You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

194 lines
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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
import "js/ProjectModel.js" as ProjectModelCode
import "js/NetworkDeployment.js" as NetworkDeploymentCode
Item {
id: projectModel
signal projectClosed
signal projectLoading(var projectData)
signal projectLoaded()
signal documentSaving(var document)
signal documentChanged(var documentId)
signal documentOpened(var document)
signal documentRemoved(var documentId)
signal documentUpdated(var documentId) //renamed
signal documentAdded(var documentId)
signal projectSaving()
signal projectFileSaving(var projectData)
signal projectSaved()
signal projectFileSaved()
signal newProject(var projectData)
signal documentSaved(var documentId)
signal contractSaved(var documentId)
signal deploymentStarted()
signal deploymentStepChanged(string message)
signal deploymentComplete()
signal deploymentError(string error)
signal isCleanChanged(var isClean, string documentId)
property bool isEmpty: (projectPath === "")
readonly property string projectFileName: ".mix"
property bool appIsClosing: false
property bool projectIsClosing: false
property string projectPath: ""
property string projectTitle: ""
property string currentDocumentId: ""
property var deploymentAddresses: []
property string deploymentDir
property var listModel: projectListModel
property var stateListModel: projectStateListModel.model
property alias stateDialog: projectStateListModel.stateDialog
property CodeEditorView codeEditor: null
property var unsavedFiles: []
property alias newProjectDialog: newProjectDialog
function saveAll() { ProjectModelCode.saveAll(); }
function saveCurrentDocument() { ProjectModelCode.saveCurrentDocument(); }
function createProject() { ProjectModelCode.createProject(); }
function closeProject(callBack) { ProjectModelCode.closeProject(callBack); }
function saveProject() { ProjectModelCode.saveProject(); }
function saveProjectFile() { ProjectModelCode.saveProjectFile(); }
function loadProject(path) { ProjectModelCode.loadProject(path); }
function newHtmlFile() { ProjectModelCode.newHtmlFile(); }
function newJsFile() { ProjectModelCode.newJsFile(); }
function newCssFile() { ProjectModelCode.newCssFile(); }
function newContract() { ProjectModelCode.newContract(); }
function openDocument(documentId) { ProjectModelCode.openDocument(documentId); }
function openNextDocument() { ProjectModelCode.openNextDocument(); }
function openPrevDocument() { ProjectModelCode.openPrevDocument(); }
function renameDocument(documentId, newName) { ProjectModelCode.renameDocument(documentId, newName); }
function removeDocument(documentId) { ProjectModelCode.removeDocument(documentId); }
function getDocument(documentId) { return ProjectModelCode.getDocument(documentId); }
function getDocumentIdByName(documentName) { return ProjectModelCode.getDocumentIdByName(documentName); }
function getDocumentIndex(documentId) { return ProjectModelCode.getDocumentIndex(documentId); }
function addExistingFiles(paths) { ProjectModelCode.doAddExistingFiles(paths); }
function deployProject() { NetworkDeploymentCode.deployProject(false); }
function registerToUrlHint() { NetworkDeploymentCode.registerToUrlHint(); }
function formatAppUrl() { NetworkDeploymentCode.formatAppUrl(url); }
Connections {
target: mainApplication
onLoaded: {
if (mainApplication.trackLastProject && projectSettings.lastProjectPath && projectSettings.lastProjectPath !== "")
Connections {
target: codeEditor
onIsCleanChanged: {
for (var i in unsavedFiles)
if (unsavedFiles[i] === documentId && isClean)
unsavedFiles.splice(i, 1);
if (!isClean)
isCleanChanged(isClean, documentId);
NewProjectDialog {
id: newProjectDialog
visible: false
onAccepted: {
var title = newProjectDialog.projectTitle;
var path = newProjectDialog.projectPath;
ProjectModelCode.doCreateProject(title, path);
target: fileIo
property bool saving: false
var documentId = ProjectModelCode.getDocumentByPath(_filePath);
MessageDialog {
id: saveMessageDialog
title: qsTr("Project")
text: qsTr("Some files require to be saved. Do you want to save changes?");
standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No | StandardButton.Cancel
icon: StandardIcon.Question
property var callBack;
onYes: {
projectIsClosing = true;
unsavedFiles = [];
if (callBack)
onRejected: {}
onNo: {
projectIsClosing = true;
unsavedFiles = [];
if (callBack)
MessageDialog {
id: deployWarningDialog
title: qsTr("Project")
if (Object.keys(projectModel.deploymentAddresses).length > 0)
return qsTr("This project has been already deployed to the network. Do you want to redeploy it? (Contract state will be reset)")
return qsTr("This action will deploy to the network. Do you want to deploy it?")
icon: StandardIcon.Question
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Abort
onAccepted: {
MessageDialog {
id: deployResourcesDialog
title: qsTr("Project")
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
id: deploymentDialog
ListModel {
id: projectListModel
StateListModel {
id: projectStateListModel
target: projectModel
onProjectClosed: {
projectPath = "";
Settings {
id: projectSettings
property string lastProjectPath;