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213 lines
4.6 KiB
213 lines
4.6 KiB
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import QtQuick.PrivateWidgets 1.1
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
import org.ethereum.qml.QEther 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: mainApplication
visible: true
width: 1200
height: 800
minimumWidth: 400
minimumHeight: 300
title: qsTr("mix")
menuBar: MenuBar {
Menu {
title: qsTr("File")
MenuItem { action: createProjectAction }
MenuItem { action: openProjectAction }
MenuSeparator {}
MenuItem { action: saveAllFilesAction }
MenuSeparator {}
MenuItem { action: addExistingFileAction }
MenuItem { action: addNewJsFileAction }
MenuItem { action: addNewHtmlFileAction }
MenuSeparator {}
//MenuItem { action: addNewContractAction }
MenuItem { action: closeProjectAction }
MenuSeparator {}
MenuItem { action: exitAppAction }
Menu {
title: qsTr("Debug")
MenuItem { action: debugRunAction }
MenuItem { action: debugResetStateAction }
MenuItem { action: mineAction }
Menu {
title: qsTr("Windows")
MenuItem { action: openNextDocumentAction }
MenuItem { action: openPrevDocumentAction }
MenuSeparator {}
MenuItem { action: showHideRightPanelAction }
MenuItem { action: toggleWebPreviewAction }
MenuItem { action: toggleWebPreviewOrientationAction }
MainContent {
id: mainContent;
anchors.fill: parent
ModalDialog {
objectName: "dialog"
id: dialog
AlertMessageDialog {
objectName: "alertMessageDialog"
id: messageDialog
Settings {
id: mainWindowSettings
property alias mainWidth: mainApplication.width
property alias mainHeight: mainApplication.height
property alias mainX: mainApplication.x
property alias mainY: mainApplication.y
Action {
id: exitAppAction
text: qsTr("Exit")
shortcut: "Ctrl+Q"
onTriggered: Qt.quit();
Action {
id: mineAction
text: "Mine"
shortcut: "Ctrl+M"
onTriggered: clientModel.mine();
enabled: codeModel.hasContract && !clientModel.running
Action {
id: debugRunAction
text: "&Run"
shortcut: "F5"
onTriggered: mainContent.startQuickDebugging()
enabled: codeModel.hasContract && !clientModel.running
Action {
id: debugResetStateAction
text: "Reset &State"
shortcut: "F6"
onTriggered: clientModel.resetState();
Action {
id: toggleWebPreviewAction
text: "Show Web View"
shortcut: "F2"
checkable: true
checked: mainContent.webViewVisible
onTriggered: mainContent.toggleWebPreview();
Action {
id: toggleWebPreviewOrientationAction
text: "Horizontal Web View"
shortcut: ""
checkable: true
checked: mainContent.webViewHorizontal
onTriggered: mainContent.toggleWebPreviewOrientation();
Action {
id: showHideRightPanelAction
text: "Show Right View"
shortcut: "F7"
checkable: true
checked: mainContent.rightViewVisible
onTriggered: mainContent.toggleRightView();
Action {
id: createProjectAction
text: qsTr("&New Project")
shortcut: "Ctrl+N"
enabled: true;
onTriggered: projectModel.createProject();
Action {
id: openProjectAction
text: qsTr("&Open Project")
shortcut: "Ctrl+O"
enabled: true;
onTriggered: projectModel.browseProject();
Action {
id: addNewJsFileAction
text: qsTr("New JavaScript File")
shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+J"
enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty
onTriggered: projectModel.newJsFile();
Action {
id: addNewHtmlFileAction
text: qsTr("New HTML File")
shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+H"
enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty
onTriggered: projectModel.newHtmlFile();
Action {
id: addNewContractAction
text: qsTr("New Contract")
shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+C"
enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty
onTriggered: projectModel.newContract();
Action {
id: addExistingFileAction
text: qsTr("Add Existing File")
shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+A"
enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty
onTriggered: projectModel.addExistingFile();
Action {
id: saveAllFilesAction
text: qsTr("Save All")
shortcut: "Ctrl+S"
enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty
onTriggered: projectModel.saveAll();
Action {
id: closeProjectAction
text: qsTr("Close Project")
shortcut: "Ctrl+W"
enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty
onTriggered: projectModel.closeProject();
Action {
id: openNextDocumentAction
text: qsTr("Next Document")
shortcut: "Ctrl+Tab"
enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty
onTriggered: projectModel.openNextDocument();
Action {
id: openPrevDocumentAction
text: qsTr("Previous Document")
shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+Tab"
enabled: !projectModel.isEmpty
onTriggered: projectModel.openPrevDocument();