You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
5.9 KiB

* This file is part of Noted.
* Copyright ©2011, 2012, Lancaster Logic Response Limited.
* Noted is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Noted is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Noted. If not, see <>.
#include <QPainter>
#include "GraphParameters.h"
#include "Grapher.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace lb;
void Grapher::init(QPainter* _p, std::pair<float, float> _xRange, std::pair<float, float> _yRange, std::function<std::string(float)> _xLabel, std::function<std::string(float)> _yLabel, std::function<std::string(float, float)> _pLabel, int _leftGutter, int _bottomGutter)
fontPixelSize = QFontInfo(QFont("Ubuntu", 10)).pixelSize();
if (_leftGutter)
_leftGutter = max<int>(_leftGutter, fontPixelSize * 2);
if (_bottomGutter)
_bottomGutter = max<int>(_bottomGutter, fontPixelSize * 1.25);
QRect a(_leftGutter, 0, _p->viewport().width() - _leftGutter, _p->viewport().height() - _bottomGutter);
init(_p, _xRange, _yRange, _xLabel, _yLabel, _pLabel, a);
bool Grapher::drawAxes(bool _x, bool _y) const
int w = active.width();
int h = active.height();
int l = active.left();
int r = active.right();
int t =;
int b = active.bottom();
p->setFont(QFont("Ubuntu", 10));
p->fillRect(p->viewport(), qRgb(255, 255, 255));
static const int c_markLength = 2;
static const int c_markSpacing = 2;
static const int c_xSpacing = fontPixelSize * 3;
static const int c_ySpacing = fontPixelSize * 1.25;
if (w < c_xSpacing || h < c_ySpacing || !p->viewport().contains(active))
return false;
if (_y)
GraphParameters<float> yParams(yRange, h / c_ySpacing, 1.f);
float dy = fabs(yRange.second - yRange.first);
if (dy > .001)
for (float f = yParams.from; f <; f += yParams.incr)
int y = b - h * (f - yParams.from) / dy;
if (yParams.isMajor(f))
p->setPen(QColor(208, 208, 208));
p->drawLine(l - c_markLength, y, r, y);
if (l > p->viewport().left())
p->setPen(QColor(144, 144, 144));
p->drawText(QRect(0, y - c_ySpacing / 2, l - c_markLength - c_markSpacing, c_ySpacing), Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter, QString::fromStdString(yLabel(round(f * 100000) / 100000)));
p->setPen(QColor(236, 236, 236));
p->drawLine(l, y, r, y);
p->drawLine(l - c_markSpacing, b, r, b);
if (_x)
GraphParameters<float> xParams(xRange, w / c_xSpacing, 1.f);
float dx = fabs(xRange.second - xRange.first);
for (float f = xParams.from; f <; f += xParams.incr)
int x = l + w * (f - xParams.from) / dx;
if (xParams.isMajor(f))
p->setPen(QColor(208, 208, 208));
p->drawLine(x, t, x, b + c_markLength);
if (b < p->viewport().bottom())
p->setPen(QColor(144, 144, 144));
p->drawText(QRect(x - c_xSpacing / 2, b + c_markLength + c_markSpacing, c_xSpacing, p->viewport().height() - (b + c_markLength + c_markSpacing)), Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignTop, QString::fromStdString(xLabel(f)));
p->setPen(QColor(236, 236, 236));
p->drawLine(x, t, x, b);
return true;
void Grapher::drawLineGraph(vector<float> const& _data, QColor _color, QBrush const& _fillToZero, float _width) const
int s = _data.size();
QPoint l;
for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i)
int zy = yP(0.f);
QPoint h(xTP(i), yTP(_data[i]));
if (i)
if (_fillToZero != Qt::NoBrush)
p->drawPolygon(QPolygon(QVector<QPoint>() << QPoint(h.x(), zy) << h << l << QPoint(l.x(), zy)));
p->setPen(QPen(_color, _width));
p->drawLine(QLine(l, h));
l = h;
void Grapher::ruleY(float _x, QColor _color, float _width) const
p->setPen(QPen(_color, _width));
p->drawLine(xTP(_x),, xTP(_x), active.bottom());
void Grapher::drawLineGraph(std::function<float(float)> const& _f, QColor _color, QBrush const& _fillToZero, float _width) const
QPoint l;
for (int x = active.left(); x < active.right(); x += 2)
int zy = yP(0.f);
QPoint h(x, yTP(_f(xRU(x))));
if (x != active.left())
if (_fillToZero != Qt::NoBrush)
p->drawPolygon(QPolygon(QVector<QPoint>() << QPoint(h.x(), zy) << h << l << QPoint(l.x(), zy)));
p->setPen(QPen(_color, _width));
p->drawLine(QLine(l, h));
l = h;
void Grapher::labelYOrderedPoints(map<float, float> const& _data, int _maxCount, float _minFactor) const
int ly = + 6;
int pc = 0;
if (_data.empty())
float smallestAllowed = prev(_data.end())->first * _minFactor;
for (auto peaki = _data.rbegin(); peaki != _data.rend(); ++peaki)
if ((peaki->first > smallestAllowed || _minFactor == 0) && pc < _maxCount)
auto peak = *peaki;
int x = xTP(peak.second);
int y = yTP(peak.first);
p->setPen(QColor::fromHsvF(float(pc) / _maxCount, 1.f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
p->drawEllipse(QPoint(x, y), 4, 4);
p->drawLine(x, y - 4, x, ly + 6);
QString f = QString::fromStdString(pLabel(xT(peak.second), yT(peak.first)));
int fw = p->fontMetrics().width(f);
p->drawLine(x + 16 + fw + 2, ly + 6, x, ly + 6);
p->setPen(QColor::fromHsvF(0, 0.f, .35f));
p->fillRect(QRect(x+12, ly-6, fw + 8, 12), QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 160)));
p->drawText(QRect(x+16, ly-6, 160, 12), Qt::AlignVCenter, f);
ly += 14;