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#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H
#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QtCore/QAbstractListModel>
#include <QtCore/QMutex>
#include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
#include <libethereum/CommonEth.h>
namespace Ui {
class Main;
namespace eth {
class Client;
class State;
class QQuickView;
class QQmlEngine;
class QJSEngine;
class QEthereum;
class QAccount;
class U256Helper: public QObject
U256Helper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {}
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 add(eth::u256 _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a + _b; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 sub(eth::u256 _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a - _b; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 mul(eth::u256 _a, int _b) const { return _a * _b; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 mul(int _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a * _b; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 div(eth::u256 _a, int _b) const { return _a / _b; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 wei(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)_s; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 szabo(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::szabo); }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 finney(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::finney); }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 ether(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::ether); }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 wei(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)_s; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 szabo(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::szabo); }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 finney(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::finney); }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 ether(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::ether); }
Q_INVOKABLE double toWei(eth::u256 _t) const { return (double)_t; }
Q_INVOKABLE double toSzabo(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::szabo; }
Q_INVOKABLE double toFinney(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::finney; }
Q_INVOKABLE double toEther(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::ether; }
Q_INVOKABLE double value(eth::u256 _t) const { return (double)_t; }
Q_INVOKABLE QString stringOf(eth::u256 _t) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::formatBalance(_t)); }
class KeyHelper: public QObject
KeyHelper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {}
Q_INVOKABLE eth::KeyPair create() const { return eth::KeyPair::create(); }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address address(eth::KeyPair _p) const { return _p.address(); }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Secret secret(eth::KeyPair _p) const { return _p.secret(); }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::KeyPair keypair(eth::Secret _k) const { return eth::KeyPair(_k); }
Q_INVOKABLE bool isNull(eth::Address _a) const { return !_a; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address addressOf(QString _s) const { return eth::Address(_s.toStdString()); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString stringOf(eth::Address _a) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::toHex(_a.asArray())); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString toAbridged(eth::Address _a) const { return QString::fromStdString(_a.abridged()); }
class QAccount: public QObject
QAccount(QObject* _p = nullptr);
virtual ~QAccount();
Q_INVOKABLE QEthereum* ethereum() const { return m_eth; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 balance() const;
Q_INVOKABLE double txCount() const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool isContract() const;
// TODO: past transactions models.
public slots:
void setEthereum(QEthereum* _eth);
void changed();
void ethChanged();
QEthereum* m_eth = nullptr;
eth::Address m_address;
Q_PROPERTY(eth::u256 balance READ balance NOTIFY changed STORED false)
Q_PROPERTY(double txCount READ txCount NOTIFY changed STORED false)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isContract READ isContract NOTIFY changed STORED false)
Q_PROPERTY(eth::Address address MEMBER m_address NOTIFY changed)
Q_PROPERTY(QEthereum* ethereum READ ethereum WRITE setEthereum NOTIFY ethChanged)
class QEthereum: public QObject
QEthereum(QObject* _p = nullptr);
virtual ~QEthereum();
eth::Client* client() const;
static QObject* constructU256Helper(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*) { return new U256Helper; }
static QObject* constructKeyHelper(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*) { return new KeyHelper; }
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address coinbase() const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool isListening() const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool isMining() const;
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 balanceAt(eth::Address _a) const;
Q_INVOKABLE double txCountAt(eth::Address _a) const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool isContractAt(eth::Address _a) const;
Q_INVOKABLE unsigned peerCount() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QEthereum* self() { return this; }
public slots:
void transact(eth::Secret _secret, eth::Address _dest, eth::u256 _amount, eth::u256 _gasPrice, eth::u256 _gas, QByteArray _data);
void transact(eth::Secret _secret, eth::u256 _amount, eth::u256 _gasPrice, QVector<eth::u256> _storage);
void setCoinbase(eth::Address);
void setMining(bool _l);
void setListening(bool _l);
void changed();
// void netChanged();
// void miningChanged();
Q_PROPERTY(eth::Address coinbase READ coinbase WRITE setCoinbase NOTIFY changed)
Q_PROPERTY(bool listening READ isListening WRITE setListening)
Q_PROPERTY(bool mining READ isMining WRITE setMining)
class Main : public QMainWindow
explicit Main(QWidget *parent = 0);
eth::Client* client() const { return m_client.get(); }
private slots:
void on_connect_triggered();
void on_mine_triggered();
void on_create_triggered();
void on_net_triggered(bool _auto = false);
void on_about_triggered();
void on_preview_triggered() { refresh(); }
void on_quit_triggered() { close(); }
void refresh();
void refreshNetwork();
void changed();
virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *);
/* QString pretty(eth::Address _a) const;
QString render(eth::Address _a) const;
eth::Address fromString(QString const& _a) const;
eth::State const& state() const;
void updateFee();
void readSettings();
void writeSettings();
eth::u256 fee() const;
eth::u256 total() const;
eth::u256 value() const;
std::unique_ptr<Ui::Main> ui;
QByteArray m_peers;
QMutex m_guiLock;
QTimer* m_refresh;
QTimer* m_refreshNetwork;
QVector<eth::KeyPair> m_myKeys;
bool m_keysChanged = false;
int m_port;
int m_idealPeers;
QString m_clientName;
QStringList m_servers;
QQuickView* m_view;
QNetworkAccessManager m_webCtrl;
std::unique_ptr<eth::Client> m_client;
#endif // MAIN_H