You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
996 B

REM get stuff!
if not exist download mkdir download
if not exist install mkdir install
if not exist install\windows mkdir install\windows
set eth_server=
call :download boost 1.55.0
call :download cryptopp 5.6.2
call :download curl 7.4.2
call :download jsoncpp 1.6.2
call :download json-rpc-cpp 0.5.0
call :download leveldb 1.2
call :download microhttpd 0.9.2
call :download qt 5.4.1
goto :EOF
set eth_name=%1
set eth_version=%2
cd download
if not exist %eth_name%-%eth_version%.tar.gz (
for /f "tokens=2 delims={}" %%g in ('bitsadmin /create %eth_name%-%eth_version%.tar.gz') do (
bitsadmin /transfer {%%g} /download /priority normal %eth_server%/%eth_name%-%eth_version%.tar.gz %cd%\%eth_name%-%eth_version%.tar.gz
bitsadmin /cancel {%%g}
if not exist %eth_name%-%eth_version% cmake -E tar -zxvf %eth_name%-%eth_version%.tar.gz
cmake -E copy_directory %eth_name%-%eth_version% ..\install\windows
cd ..
goto :EOF