# cmake global cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) set(PROJECT_VERSION "0.9.41") set(GENOIL_VERSION "1.0.3") if (${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER 3.0) cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 OLD) # fix MACOSX_RPATH cmake_policy(SET CMP0048 NEW) # allow VERSION argument in project() project(ethereum VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}) else() project(ethereum) endif() set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) # link_directories interprate relative paths with respect to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR cmake_policy(SET CMP0015 NEW) # let cmake autolink dependencies on windows # it's specified globally, cause qt libraries requires that on windows and they are also found globally cmake_policy(SET CMP0020 NEW) # 3.1 and above if ((${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} GREATER 2) AND (${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 0)) # implicitly dereference variables (deprecated in 3.1) cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW) endif() list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") ###################################################################################################### # note: The value "default" which provides the defaults is just a fake value # which lets us keep the default values of all build options and is set at # the beginning of this file. # TODO: Abstract into something sensible and move into a function. if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") set(DECENT_PLATFORM OFF) else () set(DECENT_PLATFORM ON) endif () #defaults: set(D_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo") set(D_SERPENT ${DECENT_PLATFORM}) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI ON) set(D_TOOLS ON) set(D_TESTS ON) set(D_FATDB ON) set(D_ETHASHCL ON) set(D_ETHASHCUDA OFF) set(D_EVMJIT ON) set(D_JSCONSOLE ON) set(D_JSONRPC ON) set(D_VMTRACE OFF) set(D_PARANOID OFF) set(D_PROFILING OFF) set(D_ROCKSDB OFF) set(D_OLYMPIC OFF) set(D_MINER ON) set(D_ETHKEY ON) if (BUNDLE STREQUAL "minimal") set(D_SERPENT OFF) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI OFF) set(D_TOOLS ON) set(D_TESTS OFF) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "full") set(D_SERPENT ${DECENT_PLATFORM}) set(D_USENPM ON) set(D_GUI ON) set(D_TOOLS ON) set(D_TESTS ON) set(D_FATDB ON) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "cli") set(D_SERPENT ${DECENT_PLATFORM}) set(D_USENPM ON) set(D_GUI OFF) set(D_TOOLS ON) set(D_TESTS ON) set(D_FATDB ON) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "core") set(D_SERPENT OFF) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI ON) set(D_TOOLS ON) set(D_TESTS OFF) set(D_FATDB ON) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "tests") set(D_SERPENT ${DECENT_PLATFORM}) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI OFF) set(D_TOOLS OFF) set(D_TESTS ON) set(D_FATDB ON) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "user") set(D_SERPENT OFF) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI ON) set(D_TOOLS ON) set(D_TESTS OFF) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "wallet") set(D_SERPENT OFF) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI OFF) set(D_TOOLS OFF) set(D_TESTS OFF) set(D_ETHKEY ON) set(D_MINER OFF) set(D_ETHASHCL OFF) set(D_FATDB OFF) set(D_JSONRPC OFF) set(D_JSCONSOLE OFF) set(D_EVMJIT OFF) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "miner") set(D_SERPENT OFF) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI OFF) set(D_TOOLS OFF) set(D_TESTS OFF) set(D_ETHKEY OFF) set(D_MINER ON) set(D_ETHASHCL ON) set(D_FATDB OFF) set(D_JSONRPC ON) set(D_JSCONSOLE OFF) set(D_EVMJIT OFF) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "cudaminer") set(D_SERPENT OFF) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI OFF) set(D_TOOLS OFF) set(D_TESTS OFF) set(D_ETHKEY OFF) set(D_MINER ON) set(D_ETHASHCL ON) set(D_ETHASHCUDA ON) set(D_FATDB OFF) set(D_JSONRPC ON) set(D_JSCONSOLE OFF) set(D_EVMJIT OFF) elseif (BUNDLE STREQUAL "release") # release builds set(D_SERPENT ${DECENT_PLATFORM}) set(D_USENPM OFF) set(D_GUI ON) set(D_TOOLS ON) set(D_TESTS OFF) set(D_FATDB OFF) set(D_ETHASHCL ON) set(D_EVMJIT ON) set(D_JSCONSOLE ON) set(D_JSONRPC ON) set(D_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release") endif () if ("${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${D_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) endif () # propagates CMake configuration options to the compiler function(configureProject) if (PARANOID) add_definitions(-DETH_PARANOIA) endif () if (VMTRACE) add_definitions(-DETH_VMTRACE) endif () if (ETHASHCL) add_definitions(-DETH_ETHASHCL) endif() if (ETHASHCUDA) add_definitions(-DETH_ETHASHCUDA) endif() if (EVMJIT) add_definitions(-DETH_EVMJIT) endif() if (FATDB) add_definitions(-DETH_FATDB) endif() if (GUI) add_definitions(-DETH_GUI) endif() if (CPUID_FOUND) add_definitions(-DETH_CPUID) endif() if (CURL_FOUND) add_definitions(-DETH_CURL) endif() if (OLYMPIC) add_definitions(-DETH_OLYMPIC) else() add_definitions(-DETH_FRONTIER) endif() add_definitions(-DETH_TRUE) endfunction() set(CPPETHEREUM 1) function(createBuildInfo) # Set build platform; to be written to BuildInfo.h set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${TARGET_PLATFORM}") if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_MINGW) set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/mingw") elseif (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_MSYS) set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/msys") elseif (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/g++") elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/msvc") elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang") set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/clang") else () set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/unknown") endif () if (EVMJIT) set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/JIT") else () set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/int") endif () if (PARANOID) set(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM "${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}/PARA") endif () #cmake build type may be not specified when using msvc if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(_cmake_build_type ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) else() set(_cmake_build_type "${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}") endif() message("createBuildInfo()") # Generate header file containing useful build information add_custom_target(BuildInfo.h ALL WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DETH_SOURCE_DIR="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" -DETH_DST_DIR="${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" -DETH_BUILD_TYPE="${_cmake_build_type}" -DETH_BUILD_PLATFORM="${ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM}" -DPROJECT_VERSION="${PROJECT_VERSION}" -DGENOIL_VERSION="${GENOIL_VERSION}" -DETH_FATDB="${FATDB}" -P "${ETH_SCRIPTS_DIR}/buildinfo.cmake" ) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) set(SRC_LIST BuildInfo.h) endfunction() ###################################################################################################### # Clear invalid option if ("${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "Release") if (PARANOID) message("Paranoia requires debug - disabling for release build.") set(PARANOID OFF) endif () if (VMTRACE) message("VM Tracing requires debug - disabling for release build.") set (VMTRACE OFF) endif () endif () # Force chromium. set (ETH_HAVE_WEBENGINE 1) # Backwards compatibility if (HEADLESS) message("*** WARNING: -DHEADLESS=1 option is DEPRECATED! Use -DBUNDLE=minimal or -DGUI=0") set(GUI OFF) endif () macro(eth_format_option O) if (${${O}}) set(${O} ON) elseif ("${${O}}" STREQUAL "" AND ${D_${O}}) set(${O} ON) else() set(${O} OFF) endif() endmacro() # Normalise build options eth_format_option(PARANOID) eth_format_option(VMTRACE) eth_format_option(EVMJIT) eth_format_option(FATDB) eth_format_option(JSONRPC) eth_format_option(MINER) eth_format_option(USENPM) eth_format_option(PROFILING) eth_format_option(ROCKSDB) eth_format_option(GUI) eth_format_option(TESTS) eth_format_option(ROCKSDB) eth_format_option(TOOLS) eth_format_option(ETHKEY) eth_format_option(ETHASHCL) eth_format_option(ETHASHCUDA) eth_format_option(JSCONSOLE) eth_format_option(OLYMPIC) eth_format_option(SERPENT) if (JSCONSOLE) set(JSONRPC ON) endif() if (GUI) set(JSONRPC ON) endif() # Default CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE accordingly. set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE CACHE STRING ${D_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) # Default TARGET_PLATFORM to ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} # change this once we support cross compiling set(TARGET_PLATFORM CACHE STRING ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) if ("x${TARGET_PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "x") set(TARGET_PLATFORM ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) endif () include(EthDependencies) configureProject() message("------------------------------------------------------------------------") message("-- CMake Version ${CMAKE_VERSION}") message("-- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Build type ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") message("-- TARGET_PLATFORM Target platform ${TARGET_PLATFORM}") message("-- BUNDLE Build bundle ${BUNDLE}") message("--------------------------------------------------------------- features") message("-- Chromium support ${ETH_HAVE_WEBENGINE}") message("-- Hardware identification support ${CPUID_FOUND}") message("-- HTTP Request support ${CURL_FOUND}") message("-- VMTRACE VM execution tracing ${VMTRACE}") message("-- PROFILING Profiling support ${PROFILING}") message("-- FATDB Full database exploring ${FATDB}") message("-- JSONRPC JSON-RPC support ${JSONRPC}") message("-- USENPM Javascript source building ${USENPM}") message("-- ROCKSDB Prefer rocksdb to leveldb ${ROCKSDB}") message("-- OLYMPIC Default to the Olympic network ${OLYMPIC}") message("------------------------------------------------------------- components") message("-- MINER Build miner ${MINER}") message("-- ETHKEY Build wallet tools ${ETHKEY}") message("-- TOOLS Build basic tools ${TOOLS}") message("-- SERPENT Build Serpent language components ${SERPENT}") message("-- GUI Build GUI components ${GUI}") message("-- TESTS Build tests ${TESTS}") message("-- ETHASHCL Build OpenCL components ${ETHASHCL}") message("-- ETHASHCUDA Build CUDA components ${ETHASHCUDA}") message("-- JSCONSOLE Build with javascript console ${JSCONSOLE}") message("-- EVMJIT Build LLVM-based JIT EVM ${EVMJIT}") message("------------------------------------------------------------------------") message("") set(CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT pthread) include(EthCompilerSettings) message("-- CXXFLAGS: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") # this must be an include, as a function it would mess up with variable scope! include(EthExecutableHelper) message("creating build info...") createBuildInfo() if (ROCKSDB AND ROCKSDB_FOUND) set(DB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROCKSDB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(DB_LIBRARIES ${ROCKSDB_LIBRARIES}) add_definitions(-DETH_ROCKSDB) else() set(DB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LEVELDB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(DB_LIBRARIES ${LEVELDB_LIBRARIES}) endif() if (EVMJIT) if (NOT DEFINED LLVM_DIR) if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") set(LLVM_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extdep/install/windows/x64/share/llvm/cmake") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Darwin") set(LLVM_DIR "/usr/local/opt/llvm/share/llvm/cmake") endif() endif() set(EVMJIT_CPP TRUE) # include CPP-JIT connector add_subdirectory(evmjit) if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") set(EVMJIT_DLLS_LOCAL $) set(EVMJIT_DLLS optimized ${EVMJIT_DLLS_LOCAL} debug ${EVMJIT_DLLS_LOCAL}) endif() endif() if (TOOLS OR GUI OR TESTS) set(GENERAL 1) else () set(GENERAL 0) endif () add_subdirectory(libdevcore) if (GENERAL) add_subdirectory(libevmcore) add_subdirectory(libevmasm) add_subdirectory(liblll) endif () if (SERPENT) add_subdirectory(libserpent) add_subdirectory(sc) endif () if (TOOLS) add_subdirectory(lllc) endif () if (JSCONSOLE) add_subdirectory(libjsengine) add_subdirectory(libjsconsole) add_subdirectory(ethconsole) endif () if (NOT WIN32) add_definitions(-DETH_HAVE_SECP256K1) add_subdirectory(secp256k1) endif () add_subdirectory(libscrypt) add_subdirectory(libdevcrypto) if (GENERAL) add_subdirectory(libp2p) add_subdirectory(libwhisper) endif () if (GENERAL OR MINER) add_subdirectory(libethash) if (ETHASHCL) add_subdirectory(libethash-cl) endif () if (ETHASHCUDA) add_subdirectory(libethash-cuda) endif () endif () add_subdirectory(libethcore) if (GENERAL) add_subdirectory(libevm) add_subdirectory(libethereum) endif () if (MINER OR TOOLS) add_subdirectory(ethminer) endif () if (ETHKEY OR TOOLS) add_subdirectory(ethkey) endif () # TODO: sort out tests so they're not dependent on webthree/web3jsonrpc and reenable #if (TESTS) # add_subdirectory(libtestutils) # add_subdirectory(test) # if (JSONRPC) # add_subdirectory(ethrpctest) # endif () #endif () if (TOOLS) add_subdirectory(rlp) add_subdirectory(abi) add_subdirectory(ethvm) # if("x${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "xDebug") # add_subdirectory(exp) # endif () endif() if (GUI) add_subdirectory(libnatspec) add_subdirectory(libjsqrc) add_subdirectory(alethzero) add_subdirectory(mix) endif()