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409 lines
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409 lines
10 KiB
#include <QtQml/QtQml>
#include <QtCore/QtCore>
#include <QtWebKitWidgets/QWebFrame>
#include <libethcore/FileSystem.h>
#include <libethereum/Dagger.h>
#include <libethereum/Client.h>
#include <libethereum/Instruction.h>
#include <libethereum/PeerServer.h>
#include "QEthereum.h"
using namespace std;
// types
using eth::bytes;
using eth::bytesConstRef;
using eth::h160;
using eth::h256;
using eth::u160;
using eth::u256;
using eth::u256s;
using eth::Address;
using eth::BlockInfo;
using eth::Client;
using eth::Instruction;
using eth::KeyPair;
using eth::NodeMode;
using eth::PeerInfo;
using eth::RLP;
using eth::Secret;
using eth::Transaction;
// functions
using eth::toHex;
using eth::assemble;
using eth::compileLisp;
using eth::disassemble;
using eth::formatBalance;
using eth::fromHex;
using eth::right160;
using eth::simpleDebugOut;
using eth::toLog2;
using eth::toString;
using eth::units;
// vars
using eth::g_logPost;
using eth::g_logVerbosity;
using eth::c_instructionInfo;
// Horrible global for the mainwindow. Needed for the QmlEthereums to find the Main window which acts as multiplexer for now.
// Can get rid of this once we've sorted out ITC for signalling & multiplexed querying.
eth::Client* g_qmlClient;
QObject* g_qmlMain;
void QmlAccount::setEthereum(QmlEthereum* _eth)
if (m_eth == _eth)
if (m_eth)
disconnect(m_eth, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
m_eth = _eth;
if (m_eth)
connect(m_eth, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
eth::u256 QmlAccount::balance() const
if (m_eth)
return m_eth->balanceAt(m_address);
return u256(0);
double QmlAccount::txCount() const
if (m_eth)
return m_eth->txCountAt(m_address);
return 0;
bool QmlAccount::isContract() const
if (m_eth)
return m_eth->isContractAt(m_address);
return 0;
QmlEthereum::QmlEthereum(QObject* _p): QObject(_p)
connect(g_qmlMain, SIGNAL(changed()), SIGNAL(changed()));
Client* QmlEthereum::client() const
return g_qmlClient;
Address QmlEthereum::coinbase() const
return client()->address();
void QmlEthereum::setCoinbase(Address _a)
if (client()->address() != _a)
u256 QmlEthereum::balanceAt(Address _a) const
return client()->postState().balance(_a);
bool QmlEthereum::isContractAt(Address _a) const
return client()->postState().addressHasCode(_a);
bool QmlEthereum::isMining() const
return client()->isMining();
bool QmlEthereum::isListening() const
return client()->haveNetwork();
void QmlEthereum::setMining(bool _l)
if (_l)
void QmlEthereum::setListening(bool _l)
if (_l)
double QmlEthereum::txCountAt(Address _a) const
return (double)client()->postState().transactionsFrom(_a);
unsigned QmlEthereum::peerCount() const
return (unsigned)client()->peerCount();
void QmlEthereum::transact(Secret _secret, u256 _amount, u256 _gasPrice, u256 _gas, QByteArray _init)
client()->transact(_secret, _amount, bytes(, + _init.size()), _gas, _gasPrice);
void QmlEthereum::transact(Secret _secret, Address _dest, u256 _amount, u256 _gasPrice, u256 _gas, QByteArray _data)
client()->transact(_secret, _amount, _dest, bytes(, + _data.size()), _gas, _gasPrice);
eth::bytes toBytes(QString const& _s)
if (_s.startsWith("0x"))
// Hex
return eth::fromHex(_s.mid(2).toStdString());
else if (!_s.contains(QRegExp("[^0-9]")))
// Decimal
return eth::toCompactBigEndian(eth::bigint(_s.toStdString()));
// Binary
return asBytes(_s);
QString padded(QString const& _s, unsigned _l, unsigned _r)
eth::bytes b = toBytes(_s);
while (b.size() < _l)
b.insert(b.begin(), 0);
while (b.size() < _r)
return QString::fromStdString(eth::asString(b).substr(b.size() - max(_l, _r)));
QString QEthereum::secretToAddress(QString _s) const
return toQJS(KeyPair(toSecret(_s)).address());
QString padded(QString const& _s, unsigned _l)
if (_s.startsWith("0x") || !_s.contains(QRegExp("[^0-9]")))
// Numeric: pad to right
return padded(_s, _l, _l);
// Text: pad to the left
return padded(_s, 0, _l);
QString unpadded(QString _s)
while (_s.size() && _s.endsWith(QChar(0)))
return _s;
QEthereum::QEthereum(QObject* _p, Client* _c, QList<eth::KeyPair> _accounts): QObject(_p), m_client(_c), m_accounts(_accounts)
connect(_p, SIGNAL(changed()), SIGNAL(changed()));
void QEthereum::setup(QWebFrame* _e)
// disconnect
_e->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("eth", this, QWebFrame::ScriptOwnership);
/* _e->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("u256", new U256Helper, QWebFrame::ScriptOwnership);
_e->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("key", new KeyHelper, QWebFrame::ScriptOwnership);
_e->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("bytes", new BytesHelper, QWebFrame::ScriptOwnership);*/
_e->evaluateJavaScript("eth.newBlock = function(f) { eth.changed.connect(f) }");
_e->evaluateJavaScript(" = function(a, s, f) { eth.changed.connect(f ? f : s) }");
_e->evaluateJavaScript("eth.create = function(s, v, c, g, p, f) { eth.doCreate(s, v, c, g, p); if (f) f() }");
_e->evaluateJavaScript("eth.transact = function(s, v, t, d, g, p, f) { eth.doTransact(s, v, t, d, g, p); if (f) f() }");
_e->evaluateJavaScript("String.prototype.pad = function(l, r) { return eth.pad(this, l, r) }");
_e->evaluateJavaScript("String.prototype.bin = function() { return eth.toBinary(this) }");
_e->evaluateJavaScript("String.prototype.unbin = function(l) { return eth.fromBinary(this) }");
_e->evaluateJavaScript("String.prototype.unpad = function(l) { return eth.unpad(this) }");
void QEthereum::teardown(QWebFrame*)
Client* QEthereum::client() const
return m_client;
QString QEthereum::coinbase() const
return toQJS(client()->address());
QString QEthereum::account() const
if (m_accounts.empty())
return toQJS(Address());
return toQJS(m_accounts[0].address());
QStringList QEthereum::accounts() const
QStringList ret;
for (auto i: m_accounts)
return ret;
QString QEthereum::key() const
if (m_accounts.empty())
return toQJS(KeyPair().sec());
return toQJS(m_accounts[0].sec());
QStringList QEthereum::keys() const
QStringList ret;
for (auto i: m_accounts)
return ret;
void QEthereum::setCoinbase(QString _a)
if (client()->address() != toAddress(_a))
QString QEthereum::balanceAt(QString _a) const
return toQJS(client()->postState().balance(toAddress(_a)));
QString QEthereum::storageAt(QString _a, QString _p) const
return toQJS(client()->postState().storage(toAddress(_a), toU256(_p)));
u256 QEthereum::balanceAt(Address _a) const
return client()->postState().balance(_a);
bool QEthereum::isContractAt(QString _a) const
return client()->postState().addressHasCode(toAddress(_a));
bool QEthereum::isContractAt(Address _a) const
return client()->postState().addressHasCode(_a);
bool QEthereum::isMining() const
return client()->isMining();
bool QEthereum::isListening() const
return client()->haveNetwork();
void QEthereum::setMining(bool _l)
if (_l)
void QEthereum::setListening(bool _l)
if (_l)
double QEthereum::txCountAt(QString _a) const
return (double)client()->postState().transactionsFrom(toAddress(_a));
double QEthereum::txCountAt(Address _a) const
return (double)client()->postState().transactionsFrom(_a);
unsigned QEthereum::peerCount() const
return (unsigned)client()->peerCount();
QString QEthereum::doCreate(QString _secret, QString _amount, QString _init, QString _gas, QString _gasPrice)
return toQJS(client()->transact(toSecret(_secret), toU256(_amount), toBytes(_init), toU256(_gas), toU256(_gasPrice)));
void QEthereum::doTransact(QString _secret, QString _amount, QString _dest, QString _data, QString _gas, QString _gasPrice)
client()->transact(toSecret(_secret), toU256(_amount), toAddress(_dest), toBytes(_data), toU256(_gas), toU256(_gasPrice));
// extra bits needed to link on VS
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// include moc file, ofuscated to hide from automoc
// specify library dependencies, it's easier to do here than in the project since we can control the "d" debug suffix
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define QTLIB(x) x"d.lib"
#define QTLIB(x) x".lib"
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5PlatformSupport"))
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Core"))
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5GUI"))
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Widgets"))
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Network"))