#include "Cache.h" #include <mutex> #include "preprocessor/llvm_includes_start.h" #include <llvm/IR/Module.h> #include <llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h> #include <llvm/IR/Instructions.h> #include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h> #include <llvm/Support/Path.h> #include <llvm/Support/FileSystem.h> #include <llvm/Support/raw_os_ostream.h> #include "preprocessor/llvm_includes_end.h" #include "ExecStats.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "BuildInfo.gen.h" namespace dev { namespace evmjit { namespace { using Guard = std::lock_guard<std::mutex>; std::mutex x_cacheMutex; CacheMode g_mode; std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> g_lastObject; JITListener* g_listener; llvm::StringRef getLibVersionStamp() { return EVMJIT_VERSION; } } ObjectCache* Cache::init(CacheMode _mode, JITListener* _listener) { Guard g{x_cacheMutex}; g_mode = _mode; g_listener = _listener; if (g_mode == CacheMode::clear) { Cache::clear(); g_mode = CacheMode::off; } if (g_mode != CacheMode::off) { static ObjectCache objectCache; return &objectCache; } return nullptr; } void Cache::clear() { Guard g{x_cacheMutex}; using namespace llvm::sys; llvm::SmallString<256> cachePath; path::system_temp_directory(false, cachePath); path::append(cachePath, "evm_objs"); std::error_code err; for (auto it = fs::directory_iterator{cachePath.str(), err}; it != fs::directory_iterator{}; it.increment(err)) fs::remove(it->path()); } void Cache::preload(llvm::ExecutionEngine& _ee, std::unordered_map<std::string, uint64_t>& _funcCache) { Guard g{x_cacheMutex}; // TODO: Cache dir should be in one place using namespace llvm::sys; llvm::SmallString<256> cachePath; path::system_temp_directory(false, cachePath); path::append(cachePath, "evm_objs"); // Disable listener auto listener = g_listener; g_listener = nullptr; std::error_code err; for (auto it = fs::directory_iterator{cachePath.str(), err}; it != fs::directory_iterator{}; it.increment(err)) { auto name = it->path().substr(cachePath.size() + 1); if (auto module = getObject(name)) { DLOG(cache) << "Preload: " << name << "\n"; _ee.addModule(std::move(module)); auto addr = _ee.getFunctionAddress(name); assert(addr); _funcCache[std::move(name)] = addr; } } g_listener = listener; } std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> Cache::getObject(std::string const& id) { Guard g{x_cacheMutex}; if (g_mode != CacheMode::on && g_mode != CacheMode::read) return nullptr; // TODO: Disabled because is not thread-safe. //if (g_listener) // g_listener->stateChanged(ExecState::CacheLoad); DLOG(cache) << id << ": search\n"; if (!CHECK(!g_lastObject)) g_lastObject = nullptr; llvm::SmallString<256> cachePath; llvm::sys::path::system_temp_directory(false, cachePath); llvm::sys::path::append(cachePath, "evm_objs", id); if (auto r = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(cachePath.str(), -1, false)) { auto& buf = r.get(); auto expectedStamp = getLibVersionStamp(); auto stampSize = expectedStamp.size(); auto objStamp = buf->getBufferSize() >= stampSize ? llvm::StringRef{buf->getBufferEnd() - stampSize, stampSize} : llvm::StringRef{}; if (objStamp == expectedStamp) g_lastObject = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(r.get()->getBuffer()); else DLOG(cache) << "Unmatched version: " << objStamp.str() << ", expected " << expectedStamp.str() << "\n"; } else if (r.getError() != std::make_error_code(std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory)) DLOG(cache) << r.getError().message(); // TODO: Add warning log if (g_lastObject) // if object found create fake module { DLOG(cache) << id << ": found\n"; auto&& context = llvm::getGlobalContext(); auto module = std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>(new llvm::Module(id, context)); auto mainFuncType = llvm::FunctionType::get(llvm::Type::getVoidTy(context), {}, false); auto mainFunc = llvm::Function::Create(mainFuncType, llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, id, module.get()); auto bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, {}, mainFunc); bb->getInstList().push_back(new llvm::UnreachableInst{context}); return module; } DLOG(cache) << id << ": not found\n"; return nullptr; } void ObjectCache::notifyObjectCompiled(llvm::Module const* _module, llvm::MemoryBufferRef _object) { Guard g{x_cacheMutex}; // Only in "on" and "write" mode if (g_mode != CacheMode::on && g_mode != CacheMode::write) return; // TODO: Disabled because is not thread-safe. // if (g_listener) // g_listener->stateChanged(ExecState::CacheWrite); auto&& id = _module->getModuleIdentifier(); llvm::SmallString<256> cachePath; llvm::sys::path::system_temp_directory(false, cachePath); llvm::sys::path::append(cachePath, "evm_objs"); if (llvm::sys::fs::create_directory(cachePath.str())) DLOG(cache) << "Cannot create cache dir " << cachePath.str().str() << "\n"; llvm::sys::path::append(cachePath, id); DLOG(cache) << id << ": write\n"; std::error_code error; llvm::raw_fd_ostream cacheFile(cachePath.c_str(), error, llvm::sys::fs::F_None); cacheFile << _object.getBuffer() << getLibVersionStamp(); } std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> ObjectCache::getObject(llvm::Module const* _module) { Guard g{x_cacheMutex}; DLOG(cache) << _module->getModuleIdentifier() << ": use\n"; return std::move(g_lastObject); } } }