) { clogS(NetLeft) << RLP(_msg.cropped(8)); if (!checkPacket(_msg)) { cwarn << "INVALID PACKET CONSTRUCTED!"; } bytes buffer = bytes(_msg.toBytes()); writeImpl(buffer); } void PeerSession::writeImpl(bytes& _buffer) { // cerr << (void*)this << " writeImpl" << endl; if (!m_socket.is_open()) return; lock_guard<recursive_mutex> l(m_writeLock); m_writeQueue.push_back(_buffer); if (m_writeQueue.size() == 1) write(); } void PeerSession::write() { // cerr << (void*)this << " write" << endl; lock_guard<recursive_mutex> l(m_writeLock); if (m_writeQueue.empty()) return; const bytes& bytes = m_writeQueue[0]; auto self(shared_from_this()); ba::async_write(m_socket, ba::buffer(bytes), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t /*length*/) { // cerr << (void*)this << " write.callback" << endl; // must check queue, as write callback can occur following dropped() if (ec) { cwarn << "Error sending: " << ec.message(); dropped(); } else { m_writeQueue.pop_front(); write(); } }); } void PeerSession::dropped() { // cerr << (void*)this << " dropped" << endl; if (m_socket.is_open()) try { clogS(NetConnect) << "Closing " << m_socket.remote_endpoint(); m_socket.close(); } catch (...) {} } void PeerSession::disconnect(int _reason) { clogS(NetConnect) << "Disconnecting (reason:" << reasonOf((DisconnectReason)_reason) << ")"; if (m_socket.is_open()) { if (m_disconnect == chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max()) { RLPStream s; prep(s); s.appendList(2) << DisconnectPacket << _reason; sealAndSend(s); m_disconnect = chrono::steady_clock::now(); } else dropped(); } } void PeerSession::start() { RLPStream s; prep(s); s.appendList(7) << HelloPacket << (uint)PeerServer::protocolVersion() << m_server->networkId() << m_server->m_clientVersion << (m_server->m_mode == NodeMode::Full ? 0x07 : m_server->m_mode == NodeMode::PeerServer ? 0x01 : 0) << m_server->m_public.port() << m_server->m_key.pub(); sealAndSend(s); ping(); doRead(); } void PeerSession::startInitialSync() { uint n = m_server->m_chain->number(m_server->m_latestBlockSent); clogS(NetAllDetail) << "Want chain. Latest:" << m_server->m_latestBlockSent << ", number:" << n; uint count = std::min(c_maxHashes, n + 1); RLPStream s; prep(s).appendList(2 + count); s << GetChainPacket; auto h = m_server->m_latestBlockSent; for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i, h = m_server->m_chain->details(h).parent) { clogS(NetAllDetail) << " " << i << ":" << h; s << h; } s << c_maxBlocksAsk; sealAndSend(s); } void PeerSession::doRead() { // ignore packets received while waiting to disconnect if (chrono::steady_clock::now() - m_disconnect > chrono::seconds(0)) return; auto self(shared_from_this()); m_socket.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(m_data), [this,self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) { // If error is end of file, ignore if (ec && ec.category() != boost::asio::error::get_misc_category() && ec.value() != boost::asio::error::eof) { // got here with length of 1241... cwarn << "Error reading: " << ec.message(); dropped(); } else if (ec && length == 0) { return; } else { try { m_incoming.resize(m_incoming.size() + length); memcpy(m_incoming.data() + m_incoming.size() - length, m_data.data(), length); while (m_incoming.size() > 8) { if (m_incoming[0] != 0x22 || m_incoming[1] != 0x40 || m_incoming[2] != 0x08 || m_incoming[3] != 0x91) doRead(); else { uint32_t len = fromBigEndian<uint32_t>(bytesConstRef(m_incoming.data() + 4, 4)); uint32_t tlen = len + 8; if (m_incoming.size() < tlen) break; // enough has come in. auto data = bytesConstRef(m_incoming.data(), tlen); if (!checkPacket(data)) { cerr << "Received " << len << ": " << toHex(bytesConstRef(m_incoming.data() + 8, len)) << endl; cwarn << "INVALID MESSAGE RECEIVED"; disconnect(BadProtocol); return; } else { RLP r(data.cropped(8)); if (!interpret(r)) { // error dropped(); return; } } memmove(m_incoming.data(), m_incoming.data() + tlen, m_incoming.size() - tlen); m_incoming.resize(m_incoming.size() - tlen); } } doRead(); } catch (Exception const& _e) { clogS(NetWarn) << "ERROR: " << _e.description(); dropped(); } catch (std::exception const& _e) { clogS(NetWarn) << "ERROR: " << _e.what(); dropped(); } } }); }