#include "GasMeter.h"

#include "preprocessor/llvm_includes_start.h"
#include <llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h>
#include "preprocessor/llvm_includes_end.h"

#include "Ext.h"
#include "RuntimeManager.h"

namespace dev
namespace eth
namespace jit

namespace // Helper functions

int64_t const c_stepGas = 1;
int64_t const c_balanceGas = 20;
int64_t const c_sha3Gas = 10;
int64_t const c_sha3WordGas = 10;
int64_t const c_sloadGas = 20;
int64_t const c_sstoreSetGas = 300;
int64_t const c_sstoreResetGas = 100;
int64_t const c_sstoreRefundGas = 100;
int64_t const c_createGas = 100;
int64_t const c_createDataGas = 5;
int64_t const c_callGas = 20;
int64_t const c_expGas = 1;
int64_t const c_expByteGas = 1;
int64_t const c_memoryGas = 1;
int64_t const c_txDataZeroGas = 1;
int64_t const c_txDataNonZeroGas = 5;
int64_t const c_txGas = 500;
int64_t const c_logGas = 32;
int64_t const c_logDataGas = 1;
int64_t const c_logTopicGas = 32;
int64_t const c_copyGas = 1;

int64_t getStepCost(Instruction inst)
	switch (inst)
	default: // Assumes instruction code is valid
		return c_stepGas;

	case Instruction::STOP:
	case Instruction::SUICIDE:
	case Instruction::SSTORE: // Handle cost of SSTORE separately in GasMeter::countSStore()
		return 0;

	case Instruction::EXP:		return c_expGas;

	case Instruction::SLOAD:	return c_sloadGas;

	case Instruction::SHA3:		return c_sha3Gas;

	case Instruction::BALANCE:	return c_balanceGas;

	case Instruction::CALL:
	case Instruction::CALLCODE:	return c_callGas;

	case Instruction::CREATE:	return c_createGas;

	case Instruction::LOG0:
	case Instruction::LOG1:
	case Instruction::LOG2:
	case Instruction::LOG3:
	case Instruction::LOG4:
		auto numTopics = static_cast<int64_t>(inst) - static_cast<int64_t>(Instruction::LOG0);
		return c_logGas + numTopics * c_logTopicGas;


GasMeter::GasMeter(llvm::IRBuilder<>& _builder, RuntimeManager& _runtimeManager) :
	auto module = getModule();

	llvm::Type* gasCheckArgs[] = {Type::RuntimePtr, Type::Gas};
	m_gasCheckFunc = llvm::Function::Create(llvm::FunctionType::get(Type::Void, gasCheckArgs, false), llvm::Function::PrivateLinkage, "gas.check", module);
	InsertPointGuard guard(m_builder);

	auto checkBB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(_builder.getContext(), "Check", m_gasCheckFunc);
	auto outOfGasBB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(_builder.getContext(), "OutOfGas", m_gasCheckFunc);
	auto updateBB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(_builder.getContext(), "Update", m_gasCheckFunc);

	auto rt = &m_gasCheckFunc->getArgumentList().front();
	auto cost = rt->getNextNode();

	auto gas = m_runtimeManager.getGas();
	gas = m_builder.CreateNSWSub(gas, cost, "gasUpdated");
	auto isOutOfGas = m_builder.CreateICmpSLT(gas, m_builder.getInt64(0), "isOutOfGas"); // gas < 0, with gas == 0 we can still do 0 cost instructions
	m_builder.CreateCondBr(isOutOfGas, outOfGasBB, updateBB);



void GasMeter::count(Instruction _inst)
	if (!m_checkCall)
		// Create gas check call with mocked block cost at begining of current cost-block
		m_checkCall = createCall(m_gasCheckFunc, {m_runtimeManager.getRuntimePtr(), llvm::UndefValue::get(Type::Gas)});

	m_blockCost += getStepCost(_inst);

void GasMeter::count(llvm::Value* _cost)
	if (_cost->getType() == Type::Word)
		auto gasMax256 = m_builder.CreateZExt(Constant::gasMax, Type::Word);
		auto tooHigh = m_builder.CreateICmpUGT(_cost, gasMax256, "costTooHigh");
		auto cost64 = m_builder.CreateTrunc(_cost, Type::Gas);
		_cost = m_builder.CreateSelect(tooHigh, Constant::gasMax, cost64, "cost");

	assert(_cost->getType() == Type::Gas);
	createCall(m_gasCheckFunc, {m_runtimeManager.getRuntimePtr(), _cost});

void GasMeter::countExp(llvm::Value* _exponent)
	// Additional cost is 1 per significant byte of exponent
	// lz - leading zeros
	// cost = ((256 - lz) + 7) / 8

	// OPT: Can gas update be done in exp algorithm?

	auto ctlz = llvm::Intrinsic::getDeclaration(getModule(), llvm::Intrinsic::ctlz, Type::Word);
	auto lz256 = m_builder.CreateCall2(ctlz, _exponent, m_builder.getInt1(false));
	auto lz = m_builder.CreateTrunc(lz256, Type::Gas, "lz");
	auto sigBits = m_builder.CreateSub(m_builder.getInt64(256), lz, "sigBits");
	auto sigBytes = m_builder.CreateUDiv(m_builder.CreateAdd(sigBits, m_builder.getInt64(7)), m_builder.getInt64(8));

void GasMeter::countSStore(Ext& _ext, llvm::Value* _index, llvm::Value* _newValue)
	auto oldValue = _ext.sload(_index);
	auto oldValueIsZero = m_builder.CreateICmpEQ(oldValue, Constant::get(0), "oldValueIsZero");
	auto newValueIsZero = m_builder.CreateICmpEQ(_newValue, Constant::get(0), "newValueIsZero");
	auto oldValueIsntZero = m_builder.CreateICmpNE(oldValue, Constant::get(0), "oldValueIsntZero");
	auto newValueIsntZero = m_builder.CreateICmpNE(_newValue, Constant::get(0), "newValueIsntZero");
	auto isInsert = m_builder.CreateAnd(oldValueIsZero, newValueIsntZero, "isInsert");
	auto isDelete = m_builder.CreateAnd(oldValueIsntZero, newValueIsZero, "isDelete");
	auto cost = m_builder.CreateSelect(isInsert, m_builder.getInt64(c_sstoreSetGas), m_builder.getInt64(c_sstoreResetGas), "cost");
	cost = m_builder.CreateSelect(isDelete, m_builder.getInt64(0), cost, "cost");

void GasMeter::countLogData(llvm::Value* _dataLength)
	assert(m_blockCost > 0); // LOGn instruction is already counted
	static_assert(c_logDataGas == 1, "Log data gas cost has changed. Update GasMeter.");

void GasMeter::countSha3Data(llvm::Value* _dataLength)
	assert(m_blockCost > 0); // SHA3 instruction is already counted

	// TODO: This round ups to 32 happens in many places
	static_assert(c_sha3WordGas != 1, "SHA3 data cost has changed. Update GasMeter");
	auto dataLength64 = getBuilder().CreateTrunc(_dataLength, Type::Gas);
	auto words64 = m_builder.CreateUDiv(m_builder.CreateNUWAdd(dataLength64, getBuilder().getInt64(31)), getBuilder().getInt64(32));
	auto cost64 = m_builder.CreateNUWMul(getBuilder().getInt64(c_sha3WordGas), words64);

void GasMeter::giveBack(llvm::Value* _gas)
	assert(_gas->getType() == Type::Gas);
	m_runtimeManager.setGas(m_builder.CreateAdd(m_runtimeManager.getGas(), _gas));

void GasMeter::commitCostBlock()
	// If any uncommited block
	if (m_checkCall)
		if (m_blockCost == 0) // Do not check 0
			m_checkCall->eraseFromParent(); // Remove the gas check call
			m_checkCall = nullptr;

		m_checkCall->setArgOperand(1, m_builder.getInt64(m_blockCost)); // Update block cost in gas check call
		m_checkCall = nullptr; // End cost-block
		m_blockCost = 0;
	assert(m_blockCost == 0);

void GasMeter::countMemory(llvm::Value* _additionalMemoryInWords)
	static_assert(c_memoryGas == 1, "Memory gas cost has changed. Update GasMeter.");

void GasMeter::countCopy(llvm::Value* _copyWords)
	static_assert(c_copyGas == 1, "Copy gas cost has changed. Update GasMeter.");
