/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file peer.cpp * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com> * @date 2014 * Peer Network test functions. */ #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> #include <chrono> #include <thread> #include <libp2p/Host.h> #include <test/TestHelper.h> using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::p2p; struct P2PFixture { P2PFixture() { dev::p2p::NodeIPEndpoint::test_allowLocal = true; } ~P2PFixture() { dev::p2p::NodeIPEndpoint::test_allowLocal = false; } }; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(p2p, P2PFixture) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(host) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; VerbosityHolder setTemporaryLevel(10); NetworkPreferences host1prefs("", 30321, false); NetworkPreferences host2prefs("", 30322, false); Host host1("Test", host1prefs); Host host2("Test", host2prefs); host1.start(); host2.start(); auto node2 = host2.id(); int const step = 10; for (int i = 0; i < 3000 && (!host1.isStarted() || !host2.isStarted()); i += step) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(step)); BOOST_REQUIRE(host1.isStarted() && host2.isStarted()); for (int i = 0; i < 3000 && (!host1.haveNetwork() || !host2.haveNetwork()); i += step) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(step)); BOOST_REQUIRE(host1.haveNetwork() && host2.haveNetwork()); host1.addNode(node2, NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address::from_string(""), host2prefs.listenPort, host2prefs.listenPort)); for (int i = 0; i < 3000 && (!host1.peerCount() || !host2.peerCount()); i += step) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(step)); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(host1.peerCount(), 1); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(host2.peerCount(), 1); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(networkConfig) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; Host save("Test", NetworkPreferences(false)); bytes store(save.saveNetwork()); Host restore("Test", NetworkPreferences(false), bytesConstRef(&store)); BOOST_REQUIRE(save.id() == restore.id()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(saveNodes) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; VerbosityHolder reduceVerbosity(2); std::list<Host*> hosts; unsigned const c_step = 10; unsigned const c_nodes = 6; unsigned const c_peers = c_nodes - 1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_nodes; ++i) { Host* h = new Host("Test", NetworkPreferences("", 30325 + i, false)); h->setIdealPeerCount(10); // starting host is required so listenport is available h->start(); while (!h->haveNetwork()) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(c_step)); hosts.push_back(h); } Host& host = *hosts.front(); for (auto const& h: hosts) host.addNode(h->id(), NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address::from_string(""), h->listenPort(), h->listenPort())); for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_peers * 1000 && host.peerCount() < c_peers; i += c_step) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(c_step)); Host& host2 = *hosts.back(); for (auto const& h: hosts) host2.addNode(h->id(), NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address::from_string(""), h->listenPort(), h->listenPort())); for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_peers * 1000 && host2.peerCount() < c_peers; i += c_step) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(c_step)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(host.peerCount(), c_peers); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(host2.peerCount(), c_peers); bytes firstHostNetwork(host.saveNetwork()); bytes secondHostNetwork(host.saveNetwork()); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(sha3(firstHostNetwork), sha3(secondHostNetwork)); RLP r(firstHostNetwork); BOOST_REQUIRE(r.itemCount() == 3); BOOST_REQUIRE(r[0].toInt<unsigned>() == dev::p2p::c_protocolVersion); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(r[1].toBytes().size(), 32); // secret BOOST_REQUIRE(r[2].itemCount() >= c_nodes); for (auto i: r[2]) { BOOST_REQUIRE(i.itemCount() == 4 || i.itemCount() == 11); BOOST_REQUIRE(i[0].size() == 4 || i[0].size() == 16); } for (auto host: hosts) delete host; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(p2pPeer, P2PFixture) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(requirePeer) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; VerbosityHolder temporaryLevel(10); unsigned const step = 10; const char* const localhost = ""; NetworkPreferences prefs1(localhost, 30323, false); NetworkPreferences prefs2(localhost, 30324, false); Host host1("Test", prefs1); host1.start(); Host host2("Test", prefs2); host2.start(); auto node2 = host2.id(); host1.requirePeer(node2, NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address::from_string(localhost), prefs2.listenPort, prefs2.listenPort)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3000 && (!host1.peerCount() || !host2.peerCount()); i += step) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(step)); auto host1peerCount = host1.peerCount(); auto host2peerCount = host2.peerCount(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(host1peerCount, 1); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(host2peerCount, 1); PeerSessionInfos sis1 = host1.peerSessionInfo(); PeerSessionInfos sis2 = host2.peerSessionInfo(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(sis1.size(), 1); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(sis2.size(), 1); Peers peers1 = host1.getPeers(); Peers peers2 = host2.getPeers(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(peers1.size(), 1); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(peers2.size(), 1); DisconnectReason disconnect1 = peers1[0].lastDisconnect(); DisconnectReason disconnect2 = peers2[0].lastDisconnect(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(disconnect1, disconnect2); host1.relinquishPeer(node2); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2000 && (host1.peerCount() || host2.peerCount()); i += step) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(step)); host1peerCount = host1.peerCount(); host2peerCount = host2.peerCount(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(host1peerCount, 1); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(host2peerCount, 1); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(peerTypes) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(emptySharedPeer) { if (test::Options::get().nonetwork) return; shared_ptr<Peer> p; BOOST_REQUIRE(!p); std::map<NodeId, std::shared_ptr<Peer>> peers; p = peers[NodeId()]; BOOST_REQUIRE(!p); p.reset(new Peer(UnspecifiedNode)); BOOST_REQUIRE(!p->id); BOOST_REQUIRE(!*p); p.reset(new Peer(Node(NodeId(EmptySHA3), UnspecifiedNodeIPEndpoint))); BOOST_REQUIRE(!(!*p)); BOOST_REQUIRE(*p); BOOST_REQUIRE(p); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() int peerTest(int argc, char** argv) { Public remoteAlias; short listenPort = 30304; string remoteHost; short remotePort = 30304; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { string arg = argv[i]; if (arg == "-l" && i + 1 < argc) listenPort = (short)atoi(argv[++i]); else if (arg == "-r" && i + 1 < argc) remoteHost = argv[++i]; else if (arg == "-p" && i + 1 < argc) remotePort = (short)atoi(argv[++i]); else if (arg == "-ra" && i + 1 < argc) remoteAlias = Public(dev::fromHex(argv[++i])); else remoteHost = argv[i]; } Host ph("Test", NetworkPreferences(listenPort)); if (!remoteHost.empty() && !remoteAlias) ph.addNode(remoteAlias, NodeIPEndpoint(bi::address::from_string(remoteHost), remotePort, remotePort)); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(200)); return 0; }