You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
194 lines
5.2 KiB
194 lines
5.2 KiB
var editor = CodeMirror(document.body, {
lineNumbers: true,
//styleActiveLine: true,
matchBrackets: true,
autofocus: true,
gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "breakpoints"],
autoCloseBrackets: true,
styleSelectedText: true
var ternServer;
editor.setOption("theme", "solarized dark");
editor.setOption("indentUnit", 4);
editor.setOption("indentWithTabs", true);
editor.setOption("fullScreen", true);
editor.changeRegistered = false;
editor.breakpointsChangeRegistered = false;
editor.on("change", function(eMirror, object) {
editor.changeRegistered = true;
var mac = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform);
var extraKeys = {};
if (mac === true) {
extraKeys["Cmd-V"] = function(cm) { cm.replaceSelection(clipboard); };
extraKeys["Cmd-X"] = function(cm) { window.document.execCommand("cut"); };
extraKeys["Cmd-C"] = function(cm) { window.document.execCommand("copy"); };
makeMarker = function() {
var marker = document.createElement("div");
| = "#822";
marker.innerHTML = "●";
return marker;
toggleBreakpointLine = function(n) {
var info = editor.lineInfo(n);
editor.setGutterMarker(n, "breakpoints", info.gutterMarkers ? null : makeMarker());
editor.breakpointsChangeRegistered = true;
editor.on("gutterClick", function(cm, n) {
toggleBreakpoint = function() {
var line = editor.getCursor().line;
getTextChanged = function() {
return editor.changeRegistered;
getText = function() {
editor.changeRegistered = false;
return editor.getValue();
getBreakpointsChanged = function() {
return editor.changeRegistered || editor.breakpointsChangeRegistered; //TODO: track new lines
getBreakpoints = function() {
var locations = [];
editor.breakpointsChangeRegistered = false;
var doc = editor.doc;
doc.iter(function(line) {
if (line.gutterMarkers && line.gutterMarkers["breakpoints"]) {
var l = doc.getLineNumber(line);
start: editor.indexFromPos({ line: l, ch: 0}),
end: editor.indexFromPos({ line: l + 1, ch: 0})
return locations;
setTextBase64 = function(text) {
setText = function(text) {
setMode = function(mode) {
this.editor.setOption("mode", mode);
if (mode === "javascript")
ternServer = new CodeMirror.TernServer({defs: [ ecma5Spec() ]});
extraKeys["Ctrl-Space"] = function(cm) { ternServer.complete(cm); };
extraKeys["Ctrl-I"] = function(cm) { ternServer.showType(cm); };
extraKeys["Ctrl-O"] = function(cm) { ternServer.showDocs(cm); };
extraKeys["Alt-."] = function(cm) { ternServer.jumpToDef(cm); };
extraKeys["Alt-,"] = function(cm) { ternServer.jumpBack(cm); };
extraKeys["Ctrl-Q"] = function(cm) { ternServer.rename(cm); };
extraKeys["Ctrl-."] = function(cm) { ternServer.selectName(cm); };
extraKeys["'.'"] = function(cm) { setTimeout(function() { ternServer.complete(cm); }, 100); throw CodeMirror.Pass; };
editor.on("cursorActivity", function(cm) { ternServer.updateArgHints(cm); });
else if (mode === "solidity")
CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete = function(cm) {
CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.hint.anyword);
extraKeys["Ctrl-Space"] = "autocomplete";
editor.setOption("extraKeys", extraKeys);
setClipboardBase64 = function(text) {
clipboard = window.atob(text);
var executionMark;
highlightExecution = function(start, end) {
if (executionMark)
if (start === 0 && end + 1 === editor.getValue().length)
return; // Do not hightlight the whole document.
if (debugWarning)
executionMark = editor.markText(editor.posFromIndex(start), editor.posFromIndex(end), { className: "CodeMirror-exechighlight" });
var changeId;
changeGeneration = function()
changeId = editor.changeGeneration(true);
isClean = function()
return editor.isClean(changeId);
var debugWarning = null;
showWarning = function(content)
if (executionMark)
if (debugWarning)
var node = document.createElement("div");
| = "annotation"
node.innerHTML = content;
node.className = "CodeMirror-errorannotation-context";
debugWarning = editor.addLineWidget(0, node, { coverGutter: false, above: true });
var annotation = null;
var compilationCompleteBool = true;
compilationError = function(line, column, content)
compilationCompleteBool = false;
if (compilationCompleteBool)
line = parseInt(line);
column = parseInt(column);
if (line > 0)
line = line - 1;
if (column > 0)
column = column - 1;
if (annotation == null)
annotation = new ErrorAnnotation(editor, line, column, content);
else if (annotation.line !== line || annotation.column !== column || annotation.content !== content)
annotation = new ErrorAnnotation(editor, line, column, content);
}, 500)
compilationComplete = function()
if (annotation !== null)
annotation = null;
compilationCompleteBool = true;
editor.setOption("extraKeys", extraKeys);