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/** @file Transaction.cpp
* @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
* @date 2014
#include <secp256k1.h>
#include "Exceptions.h"
#include "Transaction.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace eth;
Transaction::Transaction(bytesConstRef _rlpData)
RLP rlp(_rlpData);
nonce = rlp[0].toInt<u256>(RLP::StrictlyInt);
receiveAddress = rlp[1].toHash<Address>();
value = rlp[2].toInt<u256>(RLP::StrictlyInt);
fee = rlp[3].toInt<u256>(RLP::StrictlyInt);
for (auto const& i: rlp[4])
vrs = Signature{ rlp[5].toInt<byte>(RLP::StrictlyInt), rlp[6].toInt<u256>(RLP::StrictlyInt), rlp[7].toInt<u256>(RLP::StrictlyInt) };
Address Transaction::sender() const
bytes sig = toBigEndian(vrs.r) + toBigEndian(vrs.s);
assert(sig.size() == 64);
h256 msg = sha3(false);
byte pubkey[65];
int pubkeylen = 65;
if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compact(msg.data(), 32, sig.data(), pubkey, &pubkeylen, 0, (int)vrs.v - 27))
throw InvalidSignature();
// TODO: check right160 is correct and shouldn't be left160.
return right160(eth::sha3(bytesConstRef(&(pubkey[1]), 64)));
void Transaction::sign(PrivateKey _priv)
int v = 0;
h256 msg = sha3(false);
byte sig[64];
if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_compact(msg.data(), 32, sig, _priv.data(), kFromMessage(msg, _priv).data(), &v))
throw InvalidSignature();
vrs.v = (byte)(v + 27);
vrs.r = fromBigEndian<u256>(bytesConstRef(sig, 32));
vrs.s = fromBigEndian<u256>(bytesConstRef(&(sig[32]), 32));
void Transaction::fillStream(RLPStream& _s, bool _sig) const
_s.appendList(_sig ? 8 : 5);
_s << nonce << receiveAddress << value << fee << data;
if (_sig)
_s << vrs.v << vrs.r << vrs.s;
// If the h256 return is an integer, store it in bigendian (i.e. u256 ret; ... return (h256)ret; )
h256 Transaction::kFromMessage(h256 _msg, h256 _priv)
// TODO!
v = '\x01' * 32
k = '\x00' * 32
priv = encode_privkey(priv,'bin')
msghash = encode(hash_to_int(msghash),256,32)
k = hmac.new(k, v+'\x00'+priv+msghash, hashlib.sha256).digest()
v = hmac.new(k, v, hashlib.sha256).digest()
k = hmac.new(k, v+'\x01'+priv+msghash, hashlib.sha256).digest()
v = hmac.new(k, v, hashlib.sha256).digest()
return decode(hmac.new(k, v, hashlib.sha256).digest(),256)
return h256();