#include #include #include #include #include "MainWin.h" #include "ui_Main.h" using namespace std; using namespace eth; Main::Main(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::Main), m_client("AlephZero/v0.1") { setWindowFlags(Qt::Window); ui->setupUi(this); readSettings(); refresh(); m_refresh = new QTimer(this); connect(m_refresh, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(refresh())); m_refresh->start(1000); #if ETH_DEBUG m_servers.append(""); #else connect(&m_webCtrl, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, [&](QNetworkReply* _r) { m_servers = QString::fromUtf8(_r->readAll()).split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); }); QNetworkRequest r(QUrl("http://www.ethereum.org/servers.txt")); r.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1712.0 Safari/537.36"); m_webCtrl.get(r); srand(time(0)); #endif } Main::~Main() { writeSettings(); delete ui; } void Main::writeSettings() { QSettings s("ethereum", "alephzero"); QByteArray b; b.resize(32); memcpy(b.data(), &m_myKey, 32); s.setValue("address", b); } void Main::readSettings() { QSettings s("ethereum", "alephzero"); QByteArray b = s.value("address").toByteArray(); if (b.isEmpty()) m_myKey = KeyPair::create(); else { h256 k; memcpy(&k, b.data(), 32); m_myKey = KeyPair(k); } m_client.setAddress(m_myKey.address()); writeSettings(); /*for (uint i = 0; !s.value(QString("peer%1").arg(i)).isNull(); ++i) { s.value(QString("peer%1").arg(i)).toString(); }*/ } std::string formatBalance(u256 _b) { static const vector> c_units = { {((((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000, "Uether"}, {((((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000, "Vether"}, {((((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000, "Dether"}, {(((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000, "Nether"}, {(((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000, "Yether"}, {(((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000, "Zether"}, {((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000, "Eether"}, {((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000, "Pether"}, {((u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000, "Tether"}, {(u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000000, "Gether"}, {(u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000000, "Mether"}, {(u256(1000000000) * 1000000000) * 1000, "Kether"}, {u256(1000000000) * 1000000000, "ether"}, {u256(1000000000) * 1000000, "finney"}, {u256(1000000000) * 1000, "szabo"}, {u256(1000000000), "Gwei"}, {u256(1000000), "Mwei"}, {u256(1000), "Kwei"} }; ostringstream ret; if (_b > c_units[0].first * 10000) { ret << (_b / c_units[0].first) << " " << c_units[0].second; return ret.str(); } ret << setprecision(5); for (auto const& i: c_units) if (_b >= i.first * 100) { ret << (double(_b / (i.first / 1000)) / 1000.0) << " " << i.second; return ret.str(); } ret << _b << " wei"; return ret.str(); } void Main::refresh() { m_client.lock(); ui->balance->setText(QString::fromStdString(formatBalance(m_client.state().balance(m_myKey.address())))); ui->peerCount->setText(QString::fromStdString(toString(m_client.peerCount())) + " peer(s)"); ui->address->setText(QString::fromStdString(asHex(m_client.state().address().asArray()))); ui->peers->clear(); for (PeerInfo const& i: m_client.peers()) ui->peers->addItem(QString("%3 ms - %1:%2 - %4").arg(i.host.c_str()).arg(i.port).arg(chrono::duration_cast(i.lastPing).count()).arg(i.clientVersion.c_str())); auto d = m_client.blockChain().details(); auto diff = BlockInfo(m_client.blockChain().block()).difficulty; ui->blockChain->setText(QString("#%1 @%3 T%2").arg(d.number).arg(toLog2(d.totalDifficulty)).arg(toLog2(diff))); auto acs = m_client.state().addresses(); ui->accounts->clear(); for (auto i: acs) ui->accounts->addItem(QString("%1 @ %2").arg(formatBalance(i.second).c_str()).arg(asHex(i.first.asArray()).c_str())); ui->transactionQueue->clear(); for (pair const& i: m_client.transactionQueue().transactions()) { Transaction t(i.second); ui->transactionQueue->addItem(QString("%1 (%2 fee) @ %3 <- %4") .arg(formatBalance(t.value).c_str()) .arg(formatBalance(t.fee).c_str()) .arg(asHex(t.receiveAddress.asArray()).c_str()) .arg(asHex(t.sender().asArray()).c_str()) ); } ui->transactions->clear(); auto const& bc = m_client.blockChain(); for (auto h = bc.currentHash(); h != bc.genesisHash(); h = bc.details(h).parent) { auto d = bc.details(h); ui->transactions->addItem(QString("# %1 ==== %2").arg(d.number).arg(asHex(h.asArray()).c_str())); for (auto const& i: RLP(bc.block(h))[1]) { Transaction t(i.data()); ui->transactions->addItem(QString("%1 wei (%2 fee) @ %3 <- %4") .arg(toString(t.value).c_str()) .arg(toString(t.fee).c_str()) .arg(asHex(t.receiveAddress.asArray()).c_str()) .arg(asHex(t.sender().asArray()).c_str()) ); } } m_client.unlock(); } void Main::on_net_toggled() { if (ui->net->isChecked()) m_client.startNetwork(ui->port->value(), string(), 30303, 6, NodeMode::Full, 5, std::string(), ui->upnp->isChecked()); else m_client.stopNetwork(); } void Main::on_connect_clicked() { if (!ui->net->isChecked()) ui->net->setChecked(true); bool ok = false; QString s = QInputDialog::getItem(this, "Connect to a Network Peer", "Enter a peer to which a connection may be made:", m_servers, m_servers.count() ? rand() % m_servers.count() : 0, true, &ok); if (ok) { string host = s.section(":", 0, 0).toStdString(); short port = s.section(":", 1).toInt(); m_client.connect(host, port); } } void Main::on_mine_toggled() { if (ui->mine->isChecked()) m_client.startMining(); else m_client.stopMining(); } void Main::on_send_clicked() { Secret s = m_myKey.secret(); Address r = Address(fromUserHex(ui->destination->text().toStdString())); m_client.transact(s, r, ui->value->value(), ui->fee->value()); refresh(); } void Main::on_create_clicked() { KeyPair p = KeyPair::create(); QString s = QString::fromStdString("The new secret key is:\n" + asHex(p.secret().asArray()) + "\n\nAddress:\n" + asHex(p.address().asArray())); QMessageBox::information(this, "Create Key", s, QMessageBox::Ok); }