#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" #include <libdevcrypto/SHA3.h> #include <libethcore/Params.h> #include <libevm/ExtVMFace.h> #include "Utils.h" extern "C" { #ifdef _MSC_VER #define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else #define EXPORT #endif using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; using jit::i256; EXPORT void env_sload(ExtVMFace* _env, i256* _index, i256* o_value) { auto index = llvm2eth(*_index); auto value = _env->store(index); // Interface uses native endianness *o_value = eth2llvm(value); } EXPORT void env_sstore(ExtVMFace* _env, i256* _index, i256* _value) { auto index = llvm2eth(*_index); auto value = llvm2eth(*_value); if (value == 0 && _env->store(index) != 0) // If delete _env->sub.refunds += c_sstoreRefundGas; // Increase refund counter _env->setStore(index, value); // Interface uses native endianness } EXPORT void env_balance(ExtVMFace* _env, h256* _address, i256* o_value) { auto u = _env->balance(right160(*_address)); *o_value = eth2llvm(u); } EXPORT void env_blockhash(ExtVMFace* _env, i256* _number, h256* o_hash) { *o_hash = _env->blockhash(llvm2eth(*_number)); } EXPORT void env_create(ExtVMFace* _env, int64_t* io_gas, i256* _endowment, byte* _initBeg, uint64_t _initSize, h256* o_address) { auto endowment = llvm2eth(*_endowment); if (_env->balance(_env->myAddress) >= endowment && _env->depth < 1024) { u256 gas = *io_gas; h256 address(_env->create(endowment, gas, {_initBeg, _initSize}, {}), h256::AlignRight); *io_gas = static_cast<int64_t>(gas); *o_address = address; } else *o_address = {}; } EXPORT bool env_call(ExtVMFace* _env, int64_t* io_gas, int64_t _callGas, h256* _receiveAddress, i256* _value, byte* _inBeg, uint64_t _inSize, byte* _outBeg, uint64_t _outSize, h256* _codeAddress) { auto value = llvm2eth(*_value); auto receiveAddress = right160(*_receiveAddress); auto codeAddress = right160(*_codeAddress); const auto isCall = receiveAddress == codeAddress; // OPT: The same address pointer can be used if not CODECALL *io_gas -= _callGas; if (*io_gas < 0) return false; if (isCall && !_env->exists(receiveAddress)) *io_gas -= static_cast<int64_t>(c_callNewAccountGas); // no underflow, *io_gas non-negative before if (value > 0) // value transfer { /*static*/ assert(c_callValueTransferGas > c_callStipend && "Overflow possible"); *io_gas -= static_cast<int64_t>(c_callValueTransferGas); // no underflow _callGas += static_cast<int64_t>(c_callStipend); // overflow possibility, but in the same time *io_gas < 0 } if (*io_gas < 0) return false; auto ret = false; auto callGas = u256{_callGas}; if (_env->balance(_env->myAddress) >= value && _env->depth < 1024) ret = _env->call(receiveAddress, value, {_inBeg, _inSize}, callGas, {_outBeg, _outSize}, {}, {}, codeAddress); *io_gas += static_cast<int64_t>(callGas); // it is never more than initial _callGas return ret; } EXPORT void env_sha3(byte* _begin, uint64_t _size, h256* o_hash) { auto hash = sha3({_begin, _size}); *o_hash = hash; } EXPORT byte const* env_extcode(ExtVMFace* _env, h256* _addr256, uint64_t* o_size) { auto addr = right160(*_addr256); auto& code = _env->codeAt(addr); *o_size = code.size(); return code.data(); } EXPORT void env_log(ExtVMFace* _env, byte* _beg, uint64_t _size, h256* _topic1, h256* _topic2, h256* _topic3, h256* _topic4) { dev::h256s topics; if (_topic1) topics.push_back(*_topic1); if (_topic2) topics.push_back(*_topic2); if (_topic3) topics.push_back(*_topic3); if (_topic4) topics.push_back(*_topic4); _env->log(std::move(topics), {_beg, _size}); } }